The estrogeneration: Attention %+!%%*

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

So you think the internet just gave people the medium to do what they have always wanted to do Mr. Brown? I dunno I don't think its just the internet. The behavior on the internet stems from a deeper issue I believe.

Yes I believe so.... the technology just made it more easy to display this. Im pretty sure the booty shaking videos would not exist but I am sure that the same girls in those videos would be out in the street with some booty exposing clothing if the internet never existed. FB gives simps and oh's the medium to vent.

Everyone wants to make it.... some people are stupid too... so if you mix that, you get the whole picture
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

So you think the internet just gave people the medium to do what they have always wanted to do Mr. Brown? I dunno I don't think its just the internet. The behavior on the internet stems from a deeper issue I believe.

Whats the issue good sir?
The internet wasn't the cause of this attention whoring habit, but it did play a major role in developing. Youtube specially. People saw the opportunity to make videos and share with family and friends, but then came the e-fame with it. People started taking notes and then tried their hardest to get that e-fame themselves. Social networking just added the sprinkling on the cake. People just got too comfortable with the social aspect of it that they are taking it too far. That and instant gratification with media. But you guys already knew that. 
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Nah, I have no clue what estrogen is............ Lukewarm seriously what is your point? Do you want me too apologize, what? Its crazy to me how much some people like to just argue for the sake of arguing. If the whole estrogeneration thing really ruffled your feathers I apologize. You obviously aren't having a TGIF. If you want to talk P.M. me your screams for attention are so deafening its taking the point of this conversation another direction.

this is also an issue 
Originally Posted by bauercans

It is what is. Females are rising up in society playing a more prominent role in media, music, and business.

And because of this things that used to be called "feminine" are steadily becoming acceptable or even normal for men. Hence, the estrogeneration
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by bauercans

It is what is. Females are rising up in society playing a more prominent role in media, music, and business.

And because of this things that used to be called "feminine" are steadily becoming acceptable or even normal for men. Hence, the estrogeneration
Environmental factors are also playing a role on future off springs and their gender. Females are more common than males as time passes due to plastics and other man made objects which affect hormones in humans....estrogen
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Nah, I have no clue what estrogen is............ Lukewarm seriously what is your point? Do you want me too apologize, what? Its crazy to me how much some people like to just argue for the sake of arguing. If the whole estrogeneration thing really ruffled your feathers I apologize. You obviously aren't having a TGIF. If you want to talk P.M. me your screams for attention are so deafening its taking the point of this conversation another direction.

this is also an issue 
Its only when this happens because people disagree with you.
Buckle up and make your stance if you're really worried then. Don't expect for people not to check you on stuff they don't agree with. 

Anyways, the internet allowed us to maximize our narcissitic desires. Plain and simple. Throw in social networking and its a wrap. 
social networking needs to go. it makes people feel way more important than they really are.
People have no balance and structure.

The laws that have governed human action and civil society for hundreds of years have been purposely eroded and replaced with programming to make better consumers and sheep.

Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

Ahh yes, the classic "if you're not feelin' my e-machismo it's likely because you're woman/captain/ayo type dude" routine. Original.
And for someone who doesn't care what I have to say, you're certainly putting in the time and effort with those slights. Don't worry though, I'm sure someone will quote you with the multiple "
" x "
" you seem to be yearning for.



Estrogen-eration, you fit right in with your emotional #%+, cant even realize you're the one going hard for attention in someone else's thread. @#$#.. you're corny
The women who act that way and the men who try to lap up their milk like kittens are the ones with the issues.
The internet definetly plays a huge part. What about television? This whole fake conception of living like reality stars? The funny thing is reality television is just as fake as scripted.
- 24/7 media which sensationalizes everything
- lack of good, local, role models
- single mother households (yeah i said it) where the mother doesn't set limits/restrictions
- dual parent households where the parents don't set limits/restrictions
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by Compel

blame the internets


along with demasculinization of the media and government aid..

I'm not sure how female empowerment, or government aid affects anything in a negative way 

jimmybeanz wrote:

- 24/7 media which sensationalizes everything 
- lack of good, local, role models
- single mother households (yeah i said it) where the mother doesn't set limits/restrictions
- dual parent households where the parents don't set limits/restrictions


This, give someone who grew up this way a Facebook page, and it's a wrap.

People need a good family, or strong moral background, instead of letting celebrities be there role model

Basically people are full of themselves, checking there FB every minute on the minute 
 Basing there social status on how many e-friends they have or whatever, it's ridiculous, but everyone almost everyone is doing it 

It aint just the youngin's either, you got shows like Real Housewives of (insert city), who really cares about that.. You also got grown women camping out to see Twilight  

People need a reality check is all, a serious wakeup call tho..
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