Trading In the Player Card. (Help/Suggestions) Now Pics

Apr 6, 2004
So I'm away at school but this girl I talk to almost every day and when I'm at home we're together more or less. I really like this girl a lot butobviously can't have anything long distance but given I'm going to be home in less than a month would it be worth it to go out with her even for 3months or so? I hit chicks here at school but am not seriously in to any of them and back at home I have a whole bunch of jump offs I just don;t know if asummer fling would be worth it. Girls that I actually like being around don't come around too often its just that what happens if everything goes well thewhole 3 months? I definitely can't be having a long distance relationship in AZ. Way too tempting.
i dont even know....but knowing your style, she's bad...

i wouldnt do it...i'm going through the same thing myself...depends on her far is the commute?
hmmm she looks like the type to be very freaky in bed

I could see some people will probably find something wrong with her nose...but who cares, I'd smash her
Originally Posted by fvargas2000

Thats a tough one since you say you really feel the girl, how far apart are you guys?

I go to school at U of Arizona. She goes to SJSU. What I'm really asking is would it be worth it to go out basically for the summer?
Originally Posted by dfresh244

Originally Posted by fvargas2000

Thats a tough one since you say you really feel the girl, how far apart are you guys?

I go to school at U of Arizona. She goes to SJSU. What I'm really asking is would it be worth it to go out basically for the summer?

go for it, this is a no-brainer
I thought you posted that girl on the "Post your GF" thread. Son was she in your wish list or something?

maybe i am just trippin.

Then no, you say you have a bunch of jump offs back home already so there is no need since you will most likely being ending it with her after the 3 months,why take the chance to hurt the girl or yourself?
Originally Posted by fvargas2000

Then no, you say you have a bunch of jump offs back home already so there is no need since you will most likely being ending it with her after the 3 months, why take the chance to hurt the girl or yourself?

Truth. I pretty much had this figured out I just needed some reaffirmation. It's just a hard decision to make for me

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

How's PMac gonna take the news?

On a side note how is my dude PMac gonna just peace from schoolfor a whole week to go back to LA. Pat also seems to have a very similar issue actually
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