Jul 28, 2008
so i went to play ball at my local park district...during the middle of the game i chased down a loose ball...i didnt notice a table at the end of thecourt...the only time i noticed it was after i ran i hit the side of my head on the top part of the table and cut my ear open...on the way down, ihit my mouth on the leg of the table and chipped my two front teeth...i ended up going to the ER and received 11 stitches in my ear...and tomorrow, i have togo the dentist to see what they can do about my teeth...before we could play ball though, i had to sign a waiver...but i dont think that there is anythingwritten on the waiver about a table being an obstruction on the what do you guys think? should i sue the park district? after all, if the tablehad not been there, this would have never happened...due the the employee's negligence and not moving the table before allowing us to play, i sustainedthis injury...i also do not have insurance because i dont start my new job until all these medical expenses and trips to the dentist is going tohave to come out of my own pocket...i feel that there is a case...but what are your opinions...any input is appreciated...thanks

here is a picture of my chipped 2 front teeth...i dont have a pic of my ear because it is wrapped with a whole lot of bandages...but i'll post when thebandages are taken off...also, this was at an indoor open gym and thats why they had us sign waivers
your teeth were jacked up before you chipped them
im not a lawyer so i dont know but still
looks painful

Edit: i hope you were playing for money cause if it was just a pick up game why the hell would you dive for the ball
i 'felt' some pain when i looked at that pic. kinda like when you see a skateboard accident video or somethin, kinda cringed
you do realize by signing a waiver you are saying that in the event of a accident that the company on whose property you were on is not liable for anything
talk to a lawyer, and see what they can do.

Just don't try n sue for no pain n suffering type %!#..
Originally Posted by ericberry14

you do realize by signing a waiver you are saying that in the event of a accident that the company on whose property you were on is not liable for anything
Maybe I'm missing something...why exactly did you have to sign a waiver before playing basketball?

& you're not getting any money bro
Originally Posted by bigboi9015

im not a lawyer so i dont know but still
looks painful

Edit: i hope you were playing for money cause if it was just a pick up game why the hell would you dive for the ball

i didnt dive for the ball...i was chasing a loose ball and so my head was down looking at the ball...if my head was up, then i would have seen the table andstopped myself and just let the ball go
damn, yo should of never played! Now your gona be thinking what if I never ran for the ball! Lols! Na but damn!
id reread the waiver...

to sue for negligence
1. there has to be duty
2. that duty has to be breached
3. proximate cause
4. injury/damages.

all 4 of those must occur or youre gonna lose the case.
pic had me clenchin my teeth and i aint even kno it lol.... and u said u signed a waiver... which waves all responsibility for your injuries... prolly not muchu can do about it
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