I'd just go to the bathroom and splash cold water on my face. If it was really bad I'd sit down in a stall and power nap for like 5 minutes. I never actually went full-blown sleep at work though.
At my last command(navy) I worked in a warehouse with aircraft parts on these huge shelves. It was like 30-40 rows of shelves. I know my coworkers and i would take bubble wrap make makeshift pillows and take turns knocking out for a few on those back shelves. Our boss was a year away from retirement and didnt give a damn. Dude would put his feet up on the desk and lay out for 2-3 hrs at a time.
Ive only done the, "shut the door to my office, pretend I am on a call, and just KO" once or twice in the 6 years I been at my current gig. My body is getting too old to handle the weeknight partying so I try to make sure I get enough sleep every night.

In my younger days though I have fallen asleep while in the conference room on a conference call with my managing partner sitting on the other side of the room. SUPER embarrassing but there was just something about that damn room... its like they pump ambien mist through the A/C system or something.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by Meallen125

Was working ticket sales at 6 flags and I closed my blinds in the booth and fell asleep...I didn't know I was the only booth open so patrons started to complain about not being able to buy tickets

not a damb was given

Not one lmbo
I used to work at a bagel shop for like 2 months. Had to be in at 7am so after the morning rush i would go clean the bathroom and then make a pillow of toilet paper and sleep for like an hour. Manager was an idiot and he never noticed even though there was only like 3 people working
Back in university I rolled with 3 part time jobs + full course load (yeah, that was stupid)

Anyhow, at the supermarket job I used to sleep on my breaks (I worked the produce section) on top of the bagged potatoes, in the cooler, or clear off a supply rack (it was pretty uncomfortable but you KNOW you're tired when lumpy potatoes or a steel shelving unit feels like a luxury bed) The store manager would find my co-workers sleeping on their breaks in the lunchroom but it was frowned upon

At the other 2 jobs I got no rest since I faced customers most of the shift (Starbucks & retail) so no sleep there. I miss public transit now for the naps I could take going from one job / school / other job...
i might doze off (i work in front of a comp all day) but i wake myself up and walk around or go get some water.
I don't like doing it but usually after lunch when I start feeling it and I'm gone
Originally Posted by oidreez

i might doze off (i work in front of a comp all day) but i wake myself up and walk around or go get some water.

Me too. In fact, I had a sleep study done on me a week ago where they plugged me into all types of machines and had me spend the night to detect if I have any sleep disorder. They claim I didn't, but I know I have at the least narcolepsy. Anyways, get some NuVigil. It keeps you awak and alert all day, and not in a gittery caffeine type of way
I was just texting someone I feel like going to sleep right now, and this thread is not helping. Thinking about rolling to the bathroom right now. I work at a corporate so no one would miss me
Originally Posted by IamMD

I'm in the same boat right now. I went out drinking last night (bad idea) and I just want to put head down on desk so bad.

A few years ago, I did security for this one building from 1am to 1pm. I brought mad blankets and layed them on the floor like a bed and went to sleep all night. One night I had the girl I was dating over for some late night action. We ended up falling asleep on the floor naked and some dude had to fix the door or something in the office so he had a key to get in. HE opened the door and saw us laying on the ground. SMH. It was literally the most embarrassed I had ever been. Dude said "umm...." and just walked back out until i got everything situated.

I don't have any stories, but you guys stories are funny 
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

yall are killing your bodies w. the lack of sleep....

word. When I was younger I was able to be out on weekdays, completely inebriated until 3-4am come back to the office and work 8-5.

Not anymore, I'm in bed by 11pm. lol I love waking up well rested, and reenergized.   
Originally Posted by sonunox34

In high school my grocery store caught a worker (with an online gambling addiction) who would clock in, go to the basement, set up a castle with toilet paper and nap/eat ice cream/drink gatorade for hours at a time. Got exposed a few months later. 

That's the kinda mess I'd probably do if I ever got a job.  Reckless abandon
This thread is gold. Brings back so many memories.

When I was 20 years old I used to manage a mens clothing store inside the San Francisco Shopping center. I was the only one with keys to the store so I had to open every morning. One night I went out to this club called City Nights and never have I been so wasted in my life. I remember on the way to the club drinking JD straight out the bottle. By the time I was inside the club I had the mean spins. lol I ended up throwing up all night, and I had to be up at 7am. Get to the store the next morning and I was struggling. I remember a customer coming in and I greeted him and out of no where throw up came up, and I puked a little on the sales floor,
 I ran to the back and puked my brains out with a customer by himself in the store. LOL I had to call an employee to come in early, I was a mess. Being the manager I couldnt leave the store, so I layed clothes all over the stock room and knocked out for a good 2-3 hours.
Originally Posted by solesavage

This thread is gold. Brings back so many memories.

When I was 20 years old I used to manage a mens clothing store inside the San Francisco Shopping center. I was the only one with keys to the store so I had to open every morning. One night I went out to this club called City Nights and never have I been so wasted in my life. I remember on the way to the club drinking JD straight out the bottle. By the time I was inside the club I had the mean spins. lol I ended up throwing up all night, and I had to be up at 7am. Get to the store the next morning and I was struggling. I remember a customer coming in and I greeted him and out of no where throw up came up, and I puked a little on the sales floor,
 I ran to the back and puked my brains out with a customer by himself in the store. LOL I had to call an employee to come in early, I was a mess. Being the manager I couldnt leave the store, so I layed clothes all over the stock room and knocked out for a good 2-3 hours.
this guy wins.  LMAO.
Was working ticket sales at 6 flags and I closed my blinds in the booth and fell asleep...I didn't know I was the only booth open so patrons started to complain about not being able to buy tickets

solesavage wrote:
This thread is gold. Brings back so many memories.

When I was 20 years old I used to manage a mens clothing store inside the San Francisco Shopping center. I was the only one with keys to the store so I had to open every morning. One night I went out to this club called City Nights and never have I been so wasted in my life. I remember on the way to the club drinking JD straight out the bottle. By the time I was inside the club I had the mean spins. lol I ended up throwing up all night, and I had to be up at 7am. Get to the store the next morning and I was struggling. I remember a customer coming in and I greeted him and out of no where throw up came up, and I puked a little on the sales floor,
 I ran to the back and puked my brains out with a customer by himself in the store. LOL I had to call an employee to come in early, I was a mess. Being the manager I couldnt leave the store, so I layed clothes all over the stock room and knocked out for a good 2-3 hours.


I have a smiliar story when I worked as the product process manager at best buy. We had to do ad set at 6am on sunday mornings. The night before was my assistant managers 23rd birthday and we all went out. Got plastered beyond any normal person should and we didnt get back to his condo until about 415am (or so I was told). I had to open the store at 6am, got there 20 minutes late, went straight to get the peon's working, then went to our break room and knocked out for 4 hours. I was still drunk when I was woken up, by my assistant manager, looking like he got a full night of sleep saying I had to deal with an upset customer issue at the front of the store. I almost slapped the hell out of him for waking me up. I ended up walking over super dizzy to talk to this old bird who was 92, yes three whole months, out of her return policy. I started sweating like a mad man and thought I was having a heart attack. Until I threw up on her patent leather pumps and felt instantly better/ She just looked at me shocked as I turned away and walked back to the break room and took another nap for 2 and a half hours until my shift was over.

My General Manager said he would have fired me that day if he had not gone out with us the night before and gotten drunk.
 Crisis averted.
I dosed off a few times before lunch today. Don't know what the issue was because I fell asleep at a decent hour last night.
Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

Originally Posted by IamMD

I'm in the same boat right now. I went out drinking last night (bad idea) and I just want to put head down on desk so bad.

A few years ago, I did security for this one building from 1am to 1pm. I brought mad blankets and layed them on the floor like a bed and went to sleep all night. One night I had the girl I was dating over for some late night action. We ended up falling asleep on the floor naked and some dude had to fix the door or something in the office so he had a key to get in. HE opened the door and saw us laying on the ground. SMH. It was literally the most embarrassed I had ever been. Dude said "umm...." and just walked back out until i got everything situated.
So reckless 
what sucks is that i could be hella tired at work, ready to KO, and be awake once i get home
i usually get 2-4 hrs of sleep nowadays and i work in a cubicle. been wanting to grab my pillow during break time and sleep on the floor to. smh they should let you do w/e you want during your break since its ur break. no difference in me putting my head down on my desk or napping on the floor. do have a office door where i can lock...man that'd be awesoem. if i start having micro sleeps you can catch me in the handicap stall dozin for 15 min.
I always take a 25min nap in my car. I don't think my boss mind it tho. haha I work 4-10's 5am-4:30pm btw.
'07 pre Thanksgiving pot luck at work. When I got back to my office the itis overcame me and I feel asleep next to my keyboard. We out for about an hour and a half but it was enough
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