How do you TELL your girlfriend she's not your #1 priority? UPDATE: Broken Up

Recent conversation between me and some girl I know on Facebook.

Girl: my boyfriend spoils me, he buys me everything I want, pays my bills, and pays for all our dates.

Me: that's cool, he seems like a great guy, just outta curiousity, do you ever pay for any of the dates or bills.

Girl: no that's not my job, I'm the girl in the relationship. I have traditional values, the guy is supposed to the breadwinner. I won't date a guy unless he pays my bills and for our dates.

Me: oh ok, so sort of like a prostitute then? You wouldn't date or give a guy the time of day unless he pays your bills and pays for everything I get it now

Girl: how the hell do you come up with something so ignorant like that?

Me: well a prostitute lets guys smash in return for money. Your in a relationship but you wouldn't give this guy the time of day unless he opened his wallet and took care of your bills and paid for the dates. The similarities are there.

Girl: your a complete jerk. Don't ever talk to me again. Proceeds to block me.
Recent conversation between me and some girl I know on Facebook.

Girl: my boyfriend spoils me, he buys me everything I want, pays my bills, and pays for all our dates.

Me: that's cool, he seems like a great guy, just outta curiousity, do you ever pay for any of the dates or bills.

Girl: no that's not my job, I'm the girl in the relationship. I have traditional values, the guy is supposed to the breadwinner. I won't date a guy unless he pays my bills and for our dates.

Me: oh ok, so sort of like a prostitute then? You wouldn't date or give a guy the time of day unless he pays your bills and pays for everything I get it now

Girl: how the hell do you come up with something so ignorant like that?

Me: well a prostitute lets guys smash in return for money. Your in a relationship but you wouldn't give this guy the time of day unless he opened his wallet and took care of your bills and paid for the dates. The similarities are there.

Girl: your a complete jerk. Don't ever talk to me again. Proceeds to block me.
the fact that women like this exist makes me chuckle
Recent conversation between me and some girl I know on Facebook.

Girl: my boyfriend spoils me, he buys me everything I want, pays my bills, and pays for all our dates.

Me: that's cool, he seems like a great guy, just outta curiousity, do you ever pay for any of the dates or bills.

Girl: no that's not my job, I'm the girl in the relationship. I have traditional values, the guy is supposed to the breadwinner. I won't date a guy unless he pays my bills and for our dates.

Me: oh ok, so sort of like a prostitute then? You wouldn't date or give a guy the time of day unless he pays your bills and pays for everything I get it now

Girl: how the hell do you come up with something so ignorant like that?

Me: well a prostitute lets guys smash in return for money. Your in a relationship but you wouldn't give this guy the time of day unless he opened his wallet and took care of your bills and paid for the dates. The similarities are there.

Girl: your a complete jerk. Don't ever talk to me again. Proceeds to block me.

Complete garbage.
Chicks don't want traditional values.
Traditional values means your man holds the money and you cannot use it when you want to, you cant buy that outfit unless he wants you too and you have to wear the way he wants you too, you better have his food on the table by six and the kids better be a sleep by the time he gets home.Traditional values wouldn't allow you to check your mans phone, or know his FB password.

These chicks just want a sponsor, they don't want traditional values

You trolling papi.
You and ricky finna have all the FB chicks ban you :lol:
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Regarding my post on marrying your college girlfriend.
Idk but I think he is saying its better to marry your college GF then be an old (40's) guy playing the field.
I dont think he meant marry your college GF right after of college
This is exactly what I was saying. Never said to marry your girlfriend straight out of college. With everything going on such as finding a job or grad school, that period is stressful as hell. After both of you get situated it makes things that much easier. My friend just got married to his girlfriend last month and they'd been dating for four years prior to their engagement. They took the time to get established career wise and financially before taking that step.

What I meant by playing the field is that dating in the real world after college is hard. Most women who went to school are focused on their careers and putting off things like families and relationships to the side. Its not a coincidence that there are so many women pushing 30 and up alone. Its also the reason why online dating is so popular. If running through chicks is your thing, do you, but even that gets old at some point. How much do you really have to get out of your system? Before you know, you'll be 40 still trying to be that dude.

The "word" simp really needs to be addressed. Too many cats on this site don't use it properly. Being in a monogamous relationship doesn't make you simp. Being in a monogamous relationship in which your girlfriend alienates you and makes you submissive is being a simp.

At the end of day, it comes down to personal preference. Learn to respect that.
Recent conversation between me and some girl I know on Facebook.

Girl: my boyfriend spoils me, he buys me everything I want, pays my bills, and pays for all our dates.

Me: that's cool, he seems like a great guy, just outta curiousity, do you ever pay for any of the dates or bills.

Girl: no that's not my job, I'm the girl in the relationship. I have traditional values, the guy is supposed to the breadwinner. I won't date a guy unless he pays my bills and for our dates.

Me: oh ok, so sort of like a prostitute then? You wouldn't date or give a guy the time of day unless he pays your bills and pays for everything I get it now

Girl: how the hell do you come up with something so ignorant like that?

Me: well a prostitute lets guys smash in return for money. Your in a relationship but you wouldn't give this guy the time of day unless he opened his wallet and took care of your bills and paid for the dates. The similarities are there.

Girl: your a complete jerk. Don't ever talk to me again. Proceeds to block me.

the fact that women like this exist makes me chuckle

My ex was like this

Looking back at a lot of things I should of deaded her earlier

Don't make the mistake OP
40 at the club is a dusty look. I'm 35, in good shape and attract younger women and I still would feel like a creep for hanging out in a club at my age. Not saying someone else shouldn't do it, but what's the point? Jumping from chick to chick got stale in my 20's.

Didn't realize you were that old. Yes I def agree. I'm 28 an already feel this way.
So 40+ people can't throw parties or any celebrations at the club now? :stoneface:

Stop it
true story...

cats acting like once you hit 35, you have to stay inside all night. :lol:

as if there arent clubs tailored to older people...

everybody... once you hit 40, you have to stay inside. forever.

This. As long as old folks stay in their lane and go to the old school party and line dance to Maze and Frankie Beverly, they good. If you 40+ and doing the 2 step to Crime Mob, that's a problem.
I'm 26 and I feel like I made all the wrong moves and had no confidence from ages 1-24, so I'm going from broad to broad until infinity. I was engaged last year and that was the worst decision ever. I can't see myself ever settling down, especially because right now most people my age are very solid and settled into their lives and I'm still building myself.

I'd rather have everything in my life all the way together and have no significant other and just go out to parties and bag women my age and even if they want a relationship just let them think they can change my ways while I smash them and their slutty friends.

A lot of dudes I know just barely have their lives together and are with some chick who wants to make it work with them, so they're just struggling and hating life cause they decided to move way too fast. Either that or their whole lives are about their relationship and, if they have them, kids. I'm not built for that kind of responsibility for other people.

I decided I'm gonna be the friend who never got married or had kids, and also the only friend who actually lived out the dreams we all talked about and is now living in NYC/London/Beijing and my friends can live vicariously through me. Being engaged to a woman that actively wanted to destroy my dreams and seeing how everyone in my life thought that was how its supposed to be and how I was crazy for thinking that's not right showed me that the whole settle down thing is NOT for me.
lmao the disrespect in that message... Just continue not paying for stuff.... def don't stress over that ish... :lol:

EDIT: "I took a chance" u should be like [insert vulgarity] PLZ |I
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I can't eem change the title, on phone or laptop.

edit: Figured that one out
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I just checked the update. You be iight OP. Just don't get suckered back in.......
LOL @ her wanting you to pay her bills

do some of you dudes do these kind of things? paying for your "womans" bills?
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