Vietnam War Vol. Fight or Dodge

Truth be told I counldn't even give you a straight answer. Knowing what I know now, of course I would dodge.

Back then though, not knowing any better I would've went thinking it was the right thing to do.
If i don't support the war then I am not going to fight in it.

But to the people that say they would NEVER serve are you just anti violence?  Knowing the holocaust was happening you wouldn't have signed up to stop that atrocity?  What if China just announced they want to take over the US and started bombing random cities?

I think it depends on your personal reason for fighting obviously, and I think war is a last resort but some times conflict can't be avoided and I would be willing to fight for what I believe in/my freedom if it came to that. 

I'd serve if they gave me a job that suited my education level / value add.

I'm not a foot soldier / pawn.

Let me do some engineering type work, but I def should not be doing the same mindless crap that the guy off the street with no college education is doing or somebody with a joker degree,
 You're asking this question to this current generation?  The ones that are checking in on Facebook when they eat pizza?  Come on now!  
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

 You're asking this question to this current generation?  The ones that are checking in on Facebook when they eat pizza?  Come on now!  
I'm in this current generation although I do not facebook my pizza exploits. 
SunDoobie summed it up pretty well.

Times are definitely different. My Dad was 19 when he got drafted, he was in school doing an masonry program. But he was also (relatively) poor and black from the country. Not too much of a choice whether or not he was going. If he didn't go, he would have gone to jail, and pretty much any of the limited opportunities for a better life would have been snatched away. Obviously, he made it back (after damn near getting blown up, he has serious scars on his back from grenade frags; my mother said when they first got married, 10 years after coming back, she could still pick pieces of frag from his back). He went to college on the GI Bill, to this day still gets some 25% disability, and job opportunities from being an honorably discharged, 'disabled' black combat vet
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame


I'd serve if they gave me a job that suited my education level / value add.

I'm not a foot soldier / pawn.

Let me do some engineering type work, but I def should not be doing the same mindless crap that the guy off the street with no college education is doing or somebody with a joker degree,

There are plenty Jobs (mos's) in the military for people like you who think they are smart and wanna use there brain but everyone in the military is infantry first so u may be a engineer but if somethin goes down best beliee at some point you will be on the ground thats why they have basic combat training for every soldier
Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

Fight for Viet Congs. I'm Vietnamese and if Vietnam ever goes to war with any country I'm serving.

Really?  Vietnam's very own don't even support the VC by choice.
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

real life, i think any war is stupid. violence? really?

i am not going to let a guy high in power use my life to fix his problem. its already every man for himself in your own Neighborhood, so why would i want to pretend like its a pride/country thing.

dodge, whatever that means.

<Laurence Fishburne>Black man dont serve no purpose in the army<Laurence Fishburne>

I would dodge the war. Especially when our country commits false flag attack to start wars.
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