Can I get a reward for uncovering a growing operation?

Originally Posted by Magik ink 23

Originally Posted by dabossofbosses

smh.... is five stacks worth your life or well being? they can find out who told and beat you to a pulp or worse. i own property and i and not on no its a civic duty ++@ like these cats in here..

These are probably the same dudes crying foul over white flight when your neighborhood goes downhill, you have to send your children to private school, your house isn't worth what it took to build, and you have to commute an hour and a half to a different city to get a decent salary. Liquor store is on the corner, pawn shop every other block and the only trees you see are the ones in that grow house. Think LOGICALLY. Keep the illegal #%+* out of your neighborhood keep a decent neighborhood. I'm sure half you kids couldn't care less about the neighborhood anyway (that being my problem with the whole thing). No decent parent with half a brain wants that #%+* in their neighborhood, PERIOD. This has nothing to do with acting high and mighty. As ridiculous as it sounds, if it was legal it would be a lot better. I'm still  not sure if I'd want to live nextdoor to someone brewing moonshine in their bathtub though, it's still pretty trashy. I'm sure my point will be lost on a lot of you. I think a lot of the problem is that some of you have had a little toke more than a few times in your life and feel like it's given you some sort of conscious awakening (irony).
Fade On You wrote:
Shut your silly ++% up.

That's why you sound ignorant as #%+*. 

PS. OP IS minding his business as far as I'm concerned. Everyone else should be concerned as well, no matter what side of the fence you stand on in terms of the legalities. A grow house (possibly armed) isn't good for ANYBODY. If the #%+* needs to be legal then it needs to be legal. Stock it up in a store, sell it SAFELY. The bull involved in black market selling is the whole problem here. Growing or selling IS NOT a real job, the whole "get money", "do you" GARBAGE does not apply. REAL men get an education, they get REAL JOBS. You want to push the weed thing? BECOME A LAWYER, LOBBY FOR IT. Don't condone the crime you bunch of numbnuts', that will only make it worse in terms of how the people who oppose it view it! OPEN YOUR MINDS (through some other method than smoking, obviously it's not working).

so you had kids and own property...


you are brainwashed by laws and legalities.  everything doesn't have to be by the book, especially when the book is clearly wrong, from a moral/ethical and logical standpoint. 
Let me reiterate a few things:

1. I said hypothetically if it was for 5 GRAND it would be a very different story.
2. These people are NOT DOING THIS MEDICINALLY. It is in an abandoned house. How many times do I have to say that?
3. The house is not in my neighborhood, no, however it is surrounded by very wealthy semi-suburban neighborhoods.
4. The house is somewhat off the road, so you would not know if something is going on unless you go check it out.
5. Confiscate the trees? No thanks.
6. Stop saying it's going to come back to me, there is a 0% chance that could even happen. Like the authorities would release my name or something? Did you guys not read it's 100% anonymous.
7. I don't have pictures and don't intend on taking any.
8. Growing and Selling pot is not "grown folk business," it isn't justified, it's not beneficial to the community, they aren't good people.
9. If they were growing the pot for beneficial, medicinal dispensary purposes, I don't think they would need to use an abandoned house, get your minds out of the gutters.
10. Your excuses of "hood codes" for snitches don't apply to me or anyone around me. Do the crime, pay the time.
Stop saying it's going to come back to me, there is a 0% chance that could even happen. Like the authorities would release my name or something? Did you guys not read it's 100% anonymous.

keep thinking that way sir.. they are gonna cut you a check not made out to anonymous in your name and if its the right kind of people its very easy to find out who the " informant" is lawyers are very shady characters and have contacts all through the courthouse make a call and bam now they tell there client your thirsty *%# did it... then what?
hood code for snitches

but foreal, what does tattle telling solve?? ya sure the person behind the op might get locked up but thats just 1 house. people are just gonna go to the next dealer.
Originally Posted by ljlukelj

Let me reiterate a few things:

1. I said hypothetically if it was for 5 GRAND it would be a very different story.
2. These people are NOT DOING THIS MEDICINALLY. It is in an abandoned house. How many times do I have to say that?
3. The house is not in my neighborhood, no, however it is surrounded by very wealthy semi-suburban neighborhoods.
4. The house is somewhat off the road, so you would not know if something is going on unless you go check it out.
5. Confiscate the trees? No thanks.
6. Stop saying it's going to come back to me, there is a 0% chance that could even happen. Like the authorities would release my name or something? Did you guys not read it's 100% anonymous.
7. I don't have pictures and don't intend on taking any.
8. Growing and Selling pot is not "grown folk business," it isn't justified, it's not beneficial to the community, they aren't good people.
9. If they were growing the pot for beneficial, medicinal dispensary purposes, I don't think they would need to use an abandoned house, get your minds out of the gutters.
10. Your excuses of "hood codes" for snitches don't apply to me or anyone around me. Do the crime, pay the time.

Snitch,  $&^# what they say on this site and just do it. Make sure you don't end up on the news next week tho.....
Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

hood code for snitches

but foreal, what does tattle telling solve?? ya sure the person behind the op might get locked up but thats just 1 house. people are just gonna go to the next dealer.

Thank you for proving my point.
Originally Posted by ljlukelj

Say you guys wouldn't snitch on a weed growery that you had no idea of who was running it if there was a reward in it

1. why bother? Its just weed. You arent gonna get paid, and if so its not like it would be a big payday. Go get a job. Snitching just to get paid... get yourself some of that weed and if you don't smoke sell it. There is your money.

2. Snitch them out and pray you dont end up six feet under.

3. I am glad you came to NT for advice.
Originally Posted by Breakyaneck3000

Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by Magik ink 23

This place disgusts me sometimes... absolutely snitch, collect your cash and pass go. You should hope karma does come back at you too because you'll be rewarded again.

Whether or not some of you children agree with it or not, selling/growing is a crime. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say most of you must not own any property... at the very least he should snitch on the grounds of those low-lifes hurting everyone's property value in that neighborhood. You guys need to grow up. You don't want drug dealers near your kids whether they're selling to them or not (at least even if you're the slightest bit of  a responsible parent).

The value system on NT is %!@ backwards. Do not listen to these children. Get that house out of your neighborhood, reward or not.

ive been reading this thread and i was waiting for someone with enough !%#%$$# sense to say this
says the guy with the CHE GUEVARA avy... hahahaha!

i am know people who sell pot and they usually do it as a second job to make extra money.  most of them are friendly people with families, have kids of their own who don't advocate violence. 



you clown my avy has nothing do with this thread. the reason i have it is a whole nothing subject within itself so dont try and bring other factor into this and stray from the main point. 
smh...go snitch on philip morris or glaxo smith kline...

weed ain't hurtin nobody's medicinal in origin and influences though provoking discussion and creativity.
LJLUKELJ. man homie i used to worry about people like you every day when i woke up....
you sound like such a lame.

Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by Breakyaneck3000

Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by Magik ink 23

This place disgusts me sometimes... absolutely snitch, collect your cash and pass go. You should hope karma does come back at you too because you'll be rewarded again.

Whether or not some of you children agree with it or not, selling/growing is a crime. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say most of you must not own any property... at the very least he should snitch on the grounds of those low-lifes hurting everyone's property value in that neighborhood. You guys need to grow up. You don't want drug dealers near your kids whether they're selling to them or not (at least even if you're the slightest bit of  a responsible parent).

The value system on NT is %!@ backwards. Do not listen to these children. Get that house out of your neighborhood, reward or not.

ive been reading this thread and i was waiting for someone with enough !%#%$$# sense to say this
says the guy with the CHE GUEVARA avy... hahahaha!

i am know people who sell pot and they usually do it as a second job to make extra money.  most of them are friendly people with families, have kids of their own who don't advocate violence. 



you clown my avy has nothing do with this thread. the reason i have it is a whole nothing subject within itself so dont try and bring other factor into this and stray from the main point. 
your avy has everything to do with this thread and it directly reflects hypocrisy based on the comments/posts you are defending and arguing for. 

anyways... continue your "VIVA LA REVOLUCION!" movement from your couch connected to your gaming(slave) system.  can i be down if i go out and cop a PS3 and add you as a gamer buddy?  is that where the revolution is taking place these days? 
It would be funny if you actually did go in there to steal weed, and there was a guy on patrol or something, and he murdered you.
ban this snitch...we dont need guys like this making a thread asking if he should snitch on an abandoned house...

you aint getting any reward for turning it in and if you are trying to get some from the cops, good luck...i would love to see them turn it around and just bust you for it...that would be the day...a snitch gets busted for the crime he snitched on

anyways 10+ pages of people telling you not to and you are still considering it?!!??! why'd you make this thread if you've already made up your mind?


Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by Breakyaneck3000

Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by Magik ink 23

This place disgusts me sometimes... absolutely snitch, collect your cash and pass go. You should hope karma does come back at you too because you'll be rewarded again.

Whether or not some of you children agree with it or not, selling/growing is a crime. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say most of you must not own any property... at the very least he should snitch on the grounds of those low-lifes hurting everyone's property value in that neighborhood. You guys need to grow up. You don't want drug dealers near your kids whether they're selling to them or not (at least even if you're the slightest bit of  a responsible parent).

The value system on NT is %!@ backwards. Do not listen to these children. Get that house out of your neighborhood, reward or not.

ive been reading this thread and i was waiting for someone with enough !%#%$$# sense to say this
says the guy with the CHE GUEVARA avy... hahahaha!

i am know people who sell pot and they usually do it as a second job to make extra money.  most of them are friendly people with families, have kids of their own who don't advocate violence. 



you clown my avy has nothing do with this thread. the reason i have it is a whole nothing subject within itself so dont try and bring other factor into this and stray from the main point. 

You have a murdering communist as an avatar though. Anything you post is irrelevant. As long as its against weed of course.
I know some dealers around but I really don't like to snitch. And that's none of my business so im staying out of it.
Originally Posted by Breakyaneck3000

Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by Breakyaneck3000

Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by Magik ink 23

This place disgusts me sometimes... absolutely snitch, collect your cash and pass go. You should hope karma does come back at you too because you'll be rewarded again.

Whether or not some of you children agree with it or not, selling/growing is a crime. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say most of you must not own any property... at the very least he should snitch on the grounds of those low-lifes hurting everyone's property value in that neighborhood. You guys need to grow up. You don't want drug dealers near your kids whether they're selling to them or not (at least even if you're the slightest bit of  a responsible parent).

The value system on NT is %!@ backwards. Do not listen to these children. Get that house out of your neighborhood, reward or not.

ive been reading this thread and i was waiting for someone with enough !%#%$$# sense to say this
says the guy with the CHE GUEVARA avy... hahahaha!

i am know people who sell pot and they usually do it as a second job to make extra money.  most of them are friendly people with families, have kids of their own who don't advocate violence. 



you clown my avy has nothing do with this thread. the reason i have it is a whole nothing subject within itself so dont try and bring other factor into this and stray from the main point. 
your avy has everything to do with this thread and it directly reflects hypocrisy based on the comments/posts you are defending and arguing for. 

anyways... continue your "VIVA LA REVOLUCION!" movement from your couch connected to your gaming(slave) system.  can i be down if i go out and cop a PS3 and add you as a gamer buddy?  is that where the revolution is taking place these days? 

i'm going to say it again since you seem kind of slow: 


THE VIVA LA REVOLUCION!/Che avy was part of a joke from a couple months back and i never changed it

So unless youre going to address why OP is a "snitch" for alerting authorities of an ILLEGAL operation, hop off the body part called MY $#@% 
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