Boston is going to have a "Straight Pride" parade

The point he’s trying to make here is actually true just poorly phrased. No such thing as gay mafia lol. “It” can be labeled as such I suppose but that’s an inaccurate label. People with the most power engage in homosexual activity and don’t consider themselves gay. They see it as ritual.
As someone who’s worked in social services for 15 years, you see this **** at the top level. Many don’t have kids or married and they over 40 yrs old. It’s like if your gay than you have an easy pass to move up.
As someone who’s worked in social services for 15 years, you see this **** at the top level. Many don’t have kids or married and they over 40 yrs old. It’s like if your gay than you have an easy pass to move up.

I think what your talking about is just gay dudes getting preferential treatment lol. Which is a very real thing. I work in the fashion industry I see it first hand all the time. I was moreso talking about another level of power beyond a “corporate kingpin” or guy on Wall Street.
Certain dudes are so scared of homosexuality, you would think treating a male gay person like a normal human being is going to automatically make them want to suck the closest **** to them. Don't seem to mind lesbians tho. What is so threatening to you if you're sure you like women and only women? Says more about you if you think you're a gay person smile away from engaging in homosexual behavior.
But when a pride parade is cheering on little kids gyrating down the street with naked dudes in wigs and pumps walking around the lines become blurred all together. But hey who I'm I to judge?

If it was a "straight" or hetero event with the same content would that be more acceptable? Is your main issue the raunchy behavior?
Boston seems to play out exactly the way they are portrayed in the movies.

Like Hollywood's characterization of the city is correct.
Embarrassed by the gay Mafia??? Lol they run everything bro look it up

Naw man it’s not funny. Hate speech isn’t to be taken lightly
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