Alt-White Rally: Charlottesville, VA

One group at most consisted of around 100 people, some of their speakers being known members of racist/supremacist organizations.

The other was an estimated 15,000 or more people from various walks of life opposing such hateful rhetoric.

and compare that to da population of Boston.


like i said, let both of em yell and protest, its da first amendment by da way, secure da area with proper crowd control, and *poof* things over before you're even thinking about dinner.
da average person can't operate a automobile either... doesn't mean guns or cars are going anywhere anytime soon.

My guy this makes absolutely no sense at all.

Your average person definitely can operate an automobile. You have to pass a test to be able to legally drive one.

I bought one of my guns on my lunch break :lol:
u sound like a idiot.

liberals like you are da reason Democrats hemorrhage support, i wouldn't be caught dead interacting with your ilk constantly invoking "white supremacists salem witch trials"

ish tiring, if it ain't about Greenback supremacy da vaaaaaast majority of Americans dont care.

i suggest you and your acolytes get a clue too or its gonna be more of da same L's for 2018.

didnt he say that he hasnt felt racism? come on man. Terrible usage. He was one of the defenders of cops killin black dudes. Saying we need to act better and do what they tell us to. His opinion moot af. Fall back.

why wouldn't i want to take down the statues that evil people take pride in?? Its been done in crusades throughout history. You invade a new place, the first thing you do is destroy the statues of their kings and people they support. Pride gives people confidence, confidence gives them fuel. You want to break an army, make them uncomfortable. There is NO wasted energy when you're fighting hate. It all counts. The confederate flag and those statues should be a source of pride for no one. It should be considered a black eye and the last remaining evidence of the hate in this country. People should be wanting that **** gone. People should be wanting progress and development. How can you grow as a society with technology and understanding and all of these scientific advances and still be clutching onto the same old backwards thoughts that one skin color is better than the next? A color? Like, a color fam? That is so ridiculous it's comical.
why wouldn't i want to take down the statues that evil people take pride in??

fighting dumb symbols instead of ideas is futile, people give things meaning, not da other way around.

you not changing minds, hearts, or history, and as seen in that latest poll, most Americans gave their collective zzzzzz at da thought of removing statues.
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Just got home from the protests. Just a dump of my thoughts:

There are some people in this world who cannot be fixed. Regardless of political ideology, religious beliefs or personal opinions, everyone should be held to a certain level of common sense and logic. These white nationalist who wrap their racist views under the guise of politics and patriotism are beyond the point of reason. They're helpless.

Despite this, what I saw today was beautiful. There's something to be said about so many people who fight for equality and are willing to unite and take time out of their day to spread the positive message they so strongly believe in.

As some of you guys know, I just moved here from down under, and a common perception of America from the rest of the world is overly patriotic, self centred and ignorant. I moved here without knowing a single person outside of work and After being here for two months, I can't express how grateful of my American colleagues I am for helping me adjust. Even folks working at the train station will happily explain the transportation systems, recommended restaurants and areas to look out for. Hell, even the bank teller was willing to show me around.

It's days like today that remind me why I came here in the first place. The willingness of the American people to stand up for what they believe in, to be messengers of positive change and the risks they take to achieve this is what made this country the greatest in the world.

Hard to express how I'm feeling in words, I'll never feel like I truly fit in as an Asian in a western world and that identity crisis is something I've yet to fully grasp, but I already love this country.

Have a good rest of the day fellas, and stay safe.
I like how when Trump is called out on encouraging these alt-right bigots, he deflects to confederate monuments being preserved to muddy the waters.

I saw a Facebook post earlier that caught my attention.

There are people who lose their minds over confederate landmarks when some of them were built as recently as 1972.

Where were all the concerns about preserving history when the DAPL destroyed Native American lands and did harm to indigenous peoples?

Oh, right. The reason is because history has nothing do with it.
So, because something has been partially destroyed, let's just continue down that path?

:lol: contrary to popular belief among environmentalists, oil infrastructure as far as transportation is something that is essential to power da country of ours, and traveling by Pipeline is by far da most energy efficient way.
:lol: contrary to popular belief among environmentalists, oil infrastructure as far as transportation is something that is essential to power da country of ours, and traveling by Pipeline is by far da most energy efficient way.

Right here, right now, we have the ability to generate power in a clean way for the entire planet. All it takes is a commitment.

This is endorsed by people like Bill Nye. I would encourage you to give it a look:
Its either that or go **** up some country overseas for their oil.

It doesn't have to be. Additionally, no matter where it comes from, continuing to pour greenhouse gases into the atmosphere comes with very real consequences, no matter where you live.
Yo Ninja, real still stand by your Trump vote?

Now that you have the advantage of hindsight, you enjoying the way things are going with this current administration?
Yo Ninja, real still stand by your Trump vote?

Now that you have the advantage of hindsight, you enjoying the way things are going with this current administration?

Ninja will always stand up for his fellow white man.
Yo Ninja, real still stand by your Trump vote?

Now that you have the advantage of hindsight, you enjoying the way things are going with this current administration?

nothing has "changed yet" so da jury is out, outside building da pipelines & eliminating burdening regulations around da clock, so we'll see.

if 2018 comes and da legislative agenda is spinning tires in da mudd, then ill have trepidation in regards to his future adminstration, right now though? nope.
Until he finds himself in the wrong side of town and a white supremacist cop decides to impose his will over Ninjahood for no reason other than being black.
It doesn't have to be. Additionally, no matter where it comes from, continuing to pour greenhouse gases into the atmosphere comes with very real consequences, no matter where you live.

Oh no doubt i definitely agree with you about the consequences, i was just saying since America, well North America as a whole, is such a huge consumer of oil they gonna **** up the environment and different countries in order to sustain or meet the usage.

You right about there being alternatives tho and those need to be explored and implemented.
Ninja is back to not understanding basic Math. :lol:

Ninja is a supporter of the modern usage of stop and frisk even you it has been shown to be ineffective, discriminatory, and unconstitutional.

Dude is thankful to the politicans that used it and thinks black people should be too.

And I wish I was lying. Dudes that be in the Political Thread should remember his "you ever been a victim of armed robbery" shtick
Amadou Diallo

Eric Garner

Abner Louima

Sean Bell

All at the hands of NYPD.

so you're telling me out of 8 million+ people i gotta worry about myself with NYPD with what amounts to a rounding error?

yeah, i kinda like my chances & naw, never leaving NYC.
Nother thread that ends in an Afrolatino circlejerk. Yet again grown ppl can't even discuss issues of concern on here over a petulant man child smh
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