Anyone else feel like 9-5 life isn't for them?

Originally Posted by scshift

Those saying you can use your personality type to find a future, how do you do that?

I'm an INTJ, and as far as I'm concerned, I'm introverted, isolated, power-hungry, obsessive, cold and a megalomaniac? My personality type is the most antisocial and arrogant one so apart from running the world, there aren't many options.
Lol. Same boat bruh. When I finished my test, it gave me a couple career choices. Computer Programmer, Judge, Lawyer, Scientist, Engineer. There are also a copule of INTJ and other personality type forums. 
Originally Posted by wiredz3

Has this generation gone soft or something? Trying to differentiate the lazy from the passionate, I'm pretty sure most of you fall in the former. Kudos to those busting their balls out there fine tuning their talents barely getting by. But whether you're pursuing your dream or have a 9-5 job, work your @*%@@ off regardless. I mean damn, I get the feeling these young fellas want the most amount of pay for the least amount of work. Whatever happened to a honest day pay for an honest days work? Wise up, live ain't easy. Omitting 9-5 jobs may be living in your parents basement for sometime now. Common now

This. Just cause you don't want to work 9-5 dont mean you dont have to work
guess im in the minority.

i dont mind the 9-5 "grind", but then again, maybe its cause i enjoy what I do, and I have very little work related stress.

I been in the rat race so to speak for almost 10 yrs now (graduated college in 2003). While I wish I made more money (who doesnt?) I cant really complain. I have very loose 8-5 hours (I probably stroll in 10 min to 1hr late almost every day). I almost never stay late (leave right at 5:00PM, regardless of what time I came in, 95% of the time). I never ever ever take work home. I dont work weekends. I take as long as I feel like for lunch.
@shake n bake718: Hang in there, my advice to you and others in the crossroads like myself is to read the book What Color is Your Parachute by Richard Bolles and start on your self assessment. Those that are confused with which path to take need to do homework on themselves. It's something people dread to do, but to take that extra mile will make your vision clearer. Put energy towards that instead of other things that don't add value to your life. Everything else is designed to sell you something or serve as entertainment which will further cloud your own obligation to yourself. Set aside time and forget whatever else everyone else is doing or how they are living and what other people's definition of success is.

Btw, I'm an ENFP personality type (Extroverted Intuitive Feeler Perceiver) for those who have taken the MBTI test.
Originally Posted by Arenick

The cubicle type life always seemed interesting and stable to me (I'm 16), but I can't see myself doing that for my life. Only reason I'm gonna major in business is to live that dream of having my own thing where I can set my OWN hours

I would suggest you educate yourself in business and major in something else more technical that you would actually need a degree for (ex engineering)
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Gotta make a money tree. Business that's almost self sustaining and generates revinue.


9-5 wasn't for me either, and luckily I was in a situation where I could explore other options with little risk. To the guy who said 9-5 is a necessity and life is not a movie, you couldn't be more wrong. For thousands of years towns and cities existed where people were self-employed craftsmans, butchers, blacksmiths, carpenters, traders, and plenty of other sole proprietors/family owned shops. People would work internships/apprenticeships until they developed enough skills to work on their own. Corporate culture is relatively new, and many people are realizing that having actual skills or providing a necessary service prevents you from being at the mercy of a single corporation.
Originally Posted by richiecotite

I'm leaving my job in March. Been working there almost 3 1/2 yrs; my first "real" job.

I feel like I've atrophied so much. Not just physically, but mentally. I feel like i've gotten so much dumber than I was when i was 23/24 (Im 28 btw); it sucks because once upon a time I used to pride myself on staying up on current events and politics.

Decided to leave a few months ago when i literally would have dreams/nightmares about work, was getting 3-4 hours of sleep a night, and was generally a miserable person. It caused tension with my wife because i was letting life affect my life. One night after a fight it kind of came out and i told her how miserable i was at work. We talked about it, she assured me she would support whatever i chose to do, and how i really was wasting myself @ my job. I decided i would stay at home with my daughter for a yr to get her ready for kindergarten.

I really want to spend good, quality time with her teaching her basic things, work on her spanish, get her in good habits, go out and do certain things that right now, aren't possible (camping, going out for hikes, gardening, etc) because Monday-Friday, we spend about 10 waking hours together. Weekends are spent trying to recover and get ready for the upcoming week.

I'm fortunate enough to have this as an option, my wife is an attorney working that @firmlife. Which sucks because it's an hour commute each way for us with traffic (we both work in DC, live in the outer VA burbs) so when she has to work until 7 or 730, she's not getting home until 830 or so, and we put my daughter to bed around 9-930. So it's always a trade-off, trying t figure whats more important, more money/career success or family time. Fortunately, her firm is actually pretty good about work/life balance, so some days she can work from home and at least be around.
Your life is my life, bro.  

My daughter will be 9 months in a few weeks and I literally see her for about 2 waking hours Mon-Fri.  She goes to bed around 6pm and I get home at 5:50ish.  I see her in the morning too, but of course I'm busy getting ready.  So the only time I see her for real is on Sat and Sun.  I'm grateful for those days, but I just have a hard time digesting that I'm missing out on the majority of her young months wasting away at a job that I despise.  And if I stay there, my schedule obviously isn't going to change any which means missing out on more of her life.  Even worse is that my wife works the weekend shift, so when I'm at home w/ our daughter, she's gone.  Same goes for during my work week obviously.    

I would imagine that a lot of people live like this and are cool with it, but for me I just can't see it.  I know $$ is a necessity, but at what cost?  As time goes on I'm seeing that the cons far outweigh the pros of my current job.  The wife and I have discussed me quitting and her working some extra shifts at work while I watch out daughter, but my pride won't let me put that on her.  She's even gone so far as to ask me to quit a few times b/c the job is clearly affecting our home life.  But I guess I'm just scared to take that plunge of not having a steady check coming in.  I'm stuck in the Matrix and need to get out ASAP.  
Naw man. While spending time w/ my family is a large part of all this, I genuinely dislike the Office Space life my job provides me.

It just isn't me man. Being chained to my desk, staring at a computer screen all day just isn't the business. While I wasn't 100% in love w/ the job in the beginning, I could tolerate it. Now? Literally almost every minute of my day at work is spent trying to get myself to actually work instead of dwelling on how much I loathe the job. Feels like the life has been zapped out of me.
I sort of feel the same way with the 9-5, I just graduated with a degree in Computer Science, been on a few interviews, but the whole consensus is I don't know if I could see myself doing this for the next 25 to 30 years
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Naw man. While spending time w/ my family is a large part of all this, I genuinely dislike the Office Space life my job provides me.

It just isn't me man. Being chained to my desk, staring at a computer screen all day just isn't the business. While I wasn't 100% in love w/ the job in the beginning, I could tolerate it. Now? Literally almost every minute of my day at work is spent trying to get myself to actually work instead of dwelling on how much I loathe the job. Feels like the life has been zapped out of me.

wow this is exactly me 
I've settled into a 9 to 5 type job and so far I don't mind it too much. Luckily, since it's a smaller company, I've gotten to move around and help build prototypes of different products so it hasn't been all being chained to the desk. It helps to have pretty cool coworkers who keep the atmosphere pretty light and not too serious.

However, I do feel that long-term, I would not want to have a complete 9 to 5, sit at the computer all day and go home type job. Even if you're in a technical field like I am (engineering), you can still find opportunities to be involved in different areas, if you're in the right company. I just want to make sure I get to move around a little bit in my jobs going forward.
my mom has been doin this most of her life, but the big thing is that her co-workers are awesome.

i don't think fun jobs exist to be honest...just get money and always have fun every now and then
I hear ya OP working 9-5 is such a waste imo. I would love to have a career and work a job i enjoy coming to everyday with paid vacations and a six figure salary.
I've been doing a job designed for 3 people by myself since July. After months and months of false promises management finally brought someone in to help out but they want me to help train him. The past week or so has been extremely difficult and has helped me reassure myself that I'm naturally a loner and would much rather work alone. I think its time to stop complaining and make some $@@+ happen.
*raises hand*

I'm entirely too spontaneous and too much of a thinker to remain a slave to the 9-5 life.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

Life is too short to spend a third of your life helping your higher ups have the time of their lives. i definitely dont want to go down thay road: mid 40s punching someones time clock. Im a little older, but still considered a young man, 28. Ive got an entrepeneur (sp?) mentality, but I just need that big idea. Cliffs: Im not about that 9-5 life.

hence why i currently work at a school.

8:15-3:45......summer and winter breaks....

very flexible as far as personal time and sick time...

im trynna get into writing, tho....seems like a
Shoot 9-5 is cool for me, I'm making decent $$ now and when I finish school I'll be making some real money. I think it depends on what you're doing, I find that it's all about how much you network. If you don't network well you'll be in a bad position hating what you're doing.
I work a 9-5, been here a little over 6yrs and I've really dreaded coming to work for the past 4yrs. It pays the bills and it was my 1st "real" job so I'm thankful for that but it's not what I desire. Also my job offers no opportunity for advancement. When I was younger I thought this was the life, sit in a comfy chair behind a desk and gradually climbing that corporate ladder. Now I'm 28 and I've realized I have no desire to earn a living in that fashion.

Fortunately I think I've found something I'm interested in enough to pursue. Unfortunately it has nothing to do with computer info systems, which I'm 9 credits away from earning a degree in.
lol @ OP thinking having an entrepreneurial  mind state means you can't do a 9-5. Fool, if you're an entrepreneur... you're going to be working a lot more than a 9-5, a lot harder as well. You aren't what you think. Play your position, peasant
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