Father's Rights .....

Jun 15, 2013
The reason for my post is the below video:

Now, I'm not trying to get into this specific incident, but rather, what rights do Father's to be have???

The repetitive things are "a womans body a womans right" and when it court, "it takes two".

If a Guy has sex with another consenting adult and for whatever the reason a fetus is conceived, why can't the father have a say so in regards to abortion?

If the answer is, because is a womans right to choose, which is a very legitimate answer, why from that point can't a father be relieved of all financial and legal responsibilities? I mean a woman get to choose, plus a woman gets to claim child support and extra expenses?

If a Male can't have a say so in regards to keeping/aborting a child, then he should at least have an option to waive all rights (in case he just does not want to pay child support), in other words say so or visitation. if he changes his mind in the future, he would have to pay retroactive support to time of birth.

Any thoughts?
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Fathers have the right to use condoms.
Is cool, just move over and let grown folks talk.

I was going to be specific and state that accident do happen, but left it out because, why should it matter?

Again, the father doesn't have a right to choose ... why are you only blaming the father like the mother didn't force him to use one???

The immature and backwards way of thinking needs to be abolished. Tired of hearing this BS and people clinging to them like is holy gospel.
The only thoughts I have are

1) The amount should be determined annually based on location and cost of living... NOT on a salary percentage.

2) If the mother lives below the poverty line/ doesn't have a job.... she should only be eligible for partial custody until she can prove that she can minimally support herself and half the childs needs. If she wanted to be a stay at home mom she should have gotten married.

3) it is my personal opinion that child support is no longer simply a matter of holding men accountable, but rather now part of a larger agenda incentivizing and empowering women to adopt the "I dont need no man" mentality and abandon relationships and the difficulties of keeping a family unit whenever they feel slighted or find a more well off (or well endowed) partner. And it is having a definite negative effect on society and contributes to the shrinking of the middle class.
Is cool, just move over and let grown folks talk.

I was going to be specific and state that accident do happen, but left it out because, why should it matter?

Again, the father doesn't have a right to choose ... why are you only blaming the father like the mother didn't force him to use one???

The immature and backwards way of thinking needs to be abolished. Tired of hearing this BS and people clinging to them like is holy gospel.
The man has the right to choose whether he risks getting a woman pregnant or not.
“Any thoughts?”

“Except that thought. It needs to abolished, you so and so and so and so.”

Grown folks. Right.
I know your reading comprehension is better than that. When I said for whatever the reason, I was taking into account a guy wearing or not wearing protection. If your sole purpose to using a condom is to prevent a child, then you're an idiot.

However, condoms aren't 100% and there are countless cases of condoms rupturing and a child being the result of those sexual actions. Which leads me to the point, if an accident does happen, why does a Male have no rights?

What if you are the father to be and she goes and gets an abortion??? There's no reprocutions and there's nothing you can do about it. Again, taking the males right to be a part of such an important decision.

For everything else in this world people fight for rights, for this, it is what it is??? Seems like a very poor mindset ...
damn he got 22 yrs for attempting to force abort a fetus & she ain't even drink it?
The only thoughts I have are

1) The amount should be determined annually based on location and cost of living... NOT on a salary percentage.

2) If the mother lives below the poverty line/ doesn't have a job.... she should only be eligible for partial custody until she can prove that she can minimally support herself and half the childs needs. If she wanted to be a stay at home mom she should have gotten married.

3) it is my personal opinion that child support is no longer simply a matter of holding men accountable, but rather now part of a larger agenda incentivizing and empowering women to adopt the "I dont need no man" mentality and abandon relationships and the difficulties of keeping a family unit whenever they feel slighted or find a more well off (or well endowed) partner. And it is having a definite negative effect on society and contributes to the shrinking of the middle class.

My daughters mom doesn’t do a damn thing as far as work. With that said I only pay for 300 a month for child support. Anything extra I buy my daughter I document which is a lot because I’m not about to have her living like a bum.

I work hard and make pretty good money so it’s whatever, I just hope my daughter sees me and my girlfriend grinding and living good when she’s with us vs her mom and follows suit. Her mom is a good mom as far as pushing them in school etc but she isn’t much of a role model. My daughter is 12 now so she’s getting older and can see for herself and make her own opinions. I’m not about to bash her mom in front of her.

But if she took me to court for a child support increase I’d lawyer up so fast and make her look foolish.
Is cool, just move over and let grown folks talk.

I was going to be specific and state that accident do happen, but left it out because, why should it matter?

Again, the father doesn't have a right to choose ... why are you only blaming the father like the mother didn't force him to use one???

The immature and backwards way of thinking needs to be abolished. Tired of hearing this BS and people clinging to them like is holy gospel.

If men don't impregnate women with undesirable traits those traits will cease to exist.

You making excuses.
logical argument, but you're treading into deep societal and emotional waters...good luck.
I understand ...

But I believe if you can plant one seed, that seed might grow. Might not happen anytime soon, but from dudes that can comprehend and have a circle, taking this idea and sharing it, to those dudes that have other circles repeat, something can happen.

Just ludacris how the system can completely **** someone's life about something that although he voluntarily engaged it, didnt have a say so in the final outcome.

A dude can rape someone and get off with probation but for this you pay 18-21??? Come on!
As long as one human has to carry the child and the other doesn't, we can't expect fair say in "ownership" of the child.

Just the natural law man. We just have to deal with it.

I feel all of the sound arguments though, it would be nice to be able to OFFICIALLY be like, "I'm out" how many would be willing to take advantage of that offer though?
If men don't impregnate women with undesirable traits those traits will cease to exist.

You making excuses.
Problem here, you're thinking about chicken heads from the projects. This is every day life with very educated woman, not just those. In addition, is not about just child support. There can be many reason why a person might not want to have a kid, why is the decision solely on the woman? Open up bro ... read comprehend and come back with a solid reply.
Problem here, you're thinking about chicken heads from the projects. This is every day life with very educated woman, not just those. In addition, is not about just child support. There can be many reason why a person might not want to have a kid, why is the decision solely on the woman? Open up bro ... read comprehend and come back with a solid reply.

Reality is any time you smash their is a chance you can get someone pregnant.

You want your cake and eat it too. If you dont want to be a daddy beat your meat. You don't have to have sex to live.
It takes two to tango. I’ve always said that women need to have a bigger personal level of responsibility than men when it comes to sleeping around and unprotected sex because of that. Men can’t get pregnant. Women can. Barring rape, you choose your child’s father.

Yeah we can play the “men should use a condom” line, and it’s true. But at the end of the day, if a deadbeat knocks you up, he can disappear and evade child support with minimal reprecussions.

Either way you look at it. It’s unfair aspects on both sides. Men can really knock a woman up and face minimal reprecussions and that’s messed up.

At the same time, men having no say on abortion is unfair too. She doesn’t have to consult with the father or get his imput if she wants an abortion and can just do it with him having no say even if he wants the kid. But let the roles be reversed where he doesn’t want it, makes it clear he wants no part of it and she decides to still go along with it and he just has to let it rock.

Goes beyond. He should’ve wore a condom, she knew what he was doing letting him hit raw etc.
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Reality is any time you smash their is a chance you can get someone pregnant.

You want your cake and eat it too. If you dont want to be a daddy beat your meat. You don't have to have sex to live.
Exactly. His argument comes down to suggesting that a man should be able to engage in risky behavior risk free.
not an expert or anything

he said something like trying to control something he has no right to control

its part of the women's body as she is doing more of the work developing the child, carrying the kid, delivering the kid.

the man maybe has some right before conception and after birth.

choose to conceive or keep the child after birth or not.

what happens between conception and birth only the gyno, woman and gods would know and decide. men cant really control all of that imo.
As long as one human has to carry the child and the other doesn't, we can't expect fair say in "ownership" of the child.

Just the natural law man. We just have to deal with it.

I feel all of the sound arguments though, it would be nice to be able to OFFICIALLY be like, "I'm out" how many would be willing to take advantage of that offer though?
I understand the fact she's the carrier and no one can't debate that ... my entire argument like you seen is the fact no matter what decision she decides to take the partner has no voice. However, that same partner has to live and be held accountable for whatever someone else decides to do.

Child support was just an example ... what if the fetus was diagnosed with down syndrome and one parent cant bear the expenses, time or emotional support that it will take to raise that child?

I just think both parents should have a say so ... I know it be hard for anything to change, but opening dialogue is a start.
Reality is any time you smash their is a chance you can get someone pregnant.

You want your cake and eat it too. If you dont want to be a daddy beat your meat. You don't have to have sex to live.
Good answer. Still didnt have a logic well though out reply. Good for you!
op i get what ur saying
as a father of 4
3 of which live with me
my oldest(17) doesnt
she lives with her mom
females have the power when it comes to this
the only way to change it is for fathers to come together
and get some law changed
i could tell u some stories
from my experience
and others i know
system aint set up for us
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