How do you respond to Road Rage

Aug 10, 2003
I was driving home and some guy cut me off badly like he overtook me and almost hit me trying to go around me... i was like what the heck that was unnecessary.... so i was like ok im a just put my high beams on just to be funny and drive behind this guy but not tailgate this guy wants to drive slow and brake for no reason but it doesnt bother me because im in no rush to get home and i didnt want to overtake him i just want to drive behind him and high beam just to be a jerk he turns right at the stop sign and speed off to get me off their tail i was like ya i aight im a do the same... i speed up just to get behind but not tailgate and do the same thing and still keep my high beam on... and i did it on purpose where i was driving behind him but was on the side of his car so he can see the highbeam on his side mirror... then we get to the stoplight where it was two lanes and he went to the right lane to avoid me and i was like ok im a pull up right behind and keep my high beams on...the guy then sticks his head out his moon roof and was like "why are you so mad" it reminded me of NT of the memes going on with camron i shrugged my shoulders and laughed... then the guy just sped up and left and it was over... i had my entertainment by that time and just let it go... i know i was petty but i got a kick out of it at the end lol...
When I was younger and didn’t know better I’d respond with aggressive driving.

Nowadays, if its that bad I’ll probably honk. Like other dude said, too many people ready to shoot for nothing these days.

Wife had a coworker whose little sister was a passenger in a that cut somebody off due to not paying enough attention. Car that got cut off just started shooting and said little sister caught one in the head.

Driving is dangerous enough as it is. Let it go.
I’d be careful doing that. People will shoot you over road rage. Especially if/when you start following them.

^ i know i have to chill... but sometimes i get annoyed especially if they almost hit me...i was at a red light and just going with the traffic when it was green light then this guy just cut me off for no reason and almost hit me at the same time and thats when i got annoyed... i could understand if i was driving slow on a highway but it was a local road...but your right
^ i know i have to chill... but sometimes i get annoyed especially if they almost hit me...i was at a red light and just going with the traffic when it was green light then this guy just cut me off for no reason and almost hit me at the same time and thats when i got annoyed... i could understand if i was driving slow on a highway but it was a local road...but your right

definitely not worth it. I’ve had guns pulled out on me because I just merely honked.
Everyone carries out here. Just couple months ago a dude got killed and his girlfriend was in critical condition after a road rage incident on the freeway in the early AM. They still ain’t catch the car that lit them up.

Every time I visit back home in California, I’m amazed how people can cut you off in the fast lane cause you not going “fast enough” even though you pushing a steady 90 MPH:lol:

I just laugh it off cause that **** wouldn’t fly in a open carry state
^ yall are right fam... i am kinda old to be having road rage lol and its just not worth it...i was just irritated dude almost hit me and not even the fact he cut me off...
Usually when someone road rage against me I just laugh, down shift and take off:lol:… never seen anyone in a fast car road rage so usually have nothing to worry about when it’s typically some clown in a van, pick up truck etc.
How do I respond?
I don’t care enough to respond. Turn up the radio and remind myself that I need to make it to my destination and not add unnecessary crap to my day.

How would my dad respond?
He’ll pull up right beside them to make a face. Roll down the window to yell insults. Swerve into your lane. Offer to pull over and fight. Then he’ll ask me what he did wrong, how was this his fault, no way it could’ve been avoided.
If people are bad drivers, I just shrug it off. Yesterday though I actually encountered someone trying to be a POS on the road on purpose and it did piss me off. Not sure if it was a HS kid but he was switching lanes, cutting cars off and then reaching out the window and flipping everyone off behind him.
Here in AZ where it is easier to buy a gun than an iPhone, you just keep it moving
Yep. One honk and you’re being followed for 30 minutes and have a handgun brandished on you and your family. Unless you’re carrying yourself, is it all worth it? Too many macho high strung folks out there at the moment.

And it doesn’t even matter who’s driving and what stature you are. I’ve been enticed by older ladies 1/3rd my size who are ready to use that 9mm over a basic horn honking.
You're lucky dude for this encounter. Next time it might get violent. Just curse the guy and get home or wherever.
Road Rage here in Houston is out of control atm. So many people have been killed for nothing. Just ignore it, let them pass, let them flip you off and move safely on. Don't engage, you will literally be shot in the head for just gesturing at someone cutting you off. I have to constantly remind my mom about mugging at people who are driving crazy

Yep. One honk and you’re being followed for 30 minutes and have a handgun brandished on you and your family. Unless you’re carrying yourself, is it all worth it? Too many macho high strung folks out there at the moment.

And it doesn’t even matter who’s driving and what stature you are. I’ve been enticed by older ladies 1/3rd my size who are ready to use that 9mm over a basic horn honking.
Yeah horns here will get you killed lol, if you got a loud car, just rev to express yourself. Hitting the horn is a for sure trigger action to make the crazy’s go crazy 😂
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