Don't Simp. It does not work

Sometimes its like these females don't even deserve us being nice to them or simping as yall call it if there mindset is "he's being nice to me, its a turnoff"
Originally Posted by oidreez

Sometimes its like these females don't even deserve us being nice to them or simping as yall call it if there mindset is "he's being nice to me, its a turnoff"
A lot of you guys dumb it down to make yourselves feel better about the whole situation. Being nice =/= simping. Chivalry =/= simping. Again, the scenarios I listed above = simping if done on a daily basis.
Simping is ok for chicks that actually appreciate it, but like we have all found out at some point or another, women rarely rarely appreciate it, word to the "Post your tales of simping" thread. So, since its unlikely that you'll find one who will appreciate it, a lot of dudes have (wisely) stopped doing all that stuff.
Originally Posted by oidreez

Sometimes its like these females don't even deserve us being nice to them or simping as yall call it if there mindset is "he's being nice to me, its a turnoff"
A lot of you guys dumb it down to make yourselves feel better about the whole situation. Being nice =/= simping. Chivalry =/= simping. Again, the scenarios I listed above = simping if done on a daily basis.
Simping is ok for chicks that actually appreciate it, but like we have all found out at some point or another, women rarely rarely appreciate it, word to the "Post your tales of simping" thread. So, since its unlikely that you'll find one who will appreciate it, a lot of dudes have (wisely) stopped doing all that stuff.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by oidreez

Sometimes its like these females don't even deserve us being nice to them or simping as yall call it if there mindset is "he's being nice to me, its a turnoff"
A lot of you guys dumb it down to make yourselves feel better about the whole situation. Being nice =/= simping. Chivalry =/= simping. Again, the scenarios I listed above = simping if done on a daily basis.

But there really are girls who have never been treated nicely until they started dating and don't even know how to be affectionate. Women always wanna deny the existence of these pokemon but they do exist, and it isn't just hoodbuggers or poor people, it's about their upbringing and past, not their class. Not all women understand affection, just like not all men understand affection or the dating process.

This type of female will accept dates and gifts from dudes who have yet to lose hope in her, while still getting busted down and dogged out by the highschool dropout who has her on the last seat on his bench.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by oidreez

Sometimes its like these females don't even deserve us being nice to them or simping as yall call it if there mindset is "he's being nice to me, its a turnoff"
A lot of you guys dumb it down to make yourselves feel better about the whole situation. Being nice =/= simping. Chivalry =/= simping. Again, the scenarios I listed above = simping if done on a daily basis.

But there really are girls who have never been treated nicely until they started dating and don't even know how to be affectionate. Women always wanna deny the existence of these pokemon but they do exist, and it isn't just hoodbuggers or poor people, it's about their upbringing and past, not their class. Not all women understand affection, just like not all men understand affection or the dating process.

This type of female will accept dates and gifts from dudes who have yet to lose hope in her, while still getting busted down and dogged out by the highschool dropout who has her on the last seat on his bench.
Originally Posted by proper english

a lot of these stupid posts really stem from how much u dudes care about how other dudes perceive you. 
Pretty much...ya'll some weenies. Overthinking the hell outta this. If it works for you, keep doing it. If it doesn't, do something else. You got a whole lifetime to figure this #!%+ out.
Originally Posted by proper english

a lot of these stupid posts really stem from how much u dudes care about how other dudes perceive you. 
Pretty much...ya'll some weenies. Overthinking the hell outta this. If it works for you, keep doing it. If it doesn't, do something else. You got a whole lifetime to figure this #!%+ out.
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

I love how cats like Dirtylicious and such go out of their way to question and shoot down their fellow male-brothers when simping is mentioned

When the truth is, as men we are correct in NOT wanting to simp. The reason for that is because simping is considered to be excessive waste of time, stress, and money with no benefit. Why in the world should we willfully simp in order to satisfy some outdated template for dating that may not suit either party?

Simping involves taking an emotional L, and unlike women, it isn't beneficial for us to take L after L after L in the dating world in order to find what we like. It's not the same. IT IS NOT THE SAME
Simping is leading yourself on, not actively pursuing a realistic romantic goal.

Simping isn't being nice or being courteous. It is wasted action on your behalf that is spent on a woman who does not return the same interest. It is blind hope in the imaginary future scenario of love or sex with the person in front of you. It is NOT doing nice/costly things with a person who genuinely feels the same way and will show it. If she's your girlfriend or wife, a good deed is NOT simping at all, and for you to call it simping just makes it disrespectful to what yall have. Simping is at a much lower level than regular romantic interaction.
this post needs to be stickied 
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

I love how cats like Dirtylicious and such go out of their way to question and shoot down their fellow male-brothers when simping is mentioned

When the truth is, as men we are correct in NOT wanting to simp. The reason for that is because simping is considered to be excessive waste of time, stress, and money with no benefit. Why in the world should we willfully simp in order to satisfy some outdated template for dating that may not suit either party?

Simping involves taking an emotional L, and unlike women, it isn't beneficial for us to take L after L after L in the dating world in order to find what we like. It's not the same. IT IS NOT THE SAME
Simping is leading yourself on, not actively pursuing a realistic romantic goal.

Simping isn't being nice or being courteous. It is wasted action on your behalf that is spent on a woman who does not return the same interest. It is blind hope in the imaginary future scenario of love or sex with the person in front of you. It is NOT doing nice/costly things with a person who genuinely feels the same way and will show it. If she's your girlfriend or wife, a good deed is NOT simping at all, and for you to call it simping just makes it disrespectful to what yall have. Simping is at a much lower level than regular romantic interaction.
this post needs to be stickied 
Simping is basically disrespecting yourself in hopes of gaining the attention or affection of a female.  I can range from giving money, buying gifts, or being an emotional crutch.  Men with confidence and high self esteem don't simp.  It's not because we are pimps, playas, or macks but people who understand their own self worth.  I live by a rule that I only do for others that would do for me.  Just because a woman is attractive doesn't mean she is worthy of my hard earned money or even worse my dignity.  I demanded respect from very woman I've ever dealt with....from jumpoffs to girlfriends.  They all understood what type of man I was.  They respected me back because 1. I respect myself and 2. I respect them.  Just because I say Simpin is wack doesn't mean I'm a pig or dog women.  It's more about me than the woman actually.  Paying for a date is different than paying for the presence of a woman.  Simping is when you pay for a date with a woman you have no chance with.  Simping is being fake and trying to be the perfect gentlemen when in reality you come off as cheesy.  
Simping is basically disrespecting yourself in hopes of gaining the attention or affection of a female.  I can range from giving money, buying gifts, or being an emotional crutch.  Men with confidence and high self esteem don't simp.  It's not because we are pimps, playas, or macks but people who understand their own self worth.  I live by a rule that I only do for others that would do for me.  Just because a woman is attractive doesn't mean she is worthy of my hard earned money or even worse my dignity.  I demanded respect from very woman I've ever dealt with....from jumpoffs to girlfriends.  They all understood what type of man I was.  They respected me back because 1. I respect myself and 2. I respect them.  Just because I say Simpin is wack doesn't mean I'm a pig or dog women.  It's more about me than the woman actually.  Paying for a date is different than paying for the presence of a woman.  Simping is when you pay for a date with a woman you have no chance with.  Simping is being fake and trying to be the perfect gentlemen when in reality you come off as cheesy.  
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by oidreez

Sometimes its like these females don't even deserve us being nice to them or simping as yall call it if there mindset is "he's being nice to me, its a turnoff"
A lot of you guys dumb it down to make yourselves feel better about the whole situation. Being nice =/= simping. Chivalry =/= simping. Again, the scenarios I listed above = simping if done on a daily basis.
I would counter this and say women  downplay the acts of a man being "nice" by doing chivalrous things because they realize that in past times men have done "nice" things without being too overbearing and it women's minds its still considered a form of "simping" or being "clingy."
If I could pose a definition of what simping is it would basically be being a doormat for someone...going to extreme lengths to gain favor, attention, love of someone.  Giving off an overbearing personality of going out of your way on a regular when it's not really warranted.  Being smothering.

I mean I have really only simped twice in my life...but i've seen alot of it from friends, family, strangers.  I've seen so much because I saw it before the term simp was even conjured and people feel that everyone is in the know about simping.

If you're trying to say that being nice =/= simping then why are their so many threads, blogs, websites of stories of men doing "nice" guy things and then get dumped/played afterwards....I mean "nice guys finish last" is the damb saying.  I don't even find that's more like "nice guys finish without that many" meaning nice guys aren't able to pull the same amount of girls as the bad ones....But my mindset now is that all you need is one really good one, right?

My final thoughts on this are:

-don't get caught up in one facet of a either like the whole package/significant majority of it  or she isn't worth the time

-don't be a doormat...if something doesn't sit right with you, speak up

-If you spend more time planning your actions so that you can gain favor with a female than actually being in the physical presence of said female...your doing it wrong

-Have some goddamn respect for yourself.  Carry yourself with intergrity, and remember your word is your bond.

-Be confident in your personality so that you don't have to replace it with heartshaped starbursts and orders.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by oidreez

Sometimes its like these females don't even deserve us being nice to them or simping as yall call it if there mindset is "he's being nice to me, its a turnoff"
A lot of you guys dumb it down to make yourselves feel better about the whole situation. Being nice =/= simping. Chivalry =/= simping. Again, the scenarios I listed above = simping if done on a daily basis.
I would counter this and say women  downplay the acts of a man being "nice" by doing chivalrous things because they realize that in past times men have done "nice" things without being too overbearing and it women's minds its still considered a form of "simping" or being "clingy."
If I could pose a definition of what simping is it would basically be being a doormat for someone...going to extreme lengths to gain favor, attention, love of someone.  Giving off an overbearing personality of going out of your way on a regular when it's not really warranted.  Being smothering.

I mean I have really only simped twice in my life...but i've seen alot of it from friends, family, strangers.  I've seen so much because I saw it before the term simp was even conjured and people feel that everyone is in the know about simping.

If you're trying to say that being nice =/= simping then why are their so many threads, blogs, websites of stories of men doing "nice" guy things and then get dumped/played afterwards....I mean "nice guys finish last" is the damb saying.  I don't even find that's more like "nice guys finish without that many" meaning nice guys aren't able to pull the same amount of girls as the bad ones....But my mindset now is that all you need is one really good one, right?

My final thoughts on this are:

-don't get caught up in one facet of a either like the whole package/significant majority of it  or she isn't worth the time

-don't be a doormat...if something doesn't sit right with you, speak up

-If you spend more time planning your actions so that you can gain favor with a female than actually being in the physical presence of said female...your doing it wrong

-Have some goddamn respect for yourself.  Carry yourself with intergrity, and remember your word is your bond.

-Be confident in your personality so that you don't have to replace it with heartshaped starbursts and orders.
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