Chicago Bulls Season Thread 35-33 -- vs kings 3.21/3.23 vs knicks/3.24 knicks

These damn bulls geez...Paxson and Forman please disappear. Jerry's too ******* loyal to notice his team has gone from sugar to **** in a years time. I may have to ignore them for rest of season to remain sane.
when did this team become a joke?
was it the day they fired a coach?
was thibs only failure not getting his team over the hump of beating lebron?
thibs lead teams to overachieving records in each and every season.
now we have a team underachieving big time. the best player thibs ever coached was Rose at his MVP season, unfortunately that season rose/thibs didnt have enough talent. the most talent we had on this team was last year and rose not close to MVP level and Noah not at his best..... Very unfortunate indeed.
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This **** got me out at the bar drinking. Well not entirely, but this is ridiculous. Pax gar and Hoiberg gotta go. We already know Jr won't do it so I just gotta keep my money in my pocket and my eyes off my team. SMFH
That's all we can do fam.

Like when my Cubbies were tanking, I still watched all the games but I refused to pay for tickets or merchandise till I saw a viable product on the field.
I will always support and watch my teams, but I won't dump money into a product I can't stand behind. These owners won't make changes till they're pocket books are getting lighter.
As consumers and fans we have to let our dollars speak for us....plain and simple.
Thibs sitting at home laughing at the joke this team has become..... 
Has anybody noticed they run absolutely nothing for drose?? He has been hot since the all star break and I noticed they will run 5 straight plays to pau and jimmy but nothing ever to derrick, He mostly gets his after the play falls apart or  he sees an opening and just goes. idk maybe its just me but its weird. I no he is the pg but damn they boy has been putting in his work. He can draw so many defenders and het guys open shots (probably wont hit them anyway) Pau only shoots if jimmy passes it to him.
welcome to Hoiberg ball.
this is getting unreal painful. playing meaningful reg season games and this is what they give us? wow painful
Send Steve Schanwald to the lottery if we miss the playoffs. Maybe we'll get lucky again.

This season has been nothing but horse manure.
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