Donald Trump is running for president

I thought you was eating out here and life was swell for you under Obama, what's the point of posting someone else's thoughts as opposed to your own experience? Are you saying the great ninja that reaches for greatness and remembers a time when people wanted to be rich was out here struggling?

just cuz im doing swell doesn't negate that Obama has been da most polarizing & divisive president in ny lifetime...da 2 terms aren't mutually exclusive you know.
this is da only paragraph u gotta pay attention to...

The suit states that the young girl was held at the apartment of shady financier Jeffery Epstein, and that Epstein also sexually assaulted her, and that she was one of several girls Epstein kept on the premises to have sex with powerful men. Coincidentally, Bill Clinton is also linked to Epstein — who’s served prison time for soliciting underage prostitutes — and has come under fire for taking trips on Epstein’s private plane, which has been dubbed the “Lolita Express.”

It should be noted that the charges made by the plaintiff cannot be brought against Trump in criminal court. Under New York law, the statute of limitations for any child sex offense is five years after the victim turns 18, so any possibility of Trump being arrested on these charges has long since passed. Even if Jane Doe wanted to come forward and have Trump arrested, that would be legally impossible.

So now you're telling people what they should and shouldn't pay attention to?

That's not how reading comprehension works.
this is da only paragraph u gotta pay attention to...

The suit states that the young girl was held at the apartment of shady financier Jeffery Epstein, and that Epstein also sexually assaulted her, and that she was one of several girls Epstein kept on the premises to have sex with powerful men. Coincidentally, Bill Clinton is also linked to Epstein — who’s served prison time for soliciting underage prostitutes — and has come under fire for taking trips on Epstein’s private plane, which has been dubbed the “Lolita Express.”

It should be noted that the charges made by the plaintiff cannot be brought against Trump in criminal court. Under New York law, the statute of limitations for any child sex offense is five years after the victim turns 18, so any possibility of Trump being arrested on these charges has long since passed. Even if Jane Doe wanted to come forward and have Trump arrested, that would be legally impossible.

So now you're telling people what they should and shouldn't pay attention to?

That's not how reading comprehension works.

its call da up shot.. bottomline is politically? this is a non story. even da most left wing outlet chose to drum beat it in with a personal agenda & zeal to nail Trump, they'd effectively destroy Bill Clinton in da process and Hillary by association.

if a liberal operative has to write an entire book to explain, spin & be a surrogate apologist for Obama's 7 years thus point being what do u think that says about how divisive his administration was? ill let u answer that.
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trump supporters blow my mind wit that stuff like if he says "so and so was involved in the assassination of jfk" or if he makes indian noises at his rally....or that story for example.

WHATEVER he does not one of his supporters will say he's wrong. thats why i think a lot of his supporters are blindly following him.

im not saying ninjahood is doing that but i see it.....ESPECIALLY with cats down here down south.

if bernine sanders was the democratic nominee and that same story was about him id be like "damb thats ****** up...thats gonna hurt "

but i guarantee all his supporters will just dismiss it.

basically according to trumps supporters, everything his says/does, is right. But no candidate is perfect.

i feel like he's taking advantage of a lot of impressionable, not very well educated individuals. AND HE KNOWS IT.

i think thats obvious.
what i think is less obvious is that Trump is actually an idiot.

we keep hearing about how he's a genius and knows exactly what he's doing.

but if you pay attention you realize he's like that senile racist grandpa who says the dumbest most backwards things but you let it go because he's old.

trump is actually fairly old (only 4 years younger than Bernie).

edit: as an aside, it's funny to think that there will be FOUR more presidential terms before Obama is as old as the current batch (Trump/Hillary/Bernie). Trump could rape an underage girl today, father a child with her, wait till the child is 16, and father another child with his new daughter before Obama is even as old as Trump is now. The best part of all this? If it happens, Trump supporters would find a way to justify it.
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WHATEVER he does not one of his supporters will say he's wrong. thats why i think a lot of his supporters are blindly following him.

i feel like he's taking advantage of a lot of impressionable, not very well educated individuals. AND HE KNOWS IT.

i think thats obvious.

you think that's just exclusive to Trump supporters? :lol: go see da % of democrats that will still support Hillary Clinton regardless if she is actually indicted with felony charges regarding da email scandal.

Among Democratic voters, 71% believe Clinton should keep running, a view shared by only 30% of Republicans and 46% of voters not affiliated with either major party
WHATEVER he does not one of his supporters will say he's wrong. thats why i think a lot of his supporters are blindly following him.

i feel like he's taking advantage of a lot of impressionable, not very well educated individuals. AND HE KNOWS IT.

i think thats obvious.

you think that's just exclusive to Trump supporters? :lol: go see da % of democrats that will still support Hillary Clinton regardless if she is actually indicted with felony charges regarding da email scandal.

Among Democratic voters, 71% believe Clinton should keep running, a view shared by only 30% of Republicans and 46% of voters not affiliated with either major party

Stop equating things that are not equal.

Supporting Hillary is not same as supporting Trump because most of her supporters actually recognize that she is flawed. That's not the case with Trump supporters, who seem to have a cult-like admiration for the dude.

If the GOP had fielded someone less loony, we would be seeing a very different campaign. For starters, GOP politicians and donors would be much more willing to support their candidate.
I agree that the "Trump is actually really smart" meme that's been floating around has to die. You can just look at some of the things he's said and realize that even a person pretending to be stupid wouldn't take it to the levels that he has.
trump supporters blow my mind wit that stuff like if he says "so and so was involved in the assassination of jfk" or if he makes indian noises at his rally....or that story for example.

WHATEVER he does not one of his supporters will say he's wrong. thats why i think a lot of his supporters are blindly following him.

im not saying ninjahood is doing that but i see it.....ESPECIALLY with cats down here down south.

if bernine sanders was the democratic nominee and that same story was about him id be like "damb thats ****** up...thats gonna hurt "

but i guarantee all his supporters will just dismiss it.

basically according to trumps supporters, everything his says/does, is right. But no candidate is perfect.

i feel like he's taking advantage of a lot of impressionable, not very well educated individuals. AND HE KNOWS IT.

i think thats obvious.
Like Trump has said, "I could shoot someone and not lose any voters" 
WHATEVER he does not one of his supporters will say he's wrong. thats why i think a lot of his supporters are blindly following him.

i feel like he's taking advantage of a lot of impressionable, not very well educated individuals. AND HE KNOWS IT.

i think thats obvious.

you think that's just exclusive to Trump supporters? :lol: go see da % of democrats that will still support Hillary Clinton regardless if she is actually indicted with felony charges regarding da email scandal.

Among Democratic voters, 71% believe Clinton should keep running, a view shared by only 30% of Republicans and 46% of voters not affiliated with either major party

Stop equating things that are not equal.

Supporting Hillary is not same as supporting Trump because most of her supporters actually recognize that she is flawed. That's not the case with Trump supporters, who seem to have a cult-like admiration for the dude.

so your comeback is essentially "Democratic voters know we're voting for crap, we hate Trump supporters cuz they think he isn't?"

Hillary Clinton is being investigated for MULTIPLE federal felonies at this moment..not Trump, sorry to rain on your parade, but Trump isnt under da possibility of lookin at jail time.

some election slogan :lol: im sure da Democratic turnout is be fabulous :rofl:
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I thought you was eating out here and life was swell for you under Obama, what's the point of posting someone else's thoughts as opposed to your own experience? Are you saying the great ninja that reaches for greatness and remembers a time when people wanted to be rich was out here struggling?

just cuz im doing swell doesn't negate that Obama has been da most polarizing & divisive president in ny lifetime...da 2 terms aren't mutually exclusive you know.

People always say Obama is a polarizing and divisive figure. But they rarely touch on how it's not all his fault.

Them political half truths are poison.
I thought you was eating out here and life was swell for you under Obama, what's the point of posting someone else's thoughts as opposed to your own experience? Are you saying the great ninja that reaches for greatness and remembers a time when people wanted to be rich was out here struggling?

just cuz im doing swell doesn't negate that Obama has been da most polarizing & divisive president in ny lifetime...da 2 terms aren't mutually exclusive you know.

People always say Obama is a polarizing and divisive figure. But they rarely touch on how it's not all his fault.

Them political half truths are poison.

Obama was responsible for more Democratic losses of seat in congress in US if that doesn't point to divisiveness then idk what to tell u
I thought you was eating out here and life was swell for you under Obama, what's the point of posting someone else's thoughts as opposed to your own experience? Are you saying the great ninja that reaches for greatness and remembers a time when people wanted to be rich was out here struggling?

just cuz im doing swell doesn't negate that Obama has been da most polarizing & divisive president in ny lifetime...da 2 terms aren't mutually exclusive you know.

People always say Obama is a polarizing and divisive figure. But they rarely touch on how it's not all his fault.

Them political half truths are poison.

Obama was responsible for more Democratic losses of seat in congress in US if that doesn't point to divisiveness then idk what to tell u
they email issue is a totally different animal/thread that could be argued forever.

I dont think hillary clinton is "crap" ... definitely made some mistakes.

what I'm saying is, every single negative thing trump does, or has done, his supporters blindly dismiss it. they just dont acknowledge it.
His contemporaries in his party however, do.

when he says "I'm going to build a wall, a really big wall" there are people where i live that will vote for him just because of that lol.

like he could go to a strip club with a kkk member and beat a woman and those people would still vote for him DEAD SRS.

the fact that racists openly support trump is also something that i cant believe rational people dismiss.
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they email issue is a totally different animal/thread that could be argued forever.

I dont think hillary clinton is "crap" ... definitely made some mistakes.

what I'm saying is, every single negative thing trump does, or has done, his supporters blindly dismiss it. they just dont acknowledge it.
His contemporaries in his party however, do.

when he says "I'm going to build a wall, a really big wall" there are people where i live that will vote for him just because of that lol.

like he could go to a strip club with a kkk member and beat a woman and those people would still vote for him DEAD SRS.

the fact that racists openly support trump is also something that i cant believe rational people dismiss.


About the last line: racists will support whoever gets closer to their ideals. For years, they were reluctant GOP partisans even though the party didn't go far enough to the right. Trump candidacy has actually HELPED the recruitment efforts of white nationalist groups. That is the problem.
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Obama was responsible for more Democratic losses of seat in congress in US if that doesn't point to divisiveness then idk what to tell u

That points to white people not being okay with melanin in charge

thats being overly simplistic, considering white people overwhelmingly got him into office in da 1st place.

it also shows da lack of self accountability from da left's part...if you're honest with yourself you know Obama did alot of wrong.
they email issue is a totally different animal/thread that could be argued forever.

I dont think hillary clinton is "crap" ... definitely made some mistakes.

what I'm saying is, every single negative thing trump does, or has done, his supporters blindly dismiss it. they just dont acknowledge it.
His contemporaries in his party however, do.

like i said, goes both way... Hillary Clinton is being investigated for MULTIPLE felonies as we u'd still vote for her thou :nerd: so what does that say about you?
the fact that racists openly support trump is also something that i cant believe rational people dismiss.

This is one of the things that bothers me. Dude got an endorsement from the KKK.

These "men" that hide behind robes and masks to spew hate about minorities are banking on this dude winning. The "go back where you came from, this is our country you monkey/muslim/China-man/Mexican" crowd.

Obama was responsible for more Democratic losses of seat in congress in US if that doesn't point to divisiveness then idk what to tell u

That points to white people not being okay with melanin in charge

thats being overly simplistic, considering white people overwhelmingly got him into office in da 1st place.

it also shows da lack of self accountability from da left's part...if you're honest with yourself you know Obama did alot of wrong.

"That's being overly simplistic."

"And it's all Obamas fault."
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I thought you was eating out here and life was swell for you under Obama, what's the point of posting someone else's thoughts as opposed to your own experience? Are you saying the great ninja that reaches for greatness and remembers a time when people wanted to be rich was out here struggling?

just cuz im doing swell doesn't negate that Obama has been da most polarizing & divisive president in ny lifetime...da 2 terms aren't mutually exclusive you know.

People always say Obama is a polarizing and divisive figure. But they rarely touch on how it's not all his fault.

Them political half truths are poison.

Obama was responsible for more Democratic losses of seat in congress in US if that doesn't point to divisiveness then idk what to tell u

and how much of da Democratic party is gonna accept their share of da blame? divisiveness goes 2 ways b. its easy to blame others.
the fact that racists openly support trump is also something that i cant believe rational people dismiss.

This is one of the things that bothers me. Dude got an endorsement from the KKK.

These "men" that hide behind robes and masks to spew hate about minorities are banking on this dude winning. The "go back where you came from, this is our country you monkey/muslim/China-man/Mexican" crowd.

so your gripe is a left wing outfit propagating identity politics? how is this different from breitbart publishing islamic radicals that support Hillary Clinton & da democrats?
they email issue is a totally different animal/thread that could be argued forever.

I dont think hillary clinton is "crap" ... definitely made some mistakes.

what I'm saying is, every single negative thing trump does, or has done, his supporters blindly dismiss it. they just dont acknowledge it.
His contemporaries in his party however, do.

like i said, goes both way... Hillary Clinton is being investigated for MULTIPLE felonies as we u'd still vote for her thou :nerd: so what does that say about you?

You're just throwing anything at the wall hoping that something sticks.

Trump is being investigated for fraud (Trump U) and being dragged to civil court for rape. What does voting for him say about you?
like i said, goes both way... Hillary Clinton is being investigated for MULTIPLE felonies as we u'd still vote for her thou :nerd: so what does that say about you?

like i said tho, if we touch on that thats going to derail this.

but look who is doing the investigating. the committee created to investigate it. the 7 million dollars spent on a report conveniently put out a few weeks before the convention.


Hillary Clinton used a private e-mail address stored on a private e-mail server while she was Secretary of State. At the time, it was not required for SoS to use the government provided e-mail. A little while ago the Department of State requested that she provide all of her e-mails for archival purposes.
It got out that she used a private server and even vetted and deleted some e-mails before turning them over. Her political opponents jumped on this to mean that she had some sinister e-mails that she didn't want people to know about. They continue to jump on the fact that she refuses to turn over the server that was used. Clinton claims she only deleted personal e-mails and none of the deleted e-mails were official e-mails.
Now, an Inspector General as requested the FBI to investigate the incident as a possible counter-intelligence issue because it has be found that some (at least four) e-mails contained classified information. So far, those four e-mails were not classified at the time they were sent.
A newspaper article mischaracterized the IG request as a potential for a criminal investigation. Again her political opponents have jumped on this to imply criminal misconduct on behalf of Clinton.
also keep in mind that a lot of those emails were retroactively made classified.

people, especially trump supporters, make it sound like she committed a felonly like you and i are familiar with in da streets.

again, i admit, not the smartest on her behalf., but to me its not sinister enough to change my opinion that she is the better choice to be president of the united states between the two.

I've said this before and ill say it again. both candidates have faults.
But is just better suited.
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they email issue is a totally different animal/thread that could be argued forever.

I dont think hillary clinton is "crap" ... definitely made some mistakes.

what I'm saying is, every single negative thing trump does, or has done, his supporters blindly dismiss it. they just dont acknowledge it.
His contemporaries in his party however, do.

like i said, goes both way... Hillary Clinton is being investigated for MULTIPLE felonies as we u'd still vote for her thou :nerd: so what does that say about you?

You're just throwing anything at the wall hoping that something sticks.

Trump is being investigated for fraud (Trump U) and being dragged to civil court for rape. What does voting for him say about you?

u comparing a civil trial to a federal Criminal investigation where da Attorney general got caught in a meeting with da husband of da person of interest on da tarmac of an airport? this is where we at now? :lol:
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