Finish this sentence: Money is...

Money is transitive. It has no owners, only spenders.

Also Money makes people feel they are superior thus making them devoid of manners,logic,or common sense
I don't know if money manifests that behavior within people. I'd say that it gives people the sense of security and comfort to let their true colors show.

Some of the most humble and generous people I've known have had millions. On the otherhand, some of the most illogical and rude people I've ever had the displeasure of meeting probably had less than $100 to their name.

That's more of a case-by-case thing.
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Money is important, but there are other things that are more important and shouldn't be sacrificed because of it. 
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"Money isn't real, George. It doesn't matter. It only seems like it does"
This quote is partly what prompted me to make this thread. I used to love this quote, but in this country, money is veeery important and very real. In a utopian society, people wouldn't starve because of poverty, altruism would prevail.. But the truth is people will watch you die if you're broke.
Money is transitive. It has no owners, only spenders.
I don't know if money manifests that behavior within people. I'd say that it gives people the sense of security and comfort to let their true colors show.

Some of the most humble and generous people I've known have had millions. On the otherhand, some of the most illogical and rude people I've ever had the displeasure of meeting probably had less than $100 to their name.

That's more of a case-by-case thing.
Touché on spoiler
But if you truly look around at the make up of society today, you would think otherwise
Money is one of the most important things in life srs

you cant do **** with out money
the majority of is is hoarded by the 1% and that bothers me

with that being said im willling to slaughter dudes in that 1% and some others too for that check
"The root of all of evil I thought, but when I'm broke is when I usually have the evilest thoughts."
Why do people always get that quote wrong?

"The LOVE of money is the root to ALL KINDS OF EVIL.

That being said. I love money :evil:
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