The Most Racist Moments Of The Presidential Race

When I watched this video my support for Obama became a lot stronger. I realized then how important an Obama presidency will finally awaken America that theAmerica of the past is no more and that we have moved on to racial equality in terms of a colored man winning the most powerful job in the world. People likethis Grand Wizard will come to grips with this and hopefully future generations will also realize this.

[h4]KKK leader claims Obama will be Assassinated[/h4]Mature This KKK leader claims Barack Obama will be assassinated quickly if elected president.

Ray Larson, the Imperial Wizard, joined the KKK in 1960 and is determined to attract more members than ever before.

A large percentage of people joining the KKK are under the age of 25 and are Caucasian males. Larson plans attracting more members with these same demographics by enticing them to hate illega More..l immigrants, brainwashing them to hate others like African Americans, homosexuals and members of the Jewish religion.
@ such a big deal over the "fist bump". And I wanna add that,McCain's "That one." comment was taken to a whole new level. I'm Obama all the way but that right there is just s*** to stir up the media.And I'm actually surprised to find out that Hillary has a little bit of racism in her. Never knew that.
@ racism all together.
How ignorant and stupid do people sound by calling him a terrosist like that is just a ridiculous excuse cuz they have nothing else to say smh.......racism atits finest right here and its only gonna get worse
Originally Posted by JDocs
If that's not doctored then

Unfortunately there's plenty of people just as misinformed voting for McCain, but nothing can touch Obama.
They could find Bin Laden in his basement and every bandwagon yuppie would still love how "exciting and captivating" he is

For the record, I DO NOT care that Obama is black or muslim... and I think racism either way is absolutely disgusting
Some people of the other race persuasion I know(that come from a Religious based School), were duped into believing that Barrack is the antichrist.

I find it very shocking that our schools are teaching students these blatant falsehoods and getting away with it.
In response to the vid posted by JDocs... I'm mad they had to go find the most ignorant people in the world to interview.

People need to get educated on Obama's and McCain's stances on all the issues.
I'm kinda surprised they didn't know what pro-life means and that McCain is for it not Obama

And most of all agreeing to Palin as Obama's VP...these people must be on another planet.
I am racist towards stupid people.

are you saying stupidity has to do with race are you calling black people stupid...

damn i cant belive that u have to not watch tv or a newspaper. i hope that it is doctored
Originally Posted by JDocs

God, can black people help it if they are tired of having old white men in the white house? While I agree that they should try to educate themselves on hisstances more I don't think you can blame blacks for wanting a fellow black in power.
i honestly think if he does get voted into office, he will be assasinated
Originally Posted by JDocs
Reaching. You definitely have to take into consideration how many individuals he probably had to screen out just to get to those farce questions.
The people that were on Howard Stern definitely had to be a small percentage because there can't be that many uneducated people. Or could there?
Haha, I just posted that video to share. I'm not even American so I'm not on anyones side
Take a good look at the people in those videos at the McCain/Palin rallies. Those racist individuals represent the core base of the Republican Party. If someRepublicans had their way, they would vote slavery back into effect. This is what the Republican base is mostly made up of, SMH.
Its so funny how alot of ppl on NT would tell others alot of white ppl are not voting for Obama because hes black
And some would say " no thats not why"

I also remember having a discussion with someone stating how not too long ago black ppl were being hung from trees and the people that did the hanging arestill alive. Basically stating there are alot of racist ppl left in america.
And the reply I got was " I dont need a history lesson"

If I could remember what this guys NT name was, I would call him out.
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