Whats The Scariest/Most Shocking Thing You Have Ever Witnessed??

seeing my mother get abused from my father multiple times til i was 9 y/o. him being a drunk/drug addict smh
seeing my mother get abused from my father multiple times til i was 9 y/o. him being a drunk/drug addict smh
another thing is that one time me n a friend was walking by our school n some dude out of no where comes out and yells out from like the 3rd floor from his balcony
n he just points a gun at us and start shooting and us. we dipped! feels like a dream but it really happen.
another thing is that one time me n a friend was walking by our school n some dude out of no where comes out and yells out from like the 3rd floor from his balcony
n he just points a gun at us and start shooting and us. we dipped! feels like a dream but it really happen.
Seeing vampedo trying to get little girls SMH

Came home one night and there was a guy walking with a butcher knife stuck in his neck after a game of cards, blood was just shooting and pouring out, somehow he survived

When I was about 12 me and my friends were into BMX and we were riding home, had to cut through a bad hood to get home and all of a sudden they sped off and some dude was riding next to me and turned but I guess he had a gun in his hand pointed at me

I didn't see this personally but my bro in law was an EMT and was called on a huge wreck on the highway, they couldn't find a six year old girl and he lifted the back seat and she was mangled and dead back there, car was destroyed that badly.
Seeing vampedo trying to get little girls SMH

Came home one night and there was a guy walking with a butcher knife stuck in his neck after a game of cards, blood was just shooting and pouring out, somehow he survived

When I was about 12 me and my friends were into BMX and we were riding home, had to cut through a bad hood to get home and all of a sudden they sped off and some dude was riding next to me and turned but I guess he had a gun in his hand pointed at me

I didn't see this personally but my bro in law was an EMT and was called on a huge wreck on the highway, they couldn't find a six year old girl and he lifted the back seat and she was mangled and dead back there, car was destroyed that badly.
seen alot of crazy @!++, i used to work at a liquor store in the hood but one thing that was shocking but funny at the same time was, this dude walks in around 12:45 am, about 15 minutes before we close. He starts speed walking thru all the aisles and he starts talking to him self the whole time, so i grab the piece and was like " man o man, what a way to end a 14 hour shift ". The owner of the store was in a bulletproof office while my %%# has to ring him up, so he comes up to the counter with a 40 and was screaming about how his boy threw him out of his car on the freeway and how he walked all the way here and dude is getting real aggresive, like you know when a dude starts telling you a story but he's staring you down like he wants to kill you. So im just like "yup, yup, damn thats messed up" So dude is sweating like Patrick Ewing and is just pouring his heart out then he pulls out a Newport and lights it up, the owner in the comfy %%# bullet proof office taps on the glass and goes ' yo pimp, no smoking " of course this dude looks at me and goes " what that mother $!*+%! say to me ", say they go back in forth while im standing next to this crazy %%# dude, the owner pulls out his gun and taps it on the window to scare him, this only pumps this dude up, " o you gonna kill me mother $!*+%!, well come on +###%, you aint @!++ " for some reason im not even scared, im kind of shaking my head and laughing, he keeps looking at me like were boys, he's like " this mother $!*+%! think he gonna scare me with that little %%# toy ". So finally the owner asks him one last time to put it out, and he turns his head, stares me down, puts it out on his tongue, doesnt even blink and turns back to the owner ands says " thats life " and walks out the store, shocking and funny looking back at it.
Originally Posted by jumpman247

Justin Bieber, Kanye, and Raekwon on the same track -_-

I heard this 3%## yesterday. What a travesty.

seen alot of crazy @!++, i used to work at a liquor store in the hood but one thing that was shocking but funny at the same time was, this dude walks in around 12:45 am, about 15 minutes before we close. He starts speed walking thru all the aisles and he starts talking to him self the whole time, so i grab the piece and was like " man o man, what a way to end a 14 hour shift ". The owner of the store was in a bulletproof office while my %%# has to ring him up, so he comes up to the counter with a 40 and was screaming about how his boy threw him out of his car on the freeway and how he walked all the way here and dude is getting real aggresive, like you know when a dude starts telling you a story but he's staring you down like he wants to kill you. So im just like "yup, yup, damn thats messed up" So dude is sweating like Patrick Ewing and is just pouring his heart out then he pulls out a Newport and lights it up, the owner in the comfy %%# bullet proof office taps on the glass and goes ' yo pimp, no smoking " of course this dude looks at me and goes " what that mother $!*+%! say to me ", say they go back in forth while im standing next to this crazy %%# dude, the owner pulls out his gun and taps it on the window to scare him, this only pumps this dude up, " o you gonna kill me mother $!*+%!, well come on +###%, you aint @!++ " for some reason im not even scared, im kind of shaking my head and laughing, he keeps looking at me like were boys, he's like " this mother $!*+%! think he gonna scare me with that little %%# toy ". So finally the owner asks him one last time to put it out, and he turns his head, stares me down, puts it out on his tongue, doesnt even blink and turns back to the owner ands says " thats life " and walks out the store, shocking and funny looking back at it.
After passing through an intersection near Studio City, CA.

We made a U-Turn to go back to that same one to hit the freeway we missed. "Lo and Behold there was a three car collision and lifeless bodies laying all over a third of the t-intersection. It felt like they were shooting a movie but it was real....
After passing through an intersection near Studio City, CA.

We made a U-Turn to go back to that same one to hit the freeway we missed. "Lo and Behold there was a three car collision and lifeless bodies laying all over a third of the t-intersection. It felt like they were shooting a movie but it was real....
Originally Posted by FREAKSHOW

Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

Originally Posted by FREAKSHOW

about 2 months i was in a cafe when a guy came in shot up 4 girls killed them all point blank. and walk out..
he killed them for no reason.. one of them was his ex gf and was jealous of her moving on..
this is in hialeah , fl.. came out on the news and all.
never going to forget that nite. when in there to get some water and saw ppl died..

Yo I seen that &#&@ on the news!!!! I live here in Kendall..They showed surveillance video and everything. Damn you were in there when it happen Forreal? Cause the showed some guy trying to hold the door closed when the guy was rolling up there, so I'm wondering if that was you or something?
yeah i live in kendall too right by braddock.. naw i was at the counter asking for water.. if i was the dude holding the door and then i saw what he did i think i would of cried..

Used to live in west palm beach and yea i saw that on the news.*!%% was crazy,R.I.P. to those girls 

One night I was coming home from visiting my boy and his son at the hospital and the hospital was right around the corner from the hood where most of the crime in the city happens,45th street. So I had to go through there to get home.So as im driving through the road,its about 11pm,I see a group of about 6 guys walking on the sidewalk. All of a sudden,a yellow chevelle pulls up full speed from behind my car,you hear the rubber and everything. I see the windows roll down and 2 dudes with what i thought to be uzis,start shooting right at them.I just stopped,i couldnt drive cause i was in shock. I see about 3 dudes on the ground with bullets riddled on their backs and one guy with one right though the back of his head.Blood all over the ground and  2 of them that sisnt get shot just pull out their own glocks and start shooting before the car is gone. Im still frozen as its happening and they turn around and see me and other cars stopped and start shooting in our direction so put my foot as hard as i could onthe peddle and just drove the fastest ive ever gone.My back windhield got a couple bullets in it but thank god none hit me.. It was on the news the next day. My friend felt bad about it because i was coming home from visiting him and his son.Never been so scared in my life.The images of the dudes lying on the ground are still in my head.
Originally Posted by FREAKSHOW

Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

Originally Posted by FREAKSHOW

about 2 months i was in a cafe when a guy came in shot up 4 girls killed them all point blank. and walk out..
he killed them for no reason.. one of them was his ex gf and was jealous of her moving on..
this is in hialeah , fl.. came out on the news and all.
never going to forget that nite. when in there to get some water and saw ppl died..

Yo I seen that &#&@ on the news!!!! I live here in Kendall..They showed surveillance video and everything. Damn you were in there when it happen Forreal? Cause the showed some guy trying to hold the door closed when the guy was rolling up there, so I'm wondering if that was you or something?
yeah i live in kendall too right by braddock.. naw i was at the counter asking for water.. if i was the dude holding the door and then i saw what he did i think i would of cried..

Used to live in west palm beach and yea i saw that on the news.*!%% was crazy,R.I.P. to those girls 

One night I was coming home from visiting my boy and his son at the hospital and the hospital was right around the corner from the hood where most of the crime in the city happens,45th street. So I had to go through there to get home.So as im driving through the road,its about 11pm,I see a group of about 6 guys walking on the sidewalk. All of a sudden,a yellow chevelle pulls up full speed from behind my car,you hear the rubber and everything. I see the windows roll down and 2 dudes with what i thought to be uzis,start shooting right at them.I just stopped,i couldnt drive cause i was in shock. I see about 3 dudes on the ground with bullets riddled on their backs and one guy with one right though the back of his head.Blood all over the ground and  2 of them that sisnt get shot just pull out their own glocks and start shooting before the car is gone. Im still frozen as its happening and they turn around and see me and other cars stopped and start shooting in our direction so put my foot as hard as i could onthe peddle and just drove the fastest ive ever gone.My back windhield got a couple bullets in it but thank god none hit me.. It was on the news the next day. My friend felt bad about it because i was coming home from visiting him and his son.Never been so scared in my life.The images of the dudes lying on the ground are still in my head.
I was in Trinidad a few years back on the Beetham Highway at like 1AM. I was in the car with my cousin heading to Port of Spain and we were going about 140 Km/h. A Nissan Skyline i think it was a R33, white FLEW past us, I mean had to be going over 200 Km/h. The car then proceeded to lift off the ground and flip violently. Mind you, this is at night. The car continued to skid upside down for 15+ seconds in front of us (we hadn't slowed down). The car burst into flames and the driver climbs out of the window. We stop and hear music BLASTING.....he then starts screaming "SHE'S STILL IN THERE!!!!" My cousin drove off since the neighborhood was so bad. He said we'd get robbed on the highway if we stopped.......It was the single scariest thing I have ever seen. Worse than seeing someone get shot (saw someone get shot on Flatbush years ago)...
I was in Trinidad a few years back on the Beetham Highway at like 1AM. I was in the car with my cousin heading to Port of Spain and we were going about 140 Km/h. A Nissan Skyline i think it was a R33, white FLEW past us, I mean had to be going over 200 Km/h. The car then proceeded to lift off the ground and flip violently. Mind you, this is at night. The car continued to skid upside down for 15+ seconds in front of us (we hadn't slowed down). The car burst into flames and the driver climbs out of the window. We stop and hear music BLASTING.....he then starts screaming "SHE'S STILL IN THERE!!!!" My cousin drove off since the neighborhood was so bad. He said we'd get robbed on the highway if we stopped.......It was the single scariest thing I have ever seen. Worse than seeing someone get shot (saw someone get shot on Flatbush years ago)...
After passing through an intersection near Studio City, CA.

We made a U-Turn to go back to that same one to hit the freeway we missed. "Lo and Behold there was a three car collision and lifeless bodies laying all over a third of the t-intersection. It felt like they were shooting a movie but it was real....
After passing through an intersection near Studio City, CA.

We made a U-Turn to go back to that same one to hit the freeway we missed. "Lo and Behold there was a three car collision and lifeless bodies laying all over a third of the t-intersection. It felt like they were shooting a movie but it was real....
Hanging out at White Castle after a great night. Actually EVERYBODY makes that their spot after the club, just chilling in the parking lot or whatever. Next thing I know I seen a car coming out of no where (stolen car). It was going so fast, it looked like it was bouncing on air. Pretty sure the driver was just trying to show off in front of everybody by going fast. He lost control of the car, the car flipped the curb and ran into a steel fence. Passenger got out and ran, a cop just so happened to be there (like I said, they know where everybody is going to after the club), anyways, cop chases him. We got close up on the car to look at the driver. I looked like he didn't have any resemblance of his mouth left. Obviously he was wearing seatbelt, his mouth caught the steering wheel.

Second one, guy loses control on motorcyle. Almost gets macked by passing cars, luckily he was riding with a group of other motorcyles that shielded him from getting hit. He actually got up though. I thought he was done. His bike was done though.
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