Recent content by elementalrisk

  1. elementalrisk

    edit: delete

    Sorry just wanna see if Yuku lets me edit this - for some reason I keep getting a error 404 screen when I want to edit or create a new post. Can any1 helpme?
  2. elementalrisk

    Dressing better

    I would just like to say thank you to all who inputted information in this post It really helped me put a few things together Thanks to everyone who inputted their suggestions - NONE were wrong - everyone hastheir own style and thats what i love about this thread.
  3. elementalrisk

    Lets face it, if you're in General you know whats up!

    general basically rules all. someone should make a Gen-TALK banner
  4. elementalrisk

    Dressing better

    Any1 wanna recommend me some nice black straight legged jeans - that are not 501 Shiny? I cant pull that off but the LEVIs price tag is exactly around my range. any alternatives?
  5. elementalrisk

    So dude broke my car window...

    yea id be a little peeved at your friend as well.
  6. elementalrisk

    So my Dad just sent me a Facebook Request, LULZ , Updated pg 4

    o man be careful from now on
  7. elementalrisk

    Smash or Pass of the day. 2/9/09 She's on page 22

    ^ smash. looks like a freak and the sex would be artistic
  8. elementalrisk

    how do Tapout shirts fit?

    from what I see - their most likely tight because every fella i see wearing them - it fits REALLY tight so unless people are picking a size smaller each time - it must be a tight fitting shirt
  9. elementalrisk


    Im very proud of lamar Odom. Very proud indeed
  10. elementalrisk

    Mario Lopez on ABDC

    um i think he means the guy sitting down?
  11. elementalrisk

    People bump fists (rock) and slap fives (paper), why not scissors?

    Itll look like your rubbing Finger Vaginas
  12. elementalrisk

    Who is this Chick? NT detectives come in!!! Vol. 50 Cent putting in work! Update: Case Solved

    ^ i am very offended by you saying that. honestly
  13. elementalrisk

    Being a casual comic book fan FTL

    They always come back....
  14. elementalrisk

    Lost Power City: It was fun while it lasted

    I was the guy who sold my lpc items/$$ through paypal. Yes guys. it was me. Im sorry.
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