Alt-White Rally: Charlottesville, VA

You'd think that it's common knowledge by now that Jesus' image was changed because of Europeans trying to convince their people that the Crusades were necessary to take back "their" holy land from Middle Eastern heathens.
You'd think that it's common knowledge by now that Jesus' image was changed because of Europeans trying to convince their people that the Crusades were necessary to take back "their" holy land from Middle Eastern heathens.
You'd also think driving a car into a crowd is not ok. :smh:

Some very simple concepts are apparently too hard to grasp for some people. Or animals should I say.
this the realest jesus

Jesus is as real as the tooth fairy and Santa Clause.
Jesus the man existed tho...its been proven numerous times. Whether the miracles happened or not..up to your faith. But the actual human being...was real. And the rock is the tooth fairy. Deal with it.
Its not a black and white issue. The media made it a black and white issue. I guess she missed the part where all those nerds took to the streets last weekend in the name of white supremacy. And look at the 2 bed wenches beside her smh
I'm being semi-serious right now but no one has it harder than "woke" white people right now. :rofl:Minorities especially black people been dealing with this mess forever, we are used to it. White people over here disowning friends and family, straight going to war. I love it, its about f....time.

:nerd: :nerd: :nerd::nerd: :nerd:
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