Anyone else preparing for an imminent economic collapse?

Imma show how ******g stupid some of you sound.

If society breaks down as we know it...

What use is money? What part of your survival would you give up for a can of beans?

a 100 dollar bill that can buy nothing?

you gonna trade silver and gold for ******g food. precious stones and rocks that do nothing?

The world is fine, yall are drama queens. Wars happen, conflicts, happen. We'll rise up and carry on. Banks are insured, we may hit turbulence but this world ship is n'ever going down.
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can one of the old heads fill me in...
you guys couldn't own gold until '75?

You could own gold jewelry and gold collectors items but you couldn't own gold bullion

The topics in the links I posted should be required reading for anyone buying gold or preparing for some kind of "economic collapse".*****0403022/default.htm
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I really don't understand the doomsdayers.

It's not difficult to figure out what's happening nowadays. The world is going through a major, multi generational restructuring. This happens regularly across history and they're usually painful processes for those that don't or can't adapt.  Sometimes the restructurings involve major open conflict and other times they don't.  It appears that this time the restructuring will not occur through major open warfare (for a variety of reasons). That is good for all involved. 

Considering that this is a huge change, the US is sustaining it pretty well. There's no doubt that the average American will be poorer after this is all said and done. 

At the end of the day, in aggregate and accounting for relative differences, economics is a zero sum game. Don't let anybody tell you something different. It has to be because we live in a world of self interest and finite resources. The average American literally ruled the world from the 50's through the 90's and that came at the expense of others. That couldn't have lasted forever. 

There's a number of ways to play this.

Immigrate to where the growth will be in the future. Acquire skills that will be valued in the future. Learn to adapt to a lower standard of living. Etc.

Change will come whether you or I like it or not.  
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I really don't understand the doomsdayers.

It's not difficult to figure out what's happening nowadays. The world is going through a major, multi generational restructuring. This happens regularly across history and they're usually painful processes for those that don't or can't adapt.  Sometimes the restructurings involve major open conflict and other times they don't.  It appears that this time the restructuring will not occur through major open warfare (for a variety of reasons). That is good for all involved. 

Considering that this is a huge change, the US is sustaining it pretty well. There's no doubt that the average American will be poorer after this is all said and done. 

At the end of the day, in aggregate and accounting for relative differences, economics is a zero sum game. Don't let anybody tell you something different. It has to be because we live in a world of self interest and finite resources. The average American literally ruled the world from the 50's through the 90's and that came at the expense of others. That couldn't have lasted forever. 

There's a number of ways to play this.

Immigrate to where the growth will be in the future. Acquire skills that will be valued in the future. Learn to adapt to a lower standard of living. Etc.

Change will come whether you or I like it or not.  
Reminds me of the Y2K scare...

Yes things are going to change and maybe the government is preparing for the worst. Perhaps there are "rogue elements" of our government that have bad intentions. Maybe. Or maybe we tend to let our intuition and anxiety, based on the economy, get manipulated by people with their own agenda.

What if the people highlighting only the bad have an end game in mind? Ever consider that? Do we really live on a prison planet or can you shut the ominous voices off for a minute and go enjoy a day, or a week or a lifetime without them? What control do you really have other than control over yourself? When you give in to anger and fear are you really in control or are you easily misled and conned? Its one thing to point out the historical significance of false flag attacks that are used to unite a nation under a banner in blood lust, but how about those who intend to "educate", polarize and unite a nation of "freedom fighters" when there may be no need for alarm? Sounds a bit like the methods of a dictator to me.

To think our "founding fathers" had your (the common man's) best interest at heart when they built this nation to satisfy the appetites of the wealthy, is foolish. To be angry now because the government still operates like it always has is ridiculous. They were never really here for you to begin with. Is the tree of liberty watered with the blood of "patriots" and tyrants alike or is it watered with a careful and discerning mind?
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Not worried, if it happens then I will find a way to survive.

I am not gonna stress over something I really have no control over.
Thread is 5 years late. The economic collapse has been going on for a while and while the majority has suffered, the people responsible for this crisis have been given bonuses. The sad part is that very few dambs are given about this.
Since you have the ability to see into the future, why don't you just use that ability to pick the next week's lottery numbers and you'll be all set?

How about this? I'll tell you the US Markets will rally until the election. So grab some of the high beta stocks like PCLN, AAPL, GOOG, etc. Sell them right before the election. Or trade call options on all of those if you are more bold. :pimp:

Common sense should tell you this QE and unlimited bond buying is not healthy, and there will be a price.
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The former head of the FDIC was on Bill Maher and she said that she thinks the bond market has to crash soon. 
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