Debunk Mynths about your City/State.....

Originally Posted by mrgrapes85

People think it's deathly cold in Alaska, when there's 5 different climates...I live in the rainforest, it's like 50 degrees in the winter.
People think that it snows in the summer 

People got shocked when I said that at one point it almost hit 100 degrees in the summer a while back.

Baltimore: yes it is a dangerous city, but everything is not like "The Wire". When i tell out-of-towners im from Baltimore they automatically assume I know the whole cast of The Wire or some !+#* or ask me "is baltimore really like the wire?"
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

we are not all illegal immigrants or conservative white people
We as in Mexicans or Arizonians?
Originally Posted by SoLeCiTy

Originally Posted by INS

Boston is super racist, mob life.

*it's still racist*

I can confirm this with you as well.. man walking around Boston people always stare at you for no reason and are rude as hell.
Lol its true. Drunk white people ftw!!

we were also recently named the drunkest city in america i think? 
NYC: Not everyone from here talks like this "Cawfee, tawk, bawl, wawter, etc", It is not a constant warzone and you are not likely to get robbed/shot riding the subway/walking down the street.
DMV: DC is NOT in Maryland, and what you see on TV is not an accurate representation of DC. When i moved to Maryland from New York, i was mad surprised to see all these hoods in DC.
Originally Posted by KMante

Originally Posted by mrgrapes85

People think it's deathly cold in Alaska, when there's 5 different climates...I live in the rainforest, it's like 50 degrees in the winter.
People think that it snows in the summer 

People got shocked when I said that at one point it almost hit 100 degrees in the summer a while back.


I honestly didn't know that. I definitely thought it was cold all year round, thats crazy.
No, California is not all glamorous and there aren't palm trees everywhere. It's nothing like a Tupac music video at all.

Sacramento is the epitome of dry, but I didn't even have to tell you all that without you all not already knowing
I'm from Cleveland...

-Our sports team don't suck! (I keed, I keed)
-We're nothing like what you people think. Ya'll think Ohio is the worst place to live. Wrong. It's decent. Cleveland is getting too small and boring but it's not horrible...
minneapolis isn't a tundra, it's 50 degrees out right now.

it's just like any other city. mad hipsters and lots of money is here.
lived in seattle most of my life and I dont think it rains as much as ppl like to say it does..
Portland is not filled to the brim with the cess pool that is hipsters. Only the SE and Pearl District are.
Damn you Portlandia!
Philly sports fans aren't all drunken a-holes, just a select few like any other city
Originally Posted by vandal044

lived in seattle most of my life and I dont think it rains as much as ppl like to say it does..

Is it true there are a lot of odd people there?
Houston, TX

-No we aren't all fat
-No we aren't  all idiots
-No we don't ride around on horses and talk with a southern accent
I've lived in NY and Atlanta but Ohio has some of the coolest chillest people I've ever met. Most people think the worst about Ohio but yea, i just came in here to say Ohio is a great place and some of the brightest minds call ohio home.
Originally Posted by FedExciter

we actually have hoods in connecticut... quite a few of them

Connecticut has the highest educational acheivement gap and highest income disparity in the nation. It's very similar to New Jersey and Maryland.

In Connecticut you can be in bombed out housing projects in some of the most impoverished communities in the country, and literally jump on the interstate and be on tree lined streets with homes in excess of a few million dollars in a matter of 5 minutes.

Most of the suburbs have amazing public schools, but in the three worst Cities in the state there are barely enough books for students and the graduate rates in some cases are less than 60%.

Someone mentioned the Wire on here and the City of Baltimore. While it's not all acurate, much of it is and the cities in Connecticut rival that of Baltimore but on a much smaller scale. 

Dilapitated housing projects, crime, poverty and heavy industry are far from what people think of when they think of Connecticut, but it's all there. As are the things that people do associate CT with: beautiful homes, educated people and high income levels.
The Chocolate City days are OVER. Long gone man. (DC)
Originally Posted by tecca nena

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Atlanta is full of gay people.

Do you guys have an unfair amount of redikkulousky thick womens?
Went there back in Sept. It makes no sense how many beautiful girls are in that city. It makes NO DAMN SENSE.
Nashville isn't only full of white people who listen to country music, there are actually a lot of black people here and our hiphop/rap scene is constantly growing
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