What asinine stuff do you do when drunk?

im the worst drunk texter ever i usually get my phone taken away from me lol the worst is the next morning looking at my sent texts and being soo embarrased 
I'm really ashamed of this, but I used to drive buzzed all the time. I was drinking pretty heavily at the time so I was used to it, but I have no excuses. I don't drink any more, but I will NEVER, EVER drink and drive again. I'm incredibly lucky I never hurt anyone, got hurt, or got pulled over.
Is this a drunk story thread or just how one is when they are drunk?

Cuz i got stories for days.

Not too long ago my brother and I spent the weekend in jail because we got into a fist fight....with each other. SMH
I'm really ashamed of this, but I used to drive buzzed all the time. I was drinking pretty heavily at the time so I was used to it, but I have no excuses. I don't drink any more, but I will NEVER, EVER drink and drive again. I'm incredibly lucky I never hurt anyone, got hurt, or got pulled over.
what made you change this
I'm really ashamed of this, but I used to drive buzzed all the time. I was drinking pretty heavily at the time so I was used to it, but I have no excuses. I don't drink any more, but I will NEVER, EVER drink and drive again. I'm incredibly lucky I never hurt anyone, got hurt, or got pulled over.
what made you change this
I'm an addict/ alcoholic, so I'm trying to stay away from anything of that sort. I didn't really equate buzzed driving with drunk driving until I sobered up and realized how dumb I was being.
I'm really ashamed of this, but I used to drive buzzed all the time. I was drinking pretty heavily at the time so I was used to it, but I have no excuses. I don't drink any more, but I will NEVER, EVER drink and drive again. I'm incredibly lucky I never hurt anyone, got hurt, or got pulled over.
what made you change this
I'm an addict/ alcoholic, so I'm trying to stay away from anything of that sort. I didn't really equate buzzed driving with drunk driving until I sobered up and realized how dumb I was being.
damn man, glad you're doing better tho
My drunk text game is top notch 

Me too 

Personally, I just basically come outta my shell. I say things I would usually hold in (most of the time those things aren't too stupid).

I hit on a lot more women than I usually would. I talk to everyone.

I'm a pretty friendly drunk, but I also get cranky every now and then if someone rubs me the wrong way.

I get pretty self conscious when I'm drunk tho and don't want people seeing me sloppy and whatnot, but I've been told I actually keep it together pretty well.

I'm just overall a blast when I'm drunk and do whatever the hell I want for the most part with no dambs given. 
Well last time I ended up kissing on this fat chick and it cost me other yambs for the night. Matter of fact, getting drunk has lost me many yambs, I need to stop.
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