Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

 sting ?? 
wish it could be the rock 
Going to be really torn with the Ravens game and a pretty much "must-see" Raw tonight...Luckily I'll get to watch the first segment before the game even starts....
I haven't watched in forever but if Ziggler is finally gonna get the rightful push he deserves then I will be tuning back in

it's still pathetic your WWE champion doesn't show up on one of the 4 major PPV's...Brock sucks
Speaking of Rusev though, I'm glad they did the right thing with him last night and didn't let him catch a pointless pin. Have to keep building him towards WM31 where he'll probably end up jobbing to Cena :smh:
Does anybody else feel like this could be the beginning of a new era in the WWE?
I actually do sort of think so. Lots of new faces in prominent storylines. Rollins/Rusev/Ziggler/Ambrose/Wyatt/Harper/Ryback/Reigns. I also thought it was interesting how they had Cena get eliminated. Maybe it leads to him taking more of a secondary role...
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It would definitely play up the fact that Miz doesn't see Mizdow as a real person. I fully expect this to be the case and will still laugh once I see it on-screen

Does anybody else feel like this could be the beginning of a new era in the WWE?
russev looked impressive squashing that table 

Hated that spot. The monster heel who makes no mistakes belly flops into a table. So looney tunes. Should of just had ryback come back out and hit the meat hook closeline and count him out.

Other than sting and zigs performance ppv sucked. Hated the finish, zigs and black just taking a nap and sting rolling him over for the pin. And john cena sitting in the back drinking a protein shake while triple h is trying to save his job. Than he comes out and takes zigs shine at the finish. I hate wwe booking, no logic what so ever.

4w was right, nobody in the Universe knew who Sting was..Did you hear those crickets chirping..I gotta give Catmandoo credit, he was 100% on the money..

it's the conversations they have that drags the entire commentary down to the point where the 1 time cole does something well no one cares their play by play/color is atrocious

I was just thinking that same thing..It's like none of them know when to shut the hell up and let just 1 person talk..Perfect example is when Sting comes out and JBL starts in with the "6 time WCW champions...3 time NW" *King squeals and starts trying to talk over JBL* "A World Champion" *King blubbering "what the hell's he doing here"...It's just so unpolished..And not in the good kinda way like Joey E. Styles used to be..Vince desperately needs to get King off the mic and get a new young gun in there..Let JBL go back to how he was commentating when he first came back (dropping random facts, recognizing other promotions, giving a more detailed history of the wrestlers)..And for the love of everything that's good in this world, ban Maggle from saying whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa every damn time anything even partially exciting happens..
No complaints about sting,he will bring in a good amount of fans to watch the product ,they did a good job with that.can't wait to see ziggler catch the beats and a few curb stomps from seth tho

Seeing a lot of new cats or old cats posting in here about it so sting must be doing his job
Can't say this enough but Seth Rollins is the best heel in the company right now. Every time I see him on my TV screen, I just want to see him get his *** kicked. He plays the coward role amazingly. The "tag your partner" taunt was hilarious which made him eating the pin all the more rewarding.
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