Drunk Driving Vol. Please don't do it.

Other than physically preventing a driver from driving drunk there is absolutely nothing to be done...people will drive drunk no matter what, till they get that first offense which humbles you the **** up and makes you realize "***** I actually can get caught"

Something else I find crazy is that police officers will look out for each other, that's why cops go out and drive drunk with 0 worries...same with firefighters, werd to my broinlaw.
Trust me I sympathize man....is really sad that this happened to those girls, I read it and felt bad immediately and also angry, so I'm not on the opposing side of your argument, that scum deserves all the punishment he will get...socially because he was given more than one chance, truth is...he was put on this earth to destroy lives, he would have eventually done so, he wasn't about to learn and obviously had a drinking problem.
And at 23 I'm sure we all know the implications of unprotected sex, but we all know the mass amounts of broken homes we have in America nowadays because boys can't be responsible enough....but YOU sir sound like an exquisite human being who has NEVER made a mistake....I gets it bro.

Not a valid comparison since your actions while driving drunk can potentially affect more lives than you and your sexual partners.

If we're going that route then it boils back down to education. Unfortunately, even if the proper education system is in place to aware young adults of the consequences of driving drunk (or not using birth control). There will still be dumb people who will have to learn those lessons for themselves.
Trust me I sympathize man....is really sad that this happened to those girls, I read it and felt bad immediately and also angry, so I'm not on the opposing side of your argument, that scum deserves all the punishment he will get...socially because he was given more than one chance, truth is...he was put on this earth to destroy lives, he would have eventually done so, he wasn't about to learn and obviously had a drinking problem.
agreed. It's a goddamn shame, but agreed 100%.
Not a valid comparison since your actions while driving drunk can potentially affect more lives than you and your sexual partners.

If we're going that route then it boils back down to education. Unfortunately, even if the proper education system is in place to aware young adults of the consequences of driving drunk (or not using birth control). There will still be dumb people who will have to learn those lessons for themselves.

Bringing a child into this world during an unprotected night between two young it resposnible people, affect MANY lives, wachu talmbout?

Affects, the mothers life, her families, that child's life is affected before it even starts.
If you can't hold your liquor or drink responsibly then you shouldn't place yourself in a position where driving is an option. At the age of 23 you should've known what kind of drinker you are. Unless you have a drinking problem then what happened to you was inevitable. Glad you learned your lesson though.

Please explain your definition of "hold your liquor" or "drink responsibly"

Personally drinking responsibly is drinking to the point where you still in control. That doesn't have much to do with a random BAC lawmakers getting that MADD money decided on decades ago.
I'm not trying to argue with you buttsteez. You admitted you did a dumb thing. You live and you learn. We should be promoting learning to live though. Not,
Other than physically preventing a driver from driving drunk there is absolutely nothing to be done...people will drive drunk no matter what, till they get that first offense which humbles you the **** up and makes you realize "***** I actually can get caught"
I believe this is a load of ********.

I'm not saying there should be harsher penalties either because people do make mistakes and their lives shouldn't be ruined because of that. I believe in second chances.

But I DO believe we can prevent SOME people from EVER driving drunk with the proper education. All you can do is try to educate people better. Some will get it, some won't. There are many ways to teach a lesson and I don't agree with you in this case that learning from the consequences first hand is the only way.
I'm not trying to argue with you buttsteez. You admitted you did a dumb thing. You live and you learn. We should be promoting learning to live though. Not,
I believe this is a load of ********.

I'm not saying there should be harsher penalties either because people do make mistakes and their lives shouldn't be ruined because of that. I believe in second chances.

But I DO believe we can prevent SOME people from EVER driving drunk with the proper education. All you can do is try to educate people better. Some will get it, some won't. There are many ways to teach a lesson and I don't agree with you in this case that learning from the consequences first hand is the only way.

Bro tell me what propper education you speak of, who needs to be properly educated on something as simple as the risks of driving drunk...we all know what can happen, same with unprotected sex, you don't wear a rubber you risk the clap or a child or both...is pretty basic stuff...so I don't know what you by the proper education serving as a prevention method for drinking and driving, is not like people who chose to do these things are oblivious to the dangers of it.
I'm not trying to argue with you buttsteez. You admitted you did a dumb thing. You live and you learn. We should be promoting learning to live though. Not,
I believe this is a load of ********.

I'm not saying there should be harsher penalties either because people do make mistakes and their lives shouldn't be ruined because of that. I believe in second chances.

But I DO believe we can prevent SOME people from EVER driving drunk with the proper education. All you can do is try to educate people better. Some will get it, some won't. There are many ways to teach a lesson and I don't agree with you in this case that learning from the consequences first hand is the only way.

Bro tell me what propper education you speak of, who needs to be properly educated on something as simple as the risks of driving drunk...we all know what can happen, same with unprotected sex, you don't wear a rubber you risk the clap or a child or both...is pretty basic stuff...so I don't know what you by the proper education serving as a prevention method for drinking and driving, is not like people who chose to do these things are oblivious to the dangers of it.

From reading your posts in here Hennesy I believe that you believe that people who make mistakes are just dumb.

Proper education!?? Yes that helps, but thats not the end all be all to stop crime. Most people KNOW what they are doing when they are doing it.

Sure you got the few who truly don't know smoking is bad for you, that stealing is wrong....but c'mon now. Just because people do the wrong thing, doesnt mean they don't know better.

We choose our lives.
My HS did a moc drunk driving crash where some of my peers were acting as the victims. That was quite the experience an I know indefinitely deterred a lot of my friends and I from driving drunk.

It was expensive an not very practical because the whole fire dept, multiple police an even a helicopter came to airlift the victim but that all added dramatic elements and it was effective.

Besides that hit parents knowing their kids are drinking and being open to having discussions about safety instead of act like their kids are angels who don't drink and drive or drink period.

More billboards and creative TV ads.

PLENTY of ways...
My HS did a moc drunk driving crash where some of my peers were acting as the victims. That was quite the experience an I know indefinitely deterred a lot of my friends and I from driving drunk.

It was expensive an not very practical because the whole fire dept, multiple police an even a helicopter came to airlift the victim but that all added dramatic elements and it was effective.

Besides that hit parents knowing their kids are drinking and being open to having discussions about safety instead of act like their kids are angels who don't drink and drive or drink period.

More billboards and creative TV ads.

PLENTY of ways...

Sorry we were all not as fortunate as you to have attended High schools with budgets that can afford a God damb Helicopter airlift just for the sake of a class.

If you need a class to give you insight and perspective on the dangers of drinking and driving you must have led a pretty sheltered life....we know the dangers of it, we CHOSE to ignore it....stupid, yes....uneducated on the matter, NOPE.
If you see someone who's visibly drunk getting into a car about to drive, call the cops. You may say "No Snitching", but what if your snitching prevents a family's pain...
If you see someone who's visibly drunk getting into a car about to drive, call the cops. You may say "No Snitching", but what if your snitching prevents a family's pain...

How about you prevent him from getting in the car then calling the cops?...or perhaps offer to drive for him...or pay for his/her cab?...chances are cops won't be able to do anything on time to catch the person.
Sorry we were all not as fortunate as you to have attended High schools with budgets that can afford a God damb Helicopter airlift just for the sake of a class.

If you need a class to give you insight and perspective on the dangers of drinking and driving you must have led a pretty sheltered life....we know the dangers of it, we CHOSE to ignore it....stupid, yes....uneducated on the matter, NOPE.

So you admit you were an idiot. We can prevent that.

I want to a public high school. Make me out to be sheltered or privileged that's fine. Have you had a close friend, you've known your whole life, die from drunk driving? If a car full of 3 students who everyone loved all died the year before you graduate maybe your school would've taken all the precautions possible to educate so it doesn't happen again. We all knew at that point the danger, but the reinforcing helped to prevent it from happening again.

Also, I don't think I've ever heard of a third party dying from someone being irresponsible with unprotected sex. Just drop that silly argument. You said yourself you had "no regard for others" that right there's the problem. You may be able to learn from your personal mis
take by paying fines and losing your license (excuse your plight). Not all victims of drunk driving have that opportunity, so any way we can educate to prevent, even if pretentious, I'm all for it.
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How about you prevent him from getting in the car then calling the cops?...or perhaps offer to drive for him...or pay for his/her cab?...chances are cops won't be able to do anything on time to catch the person.

Not realistic. Put yourself in a drunken position, I come to you, a complete stranger, and say "hey you're in no condition to drive, take a cab"

Do you really believe you would be receptive and not aggressive? I know I'd curse someone out if I were drunk.
I know the world revolves around ksteezy but show some humility and try to educate some people on the dangers and consequences instead of saying, "there's nothing you can do until you learn the lesson for yourself."

That point of view is a problem dude.
It's sad I know too many family and friends who have either died or have gotten dwi's ppl honestly don't give AF when they get behind the wheel, I couldn't imagine not being above to stand and saying I can operate a vehicle rip to all who have lost
From reading your posts in here Hennesy I believe that you believe that people who make mistakes are just dumb.

Proper education!?? Yes that helps, but thats not the end all be all to stop crime. Most people KNOW what they are doing when they are doing it.

Sure you got the few who truly don't know smoking is bad for you, that stealing is wrong....but c'mon now. Just because people do the wrong thing, doesnt mean they don't know better.

We choose our lives.

Everyone does stupid things yeah. It doesn't mean we can't try to prevent that. And no I'm not saying people who make mistakes are dumb. I believe everyone, even the smartest of us make mistakes, and mistakes are great to learn from when YOU make them.

But when other innocent people besides you can feel the consequences of your mistakes and possibly die because of them don't you think we should do everything possible to try and prevent that? It's not realistic to give harsher penalties to drunk drivers who didn't cause any damage. Punishment now is fine, let them learn that way.

I'm just saying let's work more to educate people so that never even happens in the first place. Of course, some people will still drie drunk any way, we can reduce that number though.
So you admit you were an idiot. We can prevent that.

I want to a public high school. Make me out to be sheltered or privileged that's fine. Have you had a close friend, you've known your whole life, die from drunk driving? If a car full of 3 students who everyone loved all died the year before you graduate maybe your school would've taken all the precautions possible to educate so it doesn't happen again. We all knew at that point the danger, but the reinforcing helped to prevent it from happening again.

Also, I don't think I've ever heard of a third party dying from someone being irresponsible with unprotected sex. Just drop that silly argument. You said yourself you had "no regard for others" that right there's the problem. You may be able to learn from your personal mis
take by paying fines and losing your license (excuse your plight). Not all victims of drunk driving have that opportunity, so any way we can educate to prevent, even if pretentious, I'm all for it.

You really wanna continue?

A public high school where I'm from doesn't have the funds and probably has lost more students due to gun violence than car accidents, and the only thing they were able to do was place metal detectors, so once again, fortunate you...be grateful for it...are you now calling me an idiot because I couldn't afford to be brought up in a better neighborhood with better school system, please reinforce my earlier post of you being pretentious.

Now was I stupid for getting behind the wheel drunk, YES WE ALL ARE....that however is IRRELEVANT to level of education or school system attended when younger, since we've had Political figures and I'm sure CEOs getting caught up with DUI, hell the class I was forced to take had 3 lawyers and 2 doctors in it, so please drop your education gimmick.

Now back to my birth control comparison....you've never seen a situation like an unplanned pregancy between two irresponsible young people end a life?...how about babies being dumped in garbage cans?...your little sheltered life has never heard if that?...or perhaps your sheltered public school in a rich community never tried to "educate" you on the matter because that was irrelevant in YOUR community?...now let's forget the babies in dumpsters, how about a kid growing up without a dad and raised by their grandmother because obviously she's also still raising a the mother of the baby?...it may not have ended their life, but surely screwed everything up for years to come and let's not forget the huge disadvantage that baby is put on before it can even formulate thoughts....

It has 0 to do with education fam, understand that.
I didn't read after you asked if I wanted to continue. I don't. I stated I feel education is important. You're a known troll I don't have time to continue this.

Whatever you said above me I'll cosign so you feel better.

Edit: nvm just read you said it has 0 to do with education. I simply don't believe that when I've seen first hand education has prevented my friends and I from driving drunk.
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