Boston is going to have a "Straight Pride" parade

The reason there is a gay parade is because they celebrate the fact that after much suffering and marginalization, being gay is openly more acceptable, the reason for a black history month is because once again is a painful history but one that needs to be taught, so we can learn from our mistakes and move forward, White people, straight people, have never been marginalized or descriminated against, they never had to claim independence from anyone, so what exactly are they marching for? Just to be petty? Idiots.
This dude is NT's resident conspiracy theorist. I remember him getting booted out of the Vegas shooting thread. :lol:

He also doesn't believe that humans made it to the moon.

Also a flat earth guy
sharpshooter718 sharpshooter718 What’s your take on flat top mountains actually being the remnants (stumps) of what was once giant trees that reached to the heavens
The reason there is a gay parade is because they celebrate the fact that after much suffering and marginalization, being gay is openly more acceptable, the reason for a black history month is because once again is a painful history but one that needs to be taught, so we can learn from our mistakes and move forward, White people, straight people, have never been marginalized or descriminated against, they never had to claim independence from anyone, so what exactly are they marching for? Just to be petty? Idiots.
Little known fact by minorities. There is a white hierarchy/totem pole. Please believe
It is because white pride, white male supremacy, was created to oppress all other races and ethnicity. It is the reason you speak english. Black pride was created to counteract the effects of White supremacy. The celebration of Black pride is used to uplift, then have something for you to imitate. If it were not for Black pride, you would not have any air jordan's to be proud of.
Well said.
That's basically a gay parade.
Eli Porter reference
Exactly what would “white pride” look like? Hey look at us we made the holocaust, killed native Americans, bow down to pedo priests, started the kkk? There’s a reason they keep their past to themselves

It's very apparent but most people keep it on the hush. I'm not against gay people. I can care less what a person does with their genitals. But when a pride parade is cheering on little kids gyrating down the street with naked dudes in wigs and pumps walking around the lines become blurred all together. But hey who I'm I to judge?
Ehh, I wouldn't say they control anything other than the fashion industry, for the most part... but I'm sure there are a lot of degenerates in Hollywood in both the music and movie industry... and not the happy parading type, but more like the manipulative strong arm prison type.

Anyway I do think there is an agenda when it comes to entertainment industry and promoting homosexuality for black men.

Sharpshooter definitely is cray cray tho, doesn't believe in immunization either. :tongue:
Being gay isn't a choice. Nobody can make you gay. You can have what is considered gay sex if you are straight, but having gay sex does not make you gay. Even within the gay community, there is a ton of straight sex going on. However, nobody can turn you gay. Is there a gay agenda? Yes, and the agenda is to be allowed to be who they are, without persecution. Are there issues within the gay community? Hell yes, and white gay men can be some of the most racist mf'ers on the planet. I personally believe that the orange sphincter currently residing in the white house, is indeed gay. That said, straight people are safe, unless they are simply curious.

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The psychology of all this is cool to observe if you ever look at things from that perspective. Starting from the top of the power structure, they make the next groups down feel like they're in the in crowd and make the groups the next rung down into the boogieman. Like "don't worry, your spot is safe, just look out for them". ie previously marginalized Irish or Italian folks now just identifying as "white" and seeing blacks or new immigrants as the threat, then them seeing gays as the threat hence the "gay mafia" etc, etc, etc. Crazy stuff people never realize their conditioning.
Embarrassed by the gay Mafia??? Lol they run everything bro look it up

The point he’s trying to make here is actually true just poorly phrased. No such thing as gay mafia lol. “It” can be labeled as such I suppose but that’s an inaccurate label. People with the most power engage in homosexual activity and don’t consider themselves gay. They see it as ritual.
Also thinks mathematics isn't real and that he instructs his kids to ignore what they learn in school. When I called his belief ridiculous, he told me he's smarter than me and all my future descendants combined :lol:
Said trigonometry and telemetry don’t work :lol:
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