Alt-White Rally: Charlottesville, VA

Nother thread that ends in an Afrolatino circlejerk. Yet again grown ppl can't even discuss issues of concern on here over a petulant man child smh

Your time would be better spent speaking on what you're mentioning than commenting on the back and forth. Nobody is stopping you and anyone who wants to engage in conversation with you will do so.

It's a message board, dude isn't standing outside with a megaphone.
Oh no doubt i definitely agree with you about the consequences, i was just saying since America, well North America as a whole, is such a huge consumer of oil they gonna **** up the environment and different countries in order to sustain or meet the usage.

You right about there being alternatives tho and those need to be explored and implemented.

That's a documentary I've been meaning to check out for years. The title always made it sound interesting.

Emissions are a fairly serious problem, and it doesn't help that unbelievably influential gas and oil companies have gone to great lengths to pretend there's some kind of real disagreement about climate change.
You time would be better spent unattached from my huevos. If you choose to ignore the fact that time & time again meaningful discussion has been derailed by the same troll then that's on you. Fall back on me lil daddy this ain't really what you want.

The guy consistently worried about what ninjahood is doing telling me I'm attached to some balls. Okay.

Maybe talk about something else meaningful and stop crying. You sound stupid. Let me fall back before you type some more at me "lil daddy" :lol:
man like I told my homie, these fools are somehow allowed to tote all kinds of assault rifles and body armor, it only takes one cowardly cosplayer to get trigger happy before something truly ugly unfolds.

Precisely why I didn't go today or wouldn't go to anything where alt-right lames were lingering.

I'm not getting caught in some Tiananmen Square situation. Nope.
The guy consistently worried about what ninjahood is doing telling me I'm attached to some balls. Okay.

Maybe talk about something else meaningful and stop crying. You sound stupid. Let me fall back before you type some more at me "lil daddy" :lol:

Move a long then lil bird. You engaged me not the other way around. What you want a thumbs up or something? Here you go since you clearly want the God's attention so bad :wink:
Some weirdos on this site man :lol:

McAuliffe tryina keep the turbulence down. I know of at least 2 rallies that were planned to be at that monument. One the group pulled their request cuz of potential violence, the other basically cancelled theirs because of how much resistance they would face.

And they found some IEDs at this white dudes crib during a drug raid in my city :sick:
When were the Irish slaves in America?

And when were Black Americans included in mainstream American society and policy?
Real Irish people are always protesting against mistreatment by English government and media (justifiably). Don't let these "I'm 1/60th Irish" clowns fool you :lol:
So Chad Hazelton shared this today rusty. I'm close to unfriending the racist clown.
Don't unfriended him.

Make note of every racist thing he post.

If he ever tried to become a cop, send the links to the academy, relevant district attorney, internal affairs and local stations.

Do whatever little you can to prevent this racist piece of **** from getting a gun and the license to oppress black folk.
Not too caught up on Irish history, but how the f does the slavery of one race make it ok for slavery of another?

Your friend is a clown :lol:
They can have a seat with that Irish meme

As historian and public librarian Liam Hogan has written: “There is unanimous agreement, based on overwhelming evidence, that the Irish were never subjected to perpetual, hereditary slavery in the colonies, based on notions of ‘race’.” The enduring myth of Irish slavery, which most often surfaces today in service of Irish nationalist and white supremacist causes, has roots in the 17th and 18th centuries, when Irish laborers were derogatorily called “white slaves.” The phrase would later be employed as propaganda by the slave-owning South about the industrialized North, along with (false) claims that life was far harder for immigrant factory workers than for slaves.

What’s the truth? Large numbers of indentured servants did indeed emigrate from Ireland to the British colonies of North America, where they provided a cheap labor force for planters and merchants eager to exploit it. Though most crossed the Atlantic willingly, some Irish men and women—including criminals as well as simply the poor and vulnerable—were sentenced to indentured servitude in Ireland, and forcibly shipped to the colonies to carry out their sentences. But indentured servitude, by definition, came nowhere close to chattel slavery. For one thing, it was temporary; all but the most serious felons were freed at the end of their contracts. The colonial system also offered more lenient punishment for disobedient servants than slaves, and allowed servants to petition for early release if their masters mistreated them. Most importantly, servitude wasn’t hereditary. Children of indentured servants were born free; slaves’ children were the property of their owners.
I'm going to tread on this as gently as possible, but to put it on the Eternal Record, Irish slavery was effectively equivalent to American usage of undocumented immigrant labor forces in the modern day?

not at all to minimize any injustices endured as a result, but I have heard the concept of Irish slavery as relevant to US history thrown out multiple times over the years and have never felt educated enough to speak at length on the matter.

obviously this post is shorthand for my intent to independently research the subject in future, that's just not what I'm going to do today so what do y'all think?
that GETS ME man. we can literally never know our "origins" (recently traceable roots, we both know the real deal).

our divergent background stories join many others on the cutting room floor of the ages.

we are historical orphans.

like, ****.

People will read something like that, make oneself believe it's true by assuming that the creator did their research, and then re-use it as completely erroneous argument. And then it's off to the races :lol:
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