Donald Trump is running for president

Speaking of slavery... Where's all da denigration to Muslims that ran

Da islamic slave trade CENTURIES before and CENTURIES after da american

Civil war? Da racial resentment of some of ya off da charts...

I don't understand the point of bringing this up. Because other people were wrong our wrong is less wrong.

At the end of the day, we want the country that we live in to at least acknowledge that the way this country started has long lasting effects on the minorities that live in this country

Many dont subscribe to that, especially when you compare recent immigrant

Minority Upward mobility compared to their american born minority

You really are something else, ninjahood.:lol:
Speaking of slavery... Where's all da denigration to Muslims that ran

Da islamic slave trade CENTURIES before and CENTURIES after da american

Civil war? Da racial resentment of some of ya off da charts...

I don't understand the point of bringing this up. Because other people were wrong our wrong is less wrong.

At the end of the day, we want the country that we live in to at least acknowledge that the way this country started has long lasting effects on the minorities that live in this country

Well that's Rusty's whole point about deflection. He doesn't use actual points to admit or answer for something directly but finds something to change the topic into.

Its not deflection, its analogizing, if you

Cant answer GLARING holes in your logic

Thats not my fault...

1+2=3 no matter what u use to apply it.

Oranges, apples, people, money...da logic is da same.

So why cant da logic ya aspouse transcend ya examples? [emoji]129300[/emoji]
Speaking of slavery... Where's all da denigration to Muslims that ran

Da islamic slave trade CENTURIES before and CENTURIES after da american

Civil war? Da racial resentment of some of ya off da charts...

I don't understand the point of bringing this up. Because other people were wrong our wrong is less wrong.

At the end of the day, we want the country that we live in to at least acknowledge that the way this country started has long lasting effects on the minorities that live in this country

Many dont subscribe to that, especially when you compare recent immigrant

Minority Upward mobility compared to their american born minority

You really are something else, ninjahood.:lol:

Whats stopping american born minorities from

Out performing dirt poor asian immigrants with huge language barriers from stuffing da roster rolls at all da specialized high schools in NYC? [emoji]129300[/emoji]
I'm not here for a debate. I just find your reasoning hilarious. Especially considering who you are.

No shots at all, but you're so far off in the other direction that discussing this will go absolutely nowhere.

Carry on.
Many dont subscribe to that, especially when you compare recent immigrant

Minority Upward mobility compared to their american born minority


As the son of Caribbean immigrants, I don't see the ability for immigrant minorities to be upwardly mobile as something that dismantles the argument of institutionalized racism. There are certain shackles, mentally, economically, educationally, and politically in america that have essentially lulled the large portions of the African American Communities in America into a perpetual state of poverty. Shackles that many minorities avoid simply by not being born here. Americas history contains just the right mix of oppression, dehumanization, disenfranchisement, "civil rights", and dependency that if you were born poor and black and have been that way generationally, you will probably remain that way for the rest of your life, and for future generations.
There are certain shackles, mentally, economically, educationally, and politically in america that have essentially lulled the large portions of the African American Communities in America into a perpetual state of poverty. Shackles that many minorities avoid simply by not being born here. Americas history contains just the right mix of oppression, dehumanization, disenfranchisement, "civil rights", and dependency that if you were born poor and black and have been that way generationally, you will probably remain that way for the rest of your life, and for future generations.

Yea, it's called the Democrat party. They want as many Americans as possible in a perpetual state of dependence so they will get their votes every cycle and stay in power for perpetuity. It's not hard to understand.
Yea, it's called the Democrat party. They want as many Americans as possible in a perpetual state of dependence so they will get their votes every cycle and stay in power for perpetuity. It's not hard to understand.

Yawn, Republicans are on welfare too. Keep repeating the lie, it's working so good for your base.
Yea, it's called the Democrat party. They want as many Americans as possible in a perpetual state of dependence so they will get their votes every cycle and stay in power for perpetuity. It's not hard to understand.

That dependency was form as an attempt to address a need. Do I think that that this was a good long term goal? Not at all. But what are the current plans from the Republican Party to eliminate the need for dependency to begin with? Where's the push for more funding in urban/inner city schools? Where's the push to bring business and opportunity back to those communities? Where's the push to identify and rectify inequality?

Genuine questions looking for a response.
Many dont subscribe to that, especially when you compare recent immigrant

Minority Upward mobility compared to their american born minority


As the son of Caribbean immigrants, I don't see the ability for immigrant minorities to be upwardly mobile as something that dismantles the argument of institutionalized racism. There are certain shackles, mentally, economically, educationally, and politically in america that have essentially lulled the large portions of the African American Communities in America into a perpetual state of poverty. Shackles that many minorities avoid simply by not being born here. Americas history contains just the right mix of oppression, dehumanization, disenfranchisement, "civil rights", and dependency that if you were born poor and black and have been that way generationally, you will probably remain that way for the rest of your life, and for future generations.

This is what ninjahood doesn't understand.

For many immigrants, the mere act of moving here is already a successful endeavor, especially when you come from areas that are heavily scrutinized by the US consular services. :lol: (I got stories)

These are people who have already seen what success look like in their communities (because coming here isn't cheap). So many immigrants in this country come from middle class/educated backgrounds, either as former STEM field workers, college students, professionals, teachers, business owners, etc... so they know the value of hard work and what the results look like. They come here and they create real support systems in which they invest themselves because they know the value of those things.

In contrast, you have multiple generations of American-born people who have never experienced anything but poverty and everything that goes with (govt assistance, prison, drugs, broken families). You simply cannot make the comparison that he's trying to make.
Dude wanna play the black Rush Limbaugh forgetting he's not one of the model minorities.

Let's hear him share some insight as to why blacks and Latinos don t do as well as whites and Asians in school.

This is gone be good, if he actually answers coherently.
Chinese and South Korean families place huge emphasis on education as do many white families. 
Dude wanna play the black Rush Limbaugh forgetting he's not one of the model minorities.

Let's hear him share some insight as to why blacks and Latinos don t do as well as whites and Asians in school.

This is gone be good, if he actually answers coherently.
Chinese and South Korean families place huge emphasis on education as do many white families. 

Just those 3 huh? :rolleyes
Dude wanna play the black Rush Limbaugh forgetting he's not one of the model minorities.

Let's hear him share some insight as to why blacks and Latinos don t do as well as whites and Asians in school.

This is gone be good, if he actually answers coherently.
Chinese and South Korean families place huge emphasis on education as do many white families. 
Man. I fear for the future of his country.
People are still using the "model minority" myth to try and rationalize that black poverty has something to do with culture? Lol

"In addition to the brain drain, the United States offers special visa programs (EB-5) for wealthy individuals outside of the country: if people invest $500,000 or $1 million in American development projects, they receive green cards for themselves and their families. While there are 11.3 million undocumented people living in the U.S. with the threat of deportation and family separation, wealthy individuals can buy their way in. Already, 25 percent of Chinese individuals worth more than $16 million have emigrated, with the United States as their top choice."
Dude wanna play the black Rush Limbaugh forgetting he's not one of the model minorities.

Let's hear him share some insight as to why blacks and Latinos don t do as well as whites and Asians in school.

This is gone be good, if he actually answers coherently.
Chinese and South Korean families place huge emphasis on education as do many white families. 

There are black and Latino families that do as well, difference is the Chinese, S.Korean, and white kids attend pretty decent schools and even if they don't they're given the benefit of the doubt. Many black and Latino children, though faced w/ adversity and stress that they carry to school (being poor is extremely stressful) can still perform well in school, however, the schools they're able to attend are terrible. Now don't get me wrong, our whole education system sucks but that doesn't change the fact that some schools are great and some are terrible.
Yea, it's called the Democrat party. They want as many Americans as possible in a perpetual state of dependence so they will get their votes every cycle and stay in power for perpetuity. It's not hard to understand.

The problem with that theory is that there is not much of a correlation between receiving government largess and voting for the Democratic Party.

Yes, it is true that black people who live in public housing are very likely to vote for Democrats but black people who own their own businesses, make a god deal of money and own their homes also vote for Democrats. Affluent whites tend to vote Republican but there are counties in Appalachia where a majority of the people are white, a majority are on food stamps and a majority vote Republican. To further complicate things, Japanese Americans are the highest earning ethnic group in the US and they vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. The same is true for Indians and Jews and Levantine Arabs.

Furthermore, we should consider that almost everyone is dependent on the state in some way. You show me someone who calls himself "self reliant" with a "good job" and I'll show you someone who has been helped by the state. In my community, the people with the big houses work in finance, they work as engineers for defense contractors or they are lawyers. These people are not Randian supermen holding up the Earth. Bankers and accountants live off of a sector of the Economy that relies on a myriad of government guarantees. Engineers make a lot of money because the US spends enormous amounts of money on military hardware. Lawyers spend all of their time cajoling and sweet talking the state itself.

The people who do the real work, the people without whom our community could not function, Mexicans, mostly undocumented, live in tiny apartments or crowded and rickety houses.

Go out into the country and everyone, especially in my State, California, is dependent on local water projects which are linked to State water projects which are linked to Federal water projects.

The city, the suburbs, the country are all linked by state built infrastructure and everyone, who owns property, be it a downtown condo, a McMansion or a vineyard has his or her private property protected by the state. We are all dependent and we all vote in different ways.
Many dont subscribe to that, especially when you compare recent immigrant

Minority Upward mobility compared to their american born minority


As the son of Caribbean immigrants, I don't see the ability for immigrant minorities to be upwardly mobile as something that dismantles the argument of institutionalized racism. There are certain shackles, mentally, economically, educationally, and politically in america that have essentially lulled the large portions of the African American Communities in America into a perpetual state of poverty. Shackles that many minorities avoid simply by not being born here. Americas history contains just the right mix of oppression, dehumanization, disenfranchisement, "civil rights", and dependency that if you were born poor and black and have been that way generationally, you will probably remain that way for the rest of your life, and for future generations.

Sounds like a cop out to me, especially when

You & me are WELL aware of what ACTUAL 3rd

World poverty is.

You touched upon a key point in regards to being shackled politically...

My favorite liberal show da Brian Lehrer

Show had a segment this morning that discussed Bernie's lack of appeal among blacks..da Dailybeast guest basically admitted if black turn is tamped down even

A little bit, that democrats would NEVER win

Elections... Since black people tend to be monolithically democrat at levels of over 90%

Imagine if someone from da GOP cut into that

Demographic even a LIL bit....makes you wonder why certain politicans constantly use

Race mongering to turn out da black vote..

Da real question is whats da long term costs

In doing that.
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There's something about conservativism that doesn't allow you to see gray area. It's a "no nonsense" stance on everything. If you budge just a little bit on your stance, even when new evidence is presented to you, you'll be considered as a flip flopped, weak or whatever the new hot term is.

It's amazing how many years the GOP has been on the wrong side of history. Whether it's on economic issues or social issues they always double down on the same failed policies. I would never understand that approach to life.
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Many dont subscribe to that, especially when you compare recent immigrant

Minority Upward mobility compared to their american born minority


As the son of Caribbean immigrants, I don't see the ability for immigrant minorities to be upwardly mobile as something that dismantles the argument of institutionalized racism. There are certain shackles, mentally, economically, educationally, and politically in america that have essentially lulled the large portions of the African American Communities in America into a perpetual state of poverty. Shackles that many minorities avoid simply by not being born here. Americas history contains just the right mix of oppression, dehumanization, disenfranchisement, "civil rights", and dependency that if you were born poor and black and have been that way generationally, you will probably remain that way for the rest of your life, and for future generations.

Sounds like a cop out to me, especially when

You & me are WELL aware of what ACTUAL 3rd

World poverty is.

You touched upon a key point in regards to being shackled politically...

My favorite liberal show da Brian Lehrer

Show had a segment this morning that discussed Bernie's lack of appeal among blacks..da Dailybeast guest basically admitted if black turn is tamped down even

A little bit, that democrats would NEVER win

Elections... Since black people tend to be monolithically democrat at levels of over 90%

Imagine if someone from da GOP cut into that

Demographic even a LIL bit....makes you wonder why certain politicans constantly use

Race mongering to turn out da black vote..

Da real question is whats da long term costs

In doing that.

We've seen it happen during the Civil Rights Bill era. The black vote is a pawn and is never leveraged the way that it should be to actually benefit us. We side w/ the party who will hurt us the least and since that era mentioned, it's been the Democratic Party.
Honestly, I would just wish that you would type like an adult and not like a 14 year old teenager from the mid 00s who is using a 3way. Maybe people would give you a little more respect and even possibly a benefit of some doubt. Reading what you write has made my head hurt the past 3 days. I am done :lol:
Sounds like a cop out to me, especially when

You & me are WELL aware of what ACTUAL 3rd

World poverty is.

You touched upon a key point in regards to being shackled politically...

My favorite liberal show da Brian Lehrer

Show had a segment this morning that discussed Bernie's lack of appeal among blacks..da Dailybeast guest basically admitted if black turn is tamped down even

A little bit, that democrats would NEVER win

Elections... Since black people tend to be monolithically democrat at levels of over 90%

Imagine if someone from da GOP cut into that

Demographic even a LIL bit....makes you wonder why certain politicans constantly use

Race mongering to turn out da black vote..

Da real question is whats da long term costs

In doing that.

And coming from where I come from I can clearly see the differences in the way I and others with similar immigrant backgrounds grew up compared to those born here, in poverty. And there are still plenty of immigrants that come here and have zero upward mobility.
Some of you republican cats got me wanting to vote for Hillary.
Racist, willfully ignorant, I don't even want to be in the same team as some cats here.

Some of you republican cats got me wanting to vote for Hillary.
Racist, willfully ignorant, I don't even want to be in the same team as some cats here.


See that's the problem with a certain portion of the GOP voting block, they are exactly this, it just takes a lot of time for it to come out. With enough push, it comes out :lol:
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