Guys Purposely Flaking on Girls

Originally Posted by ricky409

Girls flaking on you is extremely frustrating. And generally, its done because they need the boost in ego of guys sweating them, or they don't want to say no directly b/c they don't want to ruffle feathers.

When females flake it's usually because they double/triple book.

I've never heard of anyone making a date or w/e and planning in advance to flake
Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

if that doesn't show insecurity, i dont know what does

THIS. I think when you pull a stunt like this it says more about you then it does about who you’re doing it to. It’s almost like you know that you aren’t good enough on your own to bag her, so you need to create smoke screens or play games to cloud her judgment before she recognizes you for the LAME that you are. I personally think honesty is the best policy.
Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

if that doesn't show insecurity, i dont know what does

THIS. I think when you pull a stunt like this it says more about you then it does about who you’re doing it to. It’s almost like you know that you aren’t good enough on your own to bag her, so you need to create smoke screens or play games to cloud her judgment before she recognizes you for the LAME that you are. I personally think honesty is the best policy.
Originally Posted by Club 27

by flake i thought you meant they cancel last minute or something

but to flat out never show up....I didnt know that actually happened

i thought this only happened in movies
Originally Posted by Club 27

by flake i thought you meant they cancel last minute or something

but to flat out never show up....I didnt know that actually happened

i thought this only happened in movies
Originally Posted by JayHood23

People flaking is weak, I don't like it done to me so I won't do it to someone else. However just last night this chick invited to come kick it at the crib with her and some of her friends so I get the address and head over, I call to get the apt # and she answers but its mad noisy and she couldnt hear me and I didn't feel like talking loud so I turned around and went home. A few min later she hits me with the "are you coming" and I told her I was there but turned around.

Just be honest and leave the excuses alone.
Why didn't you just hang up and text? 
Originally Posted by JayHood23

People flaking is weak, I don't like it done to me so I won't do it to someone else. However just last night this chick invited to come kick it at the crib with her and some of her friends so I get the address and head over, I call to get the apt # and she answers but its mad noisy and she couldnt hear me and I didn't feel like talking loud so I turned around and went home. A few min later she hits me with the "are you coming" and I told her I was there but turned around.

Just be honest and leave the excuses alone.
Why didn't you just hang up and text? 
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

There is no need for this. .

Time is a important commodity in my life..
Dont worry bruh, these kind of rules of engagement generally apply to the insecure and unproductive. 

Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

There is no need for this. .

Time is a important commodity in my life..
Dont worry bruh, these kind of rules of engagement generally apply to the insecure and unproductive. 

I don't intentionally flake, but I'm always "busy" and it seems like it drives some of them crazy and makes them wanna go out even more
I have a gf, so I don't really care
I don't intentionally flake, but I'm always "busy" and it seems like it drives some of them crazy and makes them wanna go out even more
I have a gf, so I don't really care
Never was one for the games, like a few mentioned I have had women flake and I usually delete # and keep it moving. In fact I once saw a female that "flaked" on me at the bar, she came up to me and asked why I didn't chase her and admitted to flaking on purpose. She admitted she made a mistake, got her number again and I was up front with her with what I wanted, and it worked out for me. It doesn't always go like that but I guess you have to evaluate whether or not you want to play those games, for me its not worth it. Also, has anyone noticed that American women are more likely to play games than others?
Never was one for the games, like a few mentioned I have had women flake and I usually delete # and keep it moving. In fact I once saw a female that "flaked" on me at the bar, she came up to me and asked why I didn't chase her and admitted to flaking on purpose. She admitted she made a mistake, got her number again and I was up front with her with what I wanted, and it worked out for me. It doesn't always go like that but I guess you have to evaluate whether or not you want to play those games, for me its not worth it. Also, has anyone noticed that American women are more likely to play games than others?

I think a lot of this might stem from people meeting online.

if its just a picture or a voice i can see how people won't have any qualms about being ruthless.

I know i almost flaked one time... this girl come to pick me up in town... lets just say she got me with the myspace angles. in person i could tell from 30yards that she was beat
...If she hadn't spotted me first i would have dipped

I think a lot of this might stem from people meeting online.

if its just a picture or a voice i can see how people won't have any qualms about being ruthless.

I know i almost flaked one time... this girl come to pick me up in town... lets just say she got me with the myspace angles. in person i could tell from 30yards that she was beat
...If she hadn't spotted me first i would have dipped
Originally Posted by NubianDisaster

i've flaked. its not that serious. if a girl does it to you, just forget about her.
but most guys forgive girls that flake. it is what it is.

Not I.
Only been stood up like that once and I refuse to see her again.

Texted her and called her to see what was going on...eventually just said forget it and went to my friends house. Like a month later she hits me up like nothing happened, I asked her what happened to her that one night she said "Oh umm Idk" haven't said a word to her since.

What makes it worse is she wasn't even all that cute. I was just extra thirsty, guess she could tell
Originally Posted by NubianDisaster

i've flaked. its not that serious. if a girl does it to you, just forget about her.
but most guys forgive girls that flake. it is what it is.

Not I.
Only been stood up like that once and I refuse to see her again.

Texted her and called her to see what was going on...eventually just said forget it and went to my friends house. Like a month later she hits me up like nothing happened, I asked her what happened to her that one night she said "Oh umm Idk" haven't said a word to her since.

What makes it worse is she wasn't even all that cute. I was just extra thirsty, guess she could tell
i think when people flake its best to just drop it and minimize/cut off communication. if you're going to flake why continue to even talk to the person, it seems obvious you dont want to spend time with them anymore.
i think when people flake its best to just drop it and minimize/cut off communication. if you're going to flake why continue to even talk to the person, it seems obvious you dont want to spend time with them anymore.
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