Crazy bleep

Nov 12, 2002
Ok... Let me preface this

My parents kinda live out in the sticks. It is in a neighborhood, but animals are prevalent. These are photos I took when I was thinking about posting in the wdywt thread and happened to hear some rustling...

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So a week goes by.... My dad tells me he's heard some field mice running around the basement. I tell him that's not likely because they've recently had it sealed and waterproofed.

My dad has some beers last night (no judging) and calls me this morning to check something out. IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE

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Apparently this mouse wanted some beer and got stuck in the bottle. My dad respects this thing and wants to figure out a way to humanely release it. I say pour bleach in that thing.

NT .... The fate of the mouse falls in your hands
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Mice have lives too
How would you feel if God poured bleach on your dad?
Who are you to play God to another life

What's funny is I use to be just like you. I use to do bad things to mice and other animals that got caught, but I grew up and found peace, fam. And trust me, once you find peace, you'll become a happier person overall, my G. Get that hate and anger out of ya heart.

Break the top of the bottle to widen up the entrance, and have him run out into the fields and be free
How u gonna hurt this, pa
I'd free it. There's probably more anyway.

You can use peppermint oil to deter them. Put a few drops on cotton balls and place them around the basement.

If you want to kill them humanely get a zapper at a home improvement store.
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@FlyNy....cmon givin these NY haters more fuel to feed the fire...why you lovin rats b? You think a rat is a person b? Do you have rats as pets b?.....cmon pa , we cant show this love to rats.
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@FlyNy....cmon givin these NY haters more fuel to feed the fire...why you lovin rats b? You think a rat is a person b? Do you have rats as pets b?.....cmon pa , we cant show this love to rats.

A rat and a field mouse are 2 different things baby pa. Rats are scum of the earth, field mice just trynna live there lives B. I've broke bread with field mice before
Leave him in the bottle and just take care of him. Mouse in a 40 is the next big pet.
Pour bleach in it? You got problems b.
How the hell you gonna put 'no judging' next to your dad about drinking beers, which no one gives a damn about, but you're bringing up torturing am animal for no reason. The entire post is weird to me.
but wtf did the original pics have to do with the mouse? this thread is odd AF
Couldn't u have just posted the mouse pics or u wanted to flex your fit for us? I'm not a animal hugger so either kill it or let him go, 2 second decision.
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