California Proposition 2 - Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act

Methodical Management

Staff member
Dec 8, 1999
Hey west coast fam,

I know I don't stop by much since I live on the opposite coast, but since this issue applies to you all rather than the General forum at large, I figuredI'd create a thread here in the regional forums in case anyone wanted to discuss or learn about proposition 2 on the upcoming election.

This is proposition 2, as appears on the state's voter information guide:

[table][tr][td] [table][tr][td] [h2]PROP
[/td] [/tr][/table][/td] [/tr][tr][td] [table][tr][td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][/table][/td] [/tr][tr][td] [h4]STANDARDS FOR CONFINING FARM ANIMALS. INITIATIVE STATUTE.[/h4]
  • Requires that calves raised for veal, egg-laying hens and pregnant pigs be confined only in ways that allow these animals to lie down, stand up, fully extend their limbs and turn around freely.
  • Exceptions made for transportation, rodeos, fairs, 4-H programs, lawful slaughter, research and veterinary purposes.
  • Provides misdemeanor penalties, including a fine not to exceed $1,000 and/or imprisonment in jail for up to 180 days.
[h4]Summary of Legislative Analyst's Estimate of Net State and Local Government Fiscal Impact:[/h4]
  • Potential unknown decrease in state and local tax revenues from farm businesses, possibly in the range of several million dollars annually.
  • Potential minor local and state enforcement and prosecution costs, partly offset by increased fine revenue.
[/td] [/tr][/table]
It's an important issue for anyone concerned about animal rights/welfare, but it's easily lost among all of the election coverage. In fact, Iwasn't aware of it until very recently myself.

Thanks to the electoral college, I know a lot of people aren't all that motivated to get out and vote since California's role in the Presidentialelection is, at this point, basically a foregone conclusion - but if you're registered I would definitely encourage you all to get out and vote on Prop 2. Many people won't take the time before November 4th to familiarized themselves with the various referendums on the ballot, and so wind up making snapdecisions on the spur of the moment. It's important to the process for us to encourage our friends and family to make the effort, to make educated,responsible decisions at the polls - beyond your choice for President.

I'll make no secret of the fact that I'm a supporter of the proposed legislation, so I'd recommend the following for the like minded among you:http://www.yesonprop2.com
If you feel similarly, perhaps you'll pass the link around to friends and family and make the effort to get out and vote on the 4th.

thats cool that you made this thread method man, but i wonder a few things...
1. how many people here are old enough to vote? many people who are old enough are even registered to vote? many people who can vote will actually take the time to read the props and make up their own minds?

like i always say, the average voter is ignorant and just plain stupid most of the time. and are usally easily swayed by political slogans and otherpropagandist garbage.

and oh yeah prop 8 supporters will lose and basic human rights will be restored, like how it should be.
Originally Posted by NIKE13

thats cool that you made this thread method man, but i wonder a few things...
1. how many people here are old enough to vote? many people who are old enough are even registered to vote? many people who can vote will actually take the time to read the props and make up their own minds?

like i always say, the average voter is ignorant and just plain stupid most of the time. and are usally easily swayed by political slogans and other propagandist garbage.

and oh yeah prop 8 supporters will lose and basic human rights will be restored, like how it should be.
Whatever stereotypical views we may harbor of the "average voter" after enduring a number of disappointing election results, I tend tofind that simply writing people off is unproductive and immobilizing. To whatever extent we'd like to experience change in our society, we need to worktogether in order to make that happen - and that starts from within.

So, given that you and I want people to take more time to learn about the issues, to carefully weigh the consequences of their decisions at the polls, we needto take the initiative to reach out and talk to people about it. That can start as simply as by communicating with our family and friends.

You know, this thread's actually been relatively successful in the NorCal forum - so there are a number of people within our community who not only canvote in this election, but who've proven willing to take the time to consider the propositions and discuss them with others. You can check out the NorCalversion of this thread here:

We've also managed to attract a considerable response to our voter registration information thread in the general forum, and, as you've probably seen,our general forum sees a constant influx of threads and replies about the upcoming election. You're definitely not alone in your concerns and I think youmight be surprised to find that your efforts in encouraging others to learn about these issues can truly pay significant dividends - even somewhere likeNikeTalk. If nothing else, at least you can feel as though you've helped do your part.
i've been educating myself on all the propositions but this one surely fell through the cracks. A definite yes on this one..seems like a no brainer.
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