Things you do that you think no one else does.

I can't answer my phone and put it to my right ear. Even when i pick it up with my right hand it has to go to my left ear. I have to get a replacement cord at work every month. I'm lobbying for a cordless phone now.
I can't answer my phone and put it to my right ear. Even when i pick it up with my right hand it has to go to my left ear. I have to get a replacement cord at work every month. I'm lobbying for a cordless phone now.
With these past playoffs hit the mute button and pretend I'm the darker side of the players answering media question in my room alone.

Reporter: What happen?
Me: M*&^#$ %^&$@# we lost the game. Open up your !@#$*&$ eye N*$#@
With these past playoffs hit the mute button and pretend I'm the darker side of the players answering media question in my room alone.

Reporter: What happen?
Me: M*&^#$ %^&$@# we lost the game. Open up your !@#$*&$ eye N*$#@
Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

Originally Posted by yankeesking92

-I sing along to any song that comes on while driving.
-I make up music videos in my head

-I imagine sporting events like in soccer scoring the game winning goal in the last 10 seconds of a world cup final. Or throwing a perfect game in game 7 of the World Series or hitting a game winning
grandslam in the bottom of the 9th, 2 outs and down by 3 with the count 3-2

-Whenever I arrive to a new place, I always take the time to know each and every entrance/exit
-I check my phone randomly to see if someone texted/called me and I missed them.
Thought I was the only one.  Always gotta have an escape plan 

hank hill i cant be comfortable peggy until i know where the restroom is
Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

Originally Posted by yankeesking92

-I sing along to any song that comes on while driving.
-I make up music videos in my head

-I imagine sporting events like in soccer scoring the game winning goal in the last 10 seconds of a world cup final. Or throwing a perfect game in game 7 of the World Series or hitting a game winning
grandslam in the bottom of the 9th, 2 outs and down by 3 with the count 3-2

-Whenever I arrive to a new place, I always take the time to know each and every entrance/exit
-I check my phone randomly to see if someone texted/called me and I missed them.
Thought I was the only one.  Always gotta have an escape plan 

hank hill i cant be comfortable peggy until i know where the restroom is
After watching Transformers, I can't help but look at every vehicle and imagining it transform into a robot.
After watching Transformers, I can't help but look at every vehicle and imagining it transform into a robot.
-When I sleep, i always sleep on my back with my head facing the window. if theres no window i always pretend theres one on the right side
-I always smell foods and drinks I havent tried before, regardless of what it is or where Im at

-I hate soggy cereal
I put the milk in the bowl first then add cereal  to cover the top, eat, then repeat this till I finish the milk.  IMO most cereals r better dry
-I clean my room alot. Most times it look clean to other people but my whole room could be clean and if my beds not made or my desk is messy, or I have shoes or socks on the floor, the    room feels disgusting to me so i have to clean it

-I always think about funny or sarcastic things I could/should have said in certain conversations. Sometimes I branch off and think of whole new full conversations of things I hadnt even talked about with the person. Everytime I think of something better to say I start the conversation over in my head so I get the best version so ill know what to say if I ever do have that conversation with the person. kinda weird I kno

-When its windy, I like to turn my hands against the direction the wind is blowing so I can feel the wind in my hands

-I hit everyone and everything with imaginary crossovers or dunks in my head. In my imagination my handle is crazy

-I hate seeing girls wear any kind of fishnet clothing. When I notice it, I look away mad quick. Makes my skin crawl. Shorty could be the baddest girl in the world and I cant even look at her if i see it.
-I touch my beard alot, mostly when im thinking but also randomly like 1000 times a day. Ive done it like 9 times while typing this -
-When I sleep, i always sleep on my back with my head facing the window. if theres no window i always pretend theres one on the right side
-I always smell foods and drinks I havent tried before, regardless of what it is or where Im at

-I hate soggy cereal
I put the milk in the bowl first then add cereal  to cover the top, eat, then repeat this till I finish the milk.  IMO most cereals r better dry
-I clean my room alot. Most times it look clean to other people but my whole room could be clean and if my beds not made or my desk is messy, or I have shoes or socks on the floor, the    room feels disgusting to me so i have to clean it

-I always think about funny or sarcastic things I could/should have said in certain conversations. Sometimes I branch off and think of whole new full conversations of things I hadnt even talked about with the person. Everytime I think of something better to say I start the conversation over in my head so I get the best version so ill know what to say if I ever do have that conversation with the person. kinda weird I kno

-When its windy, I like to turn my hands against the direction the wind is blowing so I can feel the wind in my hands

-I hit everyone and everything with imaginary crossovers or dunks in my head. In my imagination my handle is crazy

-I hate seeing girls wear any kind of fishnet clothing. When I notice it, I look away mad quick. Makes my skin crawl. Shorty could be the baddest girl in the world and I cant even look at her if i see it.
-I touch my beard alot, mostly when im thinking but also randomly like 1000 times a day. Ive done it like 9 times while typing this -
FOG wrote:

-When I'm home alone I sometimes talk to myself. Not in a weird way or anything, I'll just say some things out loud rather than in my head. I think it'd be kind of weird if someone was by themselves and was just always dead silent. I tend to do this especially when I'm high.
-i got a habit of rocking 1 sock when im in the crib chillin.

-i dont like lunch meat/deli sandwiches where the cheese is touching the bread

-it hurts my soul when i cant see all for corners of the tv (like if there is a water bottle sittin in front of it)

- i kill people in my head on the daily...some ppl multiple times.

cant thinkk of the others at the moment..playin 2k bbl 
FOG wrote:

-When I'm home alone I sometimes talk to myself. Not in a weird way or anything, I'll just say some things out loud rather than in my head. I think it'd be kind of weird if someone was by themselves and was just always dead silent. I tend to do this especially when I'm high.
-i got a habit of rocking 1 sock when im in the crib chillin.

-i dont like lunch meat/deli sandwiches where the cheese is touching the bread

-it hurts my soul when i cant see all for corners of the tv (like if there is a water bottle sittin in front of it)

- i kill people in my head on the daily...some ppl multiple times.

cant thinkk of the others at the moment..playin 2k bbl 
I know I'm the only one who does this:

I suck air through my butthole and fart it out.
I know I'm the only one who does this:

I suck air through my butthole and fart it out.
Originally Posted by FOG

After watching Transformers, I can't help but look at every vehicle and imagining it transform into a robot.

I can't help but look at every single piece of machinery and imagine I am that robot transforming
Originally Posted by FOG

After watching Transformers, I can't help but look at every vehicle and imagining it transform into a robot.

I can't help but look at every single piece of machinery and imagine I am that robot transforming
Originally Posted by ALDY


 at most of the replies on this thread..

I have a feeling i'm gonna be visiting this thread often.

Off the top of my head.. (pause)
- Brush my teeth after every time I eat. (Toothbrush bristles be bent in a day or two..)


- I act like a ninja at times.. As in like sneaking up on people, opens doors quietly, I try not to make too much noise, etc.
Word to the butler in Mr. Deeds. 


- I run up the stairs as if I'm racing someone.. ( Always Skip Steps.. Undefeated )


- "OCD" isn't even a concern, it runs in my family.. 

   Can't beat being clean though. 

Oh yea can't forget the daily thing that I do.. 


# >Oxygen.
Name of lady in first pic?
Originally Posted by ALDY


 at most of the replies on this thread..

I have a feeling i'm gonna be visiting this thread often.

Off the top of my head.. (pause)
- Brush my teeth after every time I eat. (Toothbrush bristles be bent in a day or two..)


- I act like a ninja at times.. As in like sneaking up on people, opens doors quietly, I try not to make too much noise, etc.
Word to the butler in Mr. Deeds. 


- I run up the stairs as if I'm racing someone.. ( Always Skip Steps.. Undefeated )


- "OCD" isn't even a concern, it runs in my family.. 

   Can't beat being clean though. 

Oh yea can't forget the daily thing that I do.. 


# >Oxygen.
Name of lady in first pic?
Originally Posted by FOG

-Occasionally, when I'm alone in my house or at work or something, I'll just randomly think of some person, often a female friend.

Then I will, for a reason I have no hope of explaining, simply assume they are using some sort crystal orb or magical device to view the world through my eyes.

Because of this, I will spend the next several minutes doing things in a dramatic or over-powerful manner, representing my nonchalant daily activities as some sort of heroic adventure that only the most powerful of men could ever hope to accomplish, all in the vain hope that I will impress whichever female just so happens to be looking through my eyes at the time.

I used to do this ALL the time.
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