Detailed Pics of BIN23 IX's / NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING! 6/5/10

Originally Posted by bigsupa

buy it now
 i had 2.i dont know either

i read an interview on $*@%@$!!%+$%$. they were interviewing some business director at jb. he was talking about the bin 23 collection and he said the bin stands for nothing more than a bin full of sample shoes and ideas that jb never released. i guess the bin part just represents a stash of samples and ideas that jb never released and now they are bringing them back and they are going to make them out of premium materials and also make them extremely exlusive.
Originally Posted by riddla713

i read an interview on $*@%@$!!%+$%$. they were interviewing some business director at jb. he was talking about the bin 23 collection and he said the bin stands for nothing more than a bin full of sample shoes and ideas that jb never released. i guess the bin part just represents a stash of samples and ideas that jb never released and now they are bringing them back and they are going to make them out of premium materials and also make them extremely exlusive.

interesting... those IXs are
Why did they select the II and the IX, two of the least popular models, for these premium editions?
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