What asinine stuff do you do when drunk?

I start tweeting about my ex. Then in the morning I hear it from my current gf 
Text harlots
Text harlots
Argue with exes
Kiss random harlots
Convince girls to flash
Text harlots
Argue with exes
Drink more
Occasional sex
Wake up and ask my friends what happened the night before.
I've been told I'm a very level headed drunk, I try to talk to people about quantum physics and organic chemistry.

With that being said my standards they thrown out the window when I drink.:x
gone to my office really late at night drunk on more than once occasion. dont live near my office but i have 24 access so if i go out in the city (DC) after work and dont have a place to crash, ill just sleep there. have a lounge there with some comfortable furniture. 

ive fallen asleep at random spots. fell asleep on a bench near the Canadian embassy and fell asleep on the platform at the Ft. Totten metro. not my proudest or brightest moments 
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gone to my office really late at night drunk on more than once occasion. dont live near my office but i have 24 access so if i go out in the city (DC) after work and dont have a place to crash, ill just sleep there. have a lounge there with some comfortable furniture. 

ive fallen asleep at random spots. fell asleep on a bench near the Canadian embassy and fell asleep on the platform at the Ft. Totten metro. not my proudest or brightest moments :smh:

Canadian emabassy. lol
Damn, I'm pretty functional when I'm around people drinking but you reminded me how dumb I get when I'm trying to get home.

I once spent 3+ hours stumbling home because I started walking the WRONG WAY for a good hour before I realized what I was doing.

Walked into a 7-11 around 2am completely obliterated and stole some candy just for the adrenaline rush.

Pretty sure I urinated on a gravestone. Felt kinda bad as I was doing it.
Nah I'm not sloppy with it, I turn into like a drunken master of some sort. I become very acute and cognitive functions become decentralized. Which is probably why I become EXTREMELY honest. see no point in mitigation in such primal consciousness I guess.
Used to drunk dial and text a lot.

It used to work out surprisingly well for me too
My drunk text game is top notch 

I've been told I do bite everybody though.
Me too 


Personally, I just basically come outta my shell. I say things I would usually hold in (most of the time those things aren't too stupid).

I hit on a lot more women than I usually would. I talk to everyone.

I'm a pretty friendly drunk, but I also get cranky every now and then if someone rubs me the wrong way.

I get pretty self conscious when I'm drunk tho and don't want people seeing me sloppy and whatnot, but I've been told I actually keep it together pretty well.

I'm just overall a blast when I'm drunk and do whatever the hell I want for the most part with no dambs given. 
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I get really temperamental (e.g. aggressive, emotional, easily offended, happy, etc.) it all depends on the environment.

But usually smoke ALOT. Try to talk to every girl and remind them exactly how beautiful I am and sometimes I do kiss random girls :smh:
I lose dambs.

I call or text girls I am interested in (this is less common because to think about them i usually have to not be preoccupied with whatever girl I'm dancing with at the time.)

I become more alpha.
i blacked out one time. i know i was downtown. i walked to lake street light rail station. minneapolis heads know that's a decent hike. i know i walked there because i woke up in the train station on a bench with 4034 texts from my boys who i was with asking where i was. this was like 3 hours after the club let out. it was still 100 degrees out too. train came 5 minutes later and my mom lives 2 blocks from a stop so i just went there and crashed. still have no idea what happened and why i walked to lake street instead of taking the light rail from downtown or better yet why i didn't just ride home with my boys. :lol:

i also do stupid **** like buy another bottle when we have a table and over draft my account. :stoneface:

my house has a guest house too. it's like the party area of my crib. for some reason i thought the futon was a urinal and the sink was a puke bucket. i never want to be that drunk again.
Everything just seems to be funnier when I'm drunk. I just start dying laughing at the most trivial things.
i blacked out one time. i know i was downtown. i walked to lake street light rail station. minneapolis heads know that's a decent hike. i know i walked there because i woke up in the train station on a bench with 4034 texts from my boys who i was with asking where i was. this was like 3 hours after the club let out. it was still 100 degrees out too. train came 5 minutes later and my mom lives 2 blocks from a stop so i just went there and crashed. still have no idea what happened and why i walked to lake street instead of taking the light rail from downtown or better yet why i didn't just ride home with my boys. :lol:

i also do stupid **** like buy another bottle when we have a table and over draft my account. :stoneface:

my house has a guest house too. it's like the party area of my crib. for some reason i thought the futon was a urinal and the sink was a puke bucket. i never want to be that drunk again.

i've done the overdraft thing more then once. smh
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