Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

Being able to see 37 is a blessing in itself man. You only get one life can't let these apps dictate your self worth my man. Pandemic ending, summer time approaching LA is full of photographers and great scenery and it's not uncommon for people to get a photoshoot done to add some different pictures to their profile.
Hey man happy birthday. 37 is an accomplishment, single or not.You should also talk to someone about these thoughts. Preferably a professional if you can afford it or insurance will cover it. Loneliness is real

I hate when someone says they're lonely and everyone gives them stupid cliche advice like "being in a relationship won't make you happy" and "focus on yourself and women will come" and "learn to be happy alone"

It's dismissive and I want you to know that I hear you and that your problem is real. Don't give up, these women gonna be hunting after the pandemic is over.

**** these white women btw. Not literally. I mean **** them as in forget about them. You in LA bruh, find you a nice hispanic girl that sees you as a person and not an experience to try.
Also jokes aside, a dog can also help with you feeling lonely and its the ultimate icebreaker when you take it for a walk.

Thank you guys for the advice and hearing me out. I've been single for quite some time. I've only had 1 girlfriend and that was back in middle school. Needless to say, I've had it rough and had no real advice growing up as what to do or how to approach women. Grew up and raised by a single mom so she didn't really tell me anything other than to respect girls and that stuff that girls dont even really appreciate or look for. The times I have had women interested in me, it's been what I've mentioned earlier. I do have a dog and ironically, I work as a veterinary assistant but I still dont get any interest from non big girls. I know being alive should feel good, but I like I said earlier, I don't fee like it is. Lately, something as stupid as striking out on kicks has got me in my feelings. I really have no one to talk to cuz my family isn't interested in me unless it involves me doing a favor for them or helping them when they're single and need someone around. My life pretty much sucks but the fact that I can't attract 1 decent female is what really puts me down. I was a very religious person and now I'm losing faith day by day. I do wish I had the balls to off myself but I dont and wish I would just wake up dead one day
In regards to location, I remember when I went overseas to Philippines, changed my location to there and I got HUNDREDS of likes in a day. Matched with some fine girls who were down.

Came back to the U.S. and I’d get like 1 match/week :lol:
Surprised son has issues in LA, in the before before time it was one of the places with the most open and receptive women to random conversation vs how it is on the east coast.
Thank you guys for the advice and hearing me out. I've been single for quite some time. I've only had 1 girlfriend and that was back in middle school. Needless to say, I've had it rough and had no real advice growing up as what to do or how to approach women. Grew up and raised by a single mom so she didn't really tell me anything other than to respect girls and that stuff that girls dont even really appreciate or look for. The times I have had women interested in me, it's been what I've mentioned earlier. I do have a dog and ironically, I work as a veterinary assistant but I still dont get any interest from non big girls. I know being alive should feel good, but I like I said earlier, I don't fee like it is. Lately, something as stupid as striking out on kicks has got me in my feelings. I really have no one to talk to cuz my family isn't interested in me unless it involves me doing a favor for them or helping them when they're single and need someone around. My life pretty much sucks but the fact that I can't attract 1 decent female is what really puts me down. I was a very religious person and now I'm losing faith day by day. I do wish I had the balls to off myself but I dont and wish I would just wake up dead one day

I think you should get some play and work your way up. Hook up with whichever of the girls who likes you who YOU thinks passable. Confidence is everything, the girls can sense it or something. Get some confidence with a girl a bit below your normal standards, next one a bit higher. Helps to have some girls on deck, something is better than nothing
Yeah sounds like Pedro needs to get off the dating apps, they're not for everyone and that's fine. Right now they may end up doing more damage to you mentally than any good. Maybe just try volunteering at some places (ex: Covid vaccination sites are usually in need of people right now). You can use it to meet people and just make an initial connection.

Definitely go talk to a professional, it sounds like there may be some more things that you need to get out if you're for real about thinking of doing that ish
Do you have a dog? If not, buy one. Post pics of it, with it.

YO! I forgot to mention this. I do have a dog. That **** is unfair, guys.

It's literally like shooting fish in a barrel.

Another AMAZING tip--have no shame posting a thirst trap pic. I recently got a full sleeve done on my left arm. I posted a pic of me in my kitchen (proper lighting so they can see how nice it is), holding a plate of food I just made (*****es love a dude who can cook), and i'm shirtless with the sleeve showing.

It's the one pic women ALWAYS like on Hinge :lol:

Second best pic is the one with me and my dog on his second bday. I put one those bday hats on my dog and decorated my dining room and served cake. *****es eat that **** up (pun intended).
If I remember this screename seems like you've been saying this and been in this same rut for several years, not changing anything. Yeah it's time to talk to a professional.
If your contemplating suicide ***** is probably the worst thing for you right now
Especially chasing it through these apps. Like someone mentioned above, it's not for everyone and can **** with some people's heads and their confidence even more. I use them cause I feel they work for me, but would never really advise anyone to use them because of how they're structured
Thank you guys for the advice and hearing me out. I've been single for quite some time. I've only had 1 girlfriend and that was back in middle school. Needless to say, I've had it rough and had no real advice growing up as what to do or how to approach women. Grew up and raised by a single mom so she didn't really tell me anything other than to respect girls and that stuff that girls dont even really appreciate or look for. The times I have had women interested in me, it's been what I've mentioned earlier. I do have a dog and ironically, I work as a veterinary assistant but I still dont get any interest from non big girls. I know being alive should feel good, but I like I said earlier, I don't fee like it is. Lately, something as stupid as striking out on kicks has got me in my feelings. I really have no one to talk to cuz my family isn't interested in me unless it involves me doing a favor for them or helping them when they're single and need someone around. My life pretty much sucks but the fact that I can't attract 1 decent female is what really puts me down. I was a very religious person and now I'm losing faith day by day. I do wish I had the balls to off myself but I dont and wish I would just wake up dead one day
You absolutely should talk to a professional about how you're feeling. None of us want you to hurt yourself bro.
I'm positive your family doesn't want you to either. People often care about us more than we think they do.

But don't just do it for us. Do it for you too. I know wanting to find someone is the main problem and I can tell you right now as long as you continue to place an unhealthy amount of importance on it, you'll continue to struggle. Women get scared easily. They sense that **** out and pull a disappearing act. Help you help yourself and get some therapy. It'll improve more aspects of your life than any random woman could.

And don't worry about what anyone else will think. Especially women. They actually love a man that goes to therapy. Shows emotional maturity and intelligence. Just don't bog them down with the heavy **** too soon and try to turn them into a therapist. Again, they'll disappear so fast they'll leave an afterimage.
Happy Birthday...

It's different with me, I start feeling shibba shabba(weird) when I start to date someone. My single life has been pretty desirable for me lately.

But when more things open up and if you're in LA this summer, hit me. I'll be your wing man and take the fat one for the homie.

But believe me when things start opening up more, they're going to be sharks out here.

I heard we're approaching the "Whoring Twenties" in this day and time.
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None whatsoever man, I've lived out here all my life and yes, I've only attracted extremely heavy set women. I'm not a fat dude, I'm big but not huge I just dont get why that's all I attract out here. That and the fact that I don't attract any white women really makes me question how "woke" these girls really are
Humor/witt always pulls em in. If your into something weird/cool Post it,,,,,who gives a fuh... you’ll find someone that notices. Sexy your self up and tell these white girls you a bonafide SoCal Aztec warrior and that white socal dudes actually emulate it
Thank you guys for the advice and hearing me out. I've been single for quite some time. I've only had 1 girlfriend and that was back in middle school. Needless to say, I've had it rough and had no real advice growing up as what to do or how to approach women. Grew up and raised by a single mom so she didn't really tell me anything other than to respect girls and that stuff that girls dont even really appreciate or look for. The times I have had women interested in me, it's been what I've mentioned earlier. I do have a dog and ironically, I work as a veterinary assistant but I still dont get any interest from non big girls. I know being alive should feel good, but I like I said earlier, I don't fee like it is. Lately, something as stupid as striking out on kicks has got me in my feelings. I really have no one to talk to cuz my family isn't interested in me unless it involves me doing a favor for them or helping them when they're single and need someone around. My life pretty much sucks but the fact that I can't attract 1 decent female is what really puts me down. I was a very religious person and now I'm losing faith day by day. I do wish I had the balls to off myself but I dont and wish I would just wake up dead one day

Echoing what everybody else said regarding you potentially looking into therapy to work through some of the stuff that's bothering you. That should be priority number one before any female.

Also I'm in LA on these apps and have a similar experience as you. But I know that every attractive female has a s*it ton of matches to the point of them being overwhelmed. The big joints don't have that problem and they feel like how must of us men feel (like we can bag any joint regardless of out looks, status, etc). And f--k them white woman b lol. These apps aren't real life. You can bag the attractive joint irl but it prolly isn't gonna happen on the app.

I also find that here you have to put effort into yourself to bag the attractive joints. Good pics, being in shape (not fat, not chubby), dressing well, having your mind right/sh*t going for yourself. We are in the one of the most vain cities in the world and we also competing with rich dudes/celebs/athletes/models for these joints, even the "regular" joints have these dudes at them. Be real with yourself about your value in the marketplace/deficiencies, self improve, get your mind/perspective right, don't take anything personally, put in effort, and get out of your comfort zone. You gonna be good, but put your mental health first.
Thank you guys for the advice and hearing me out. I've been single for quite some time. I've only had 1 girlfriend and that was back in middle school. Needless to say, I've had it rough and had no real advice growing up as what to do or how to approach women. Grew up and raised by a single mom so she didn't really tell me anything other than to respect girls and that stuff that girls dont even really appreciate or look for. The times I have had women interested in me, it's been what I've mentioned earlier.

Black Philip (Patrice O'Neal) will put you on game. Worst case scenario, you get a lot of good laughs.

I'm a Bengali Muslim man in my early 30's. Lived in NYC almost all my life. Granted, women have said I'm not so bad looking and I do have a pretty solid job and crib. My pictures aren't that great either. Women have said I look better in-person than on the apps. Have matched with every woman of color. I really think it's about location man.

II will say, older women (27+) are way more open to dating men from other ethnicities. I think at that point in life, they look more for security than anything else. Although, when you take em' home to the loft and give em the pipe, they always came back for more :evil:

Def all about location.

I assume you’re messing with stable women, so how do you answer the why are you single question?
It seems like once they see you have your stuff together they start “planning” and I always fumble on that topic because I have no interest in them. While deep down they know what it is, it still don’t feel good to hear it.
Thank you guys for the advice and hearing me out. I've been single for quite some time. I've only had 1 girlfriend and that was back in middle school. Needless to say, I've had it rough and had no real advice growing up as what to do or how to approach women. Grew up and raised by a single mom so she didn't really tell me anything other than to respect girls and that stuff that girls dont even really appreciate or look for. The times I have had women interested in me, it's been what I've mentioned earlier. I do have a dog and ironically, I work as a veterinary assistant but I still dont get any interest from non big girls. I know being alive should feel good, but I like I said earlier, I don't fee like it is. Lately, something as stupid as striking out on kicks has got me in my feelings. I really have no one to talk to cuz my family isn't interested in me unless it involves me doing a favor for them or helping them when they're single and need someone around. My life pretty much sucks but the fact that I can't attract 1 decent female is what really puts me down. I was a very religious person and now I'm losing faith day by day. I do wish I had the balls to off myself but I dont and wish I would just wake up dead one day

For what it’s worth, I appreciate the havoc that you wreak on the wrestling thread every Royal Rumble :lol:. Don’t let the despair get to you, man. For an entire year, I got 0 matches. I’m talking Bumble, Hinge, and the League. I would’ve been ecstatic for a “whale” to hit me up, which is basically what got me out of that dry spell :lol: :smh:. So, don’t be so hard on yourself. I had to take what I could get and that was 2 girls who were probably twice my weight and I’m around 150 pounds. I thought I had a silver lining when this girl I used to know started hitting me up regularly, but she banged that friend zone card right on my forehead :lol: :smh:. Now, I’m back to square one, but instead of jumping back on the apps, I had to do an honest assessment of myself and change some things. I got Invisalign to fix my smile and a personal trainer to get me back in shape and mentally I feel much better now. I usually don’t care to share these low points, but I hope it helps a little bit to know you aren’t the only one struggling out here with the women.
Location plays a huge role for what I've noticed.
Whenever I put my location to nyc I get likes but then when I go back to my hometown I don't get **** lol.
For what it’s worth, I appreciate the havoc that you wreak on the wrestling thread every Royal Rumble :lol:. Don’t let the despair get to you, man. For an entire year, I got 0 matches. I’m talking Bumble, Hinge, and the League. I would’ve been ecstatic for a “whale” to hit me up, which is basically what got me out of that dry spell :lol: :smh:. So, don’t be so hard on yourself. I had to take what I could get and that was 2 girls who were probably twice my weight and I’m around 150 pounds. I thought I had a silver lining when this girl I used to know started hitting me up regularly, but she banged that friend zone card right on my forehead :lol: :smh:. Now, I’m back to square one, but instead of jumping back on the apps, I had to do an honest assessment of myself and change some things. I got Invisalign to fix my smile and a personal trainer to get me back in shape and mentally I feel much better now. I usually don’t care to share these low points, but I hope it helps a little bit to know you aren’t the only one struggling out here with the women.
I assume you’re messing with stable women, so how do you answer the why are you single question?
It seems like once they see you have your stuff together they start “planning” and I always fumble on that topic because I have no interest in them. While deep down they know what it is, it still don’t feel good to hear it.

I wouldn't say I'm principally messing with "stable" women. Some women who seems stable, are probably dealing with massive issues, and vice-versa. Some have been stable and some have been an absolute wreck. Age really never has anything to do with it. I've talked to women in their 30's and they had so much emotional baggage they've yet to unpack, women in their early 20's and totally clueless and many in-between. Currently messing with a 27 yr old and she seems to have her head on right with solid energy.

I've always kept it very honest and open with every woman I've seen/meet/talked to on the apps. Usually people want to present themselves in the best most positive light when meeting someone new. I do the opposite. I tell them about all my flaws and issues I'm working on. But I also try to show how self-aware I am. I'm fully transparent of where I am, where I want to be, and how I plan to get there. I literally "show" them all my cards laid flat on the table. If I see I can't give them what they want, I let them know that from the start. I make sure to tell them what I understand and offer them what the most I can for that situation. Surprisingly enough, women LOVE that ****.

I tell them I'm single, because I'm "cautiously dating". Which is 100% true. I'd like to intimately get to know someone and develop a friendship with them, before we both commit to something serious. This way you don't waste anyone's time. But I am open to getting to know someone, spending time with them and making fond memories. It's really all about the vibes. Again, women LOVE hearing all this ****, especially if you've been honest from the start. Your credibility has now been solidified, and she will be presented with a choice--

1) she ****s you eventually
2) she says nah and backs out, but still talks to you and you end up smashing later on anyway
3) she's the type not to waste ANY time and respectfully lets you go.

If you have no interest in these women, but want to smash--You'd be better off telling them you're not looking for anything serious right now, but if it turns out to be that way, it wouldn't be much of an issue. Try that out and see what sort of responses you get.
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