Dressing Better Vol 2.0

Dont know if any of u guys mess wit scott disick but theres an article about his daily routine.

Its ignorantly amazing.

Praise the lord.

I always wondered what it is he actually does. I know his family is wealthy, but didn't know what his career was. Looks like he just uses his money to make more money rather than having a set career
My Arenas are a purchase that I'm regretting...kinda feel like how the Prada wave was ten years ago. They're sneakers, tired of seeing dudes rock em like they're shoes.
Who cares what others do, man. If you like them, just rock them. Set a style for yourself, don't follow trends since they fluctuate.
I do like them, I think they're a great quality shoe. I've been sitting on them for a long while. Each time I wanna pull em out, I go out and see some totally unfashionable guy putting a hurting on them and I say to myself, and this is why I don't wear them. I'd rather set a style for myself by wearing something else that just isn't so trendy. 
I always wondered what it is he actually does. I know his family is wealthy, but didn't know what his career was. Looks like he just uses his money to make more money rather than having a set career
I will never know why the general public is in love with this guy. I'm on the other end of the spectrum from you guys I guess. He even sounds arrogant on text.

It's easy to continue to make money once the ball's already rolling. A lot of these famous figures are just puppets for the real business people behind the scene since they are already household names. If I were in Rob's shoes, I'd be a lot more productive than he is, with all of the networking power at his finger tips (Rob as in the brother to Kim K).

Great article nonetheless (though it states no logistics of what he does), more motivation to reach greatness!
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Youre on the right end of the spectrum lol

In 10 years arenas will still be classy and clean imo.

Im currently looking for these for a decent number. Any color

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Youre on the right end of the spectrum lol

In 10 years arenas will still be classy and clean imo.

Im currently looking for these for a decent number. Any color


I acknowledge that the average American is not smart, it's a given fact. They love mindless stuff like this and the corps have to tailor accordingly because at the end of the day, it's all about $$$. This is why I've stated and will continue to say that if there's one country where anyone can become successful in, it's the good ol' USA. Sorry for the off topic rant this morning, gents. :lol:
Great pics, TypeR! I see they were taken with a camera, and not a cell phone, haha.

We have the same black Margielas :smile:

Also, I would have never guessed you're Flip. I would've thought you were Chinese :lol:
busted out the SLR for the trip lol.

few people ever guess that im filipino. i get almost everything else. Chinese, Hispanic, half white, or some mix of the 3 lol.
busted out the SLR for the trip lol.

few people ever guess that im filipino. i get almost everything else. Chinese, Hispanic, half white, or some mix of the 3 lol.

Lots of people always think I'm Hispanic or Flip. The standout was the Hawaiian :lol:
Very nice, hope you enjoyed your trip.

Looks like you were able to utilize a few pieces in different outfits, well done. Your hairstyle cracks me up though.

it was unbelievably windy there most days. i could have super glued my hair and it still would have been messed up by the end of the day.

Nice pics Pinoy, are those Nudies?

yup nudies grim tim dry organic selvage
any sales today? Headed to the mall and I'm looking for a few good deals
Saw a sign at Gap when I walked by. Didn't stop in or read in details though.

There's a cool app called SnipSnap that allows you to search for coupons and display on your phones, not just limited to clothing brands as well.
TypeR from now on no more iPhone in the dark pictures, they truly do your clean style no justice whatsoever!

And I would submit the 5th picture to the TSB contest....sick picture, fit, pose.
looking for a suit.... finally preferably one that would match my cole haan air connor boots black with a nave blue inside. also i live the vest look I'm 62 155lbs fits a 32 and medium or large shirts. i love comfort so comfort over style and something that i could wear just to go out. also a nice hat to match will rep if suits me. 
TypeR from now on no more iPhone in the dark pictures, they truly do your clean style no justice whatsoever!

And I would submit the 5th picture to the TSB contest....sick picture, fit, pose.
Lol I know. It's easy with the gf there to take pics. May just bite the bullet and get a tripod
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