Donald Trump is running for president

protesters are just asking to get their *** whooped at a Trump Rally. Don't like him? Vote against him genius. why you even showing up there. 
If you ignore race, you're part of the problem
No if you passionate about your ignorant perspective, then you're part of the problem. There's a difference between comprehending an issue isn't about race, and ignoring race all together.

Showing up to an ELECTION campaign rally in "anti-America" apparel is ignorant. America was FOUNDED on democracy, we're republic.  There's shouldn't be a "back to Africa" movement, just LEAVE if you don't want to be here. There's Africans that would die to be here.

Slavery and racism is HORRIBLE, but honestly at some point we have to get over it. At some point we have to work together. At some point we have to be able to look at someone who looks just like us and if they're acting ignorant, educate them and call them out on their ignorance. That's where racism thrives, in the pervasive chaos of passionate ignorance and pride.

You can't accuse someone of being a bigot or a racist, if they aren't overtly participating is racist behavior then you're being prejudice. And prejudice hurts white people too.
So a black person automatically means a BLM activist?

Trump supporters and Trump protesters can both be way out of line with their actions. I don't think any of us condone the behavior in that video you posted, I would hope not. Regardless, Trump supporters seem to resort to violence more frequently than the protesters.

Whenever a discussion paints conservatives in a negative light, you step in to deflect.
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Bu bu but the Democrats are the REAL racists!!
This is basically what @blco02  does. I remember a while ago in the political discussion thread, we were discussing racism being much more prominent in the conservative party than the democrats and his only response was "but the democrats are racist too!!" when nobody ever said there aren't any democratic racists. 

It's like he's incapable of having any sort of discussion that paints conservatives in a negative light.
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