How Formal (or bohemian) is your job?

Mar 26, 2009
At my latest job we come in at 8AM, do 45 mins of work then convene in the break room for a meeting. We go around in a circle and everyone explains what tasks they are handling and we also have an "icebreaker" question of the day. Some of them are pretty goofy like, would you rather be a firefly or a butterfly, but some elicit interesting responses like What's legal that should be illegal which is also good cause it might lengthen the meeting another 10-15 minutes.

Whenever people have a birthday, they put balloons to the ceiling, decorate the person's locker and cater in their Favorite food (when we get hired they have us fill out a questionnaire of our fav stuff) . Usually the food coincides with our lunch break (which gets extended another half hour) but one morning for this old dude we had Biscuits and Gravy brought I'm from Waffle House. Also once or twice a month they'll order a Pizza for the hell of it.

The annoying thing is it's kind of a kum-bye-yah environment for hipster type people. Our boss had a life changing epiphany when he read this book called "Love Languages" that explains you can't just express gratitude verbally you have to express it physically and other forms. So when we clock out on Friday we go around in a circle hugging each co-worker and give them a compliment on a good deed they did that particular week. Most the dudes just do a light chest bump and pat each other on the back, but with the office ladies we do traditional hugs for like five seconds. Our staff is only 15 people total...and on any given day we average 12 cause of them using vacation, PTO etc. The people with the most seniority get like 3-4 weeKs vacation and accrue like .05 PTO per hour worked.

We recently had a dude retire after 35 years...I dont see myself following his footsteps (he seemed kind of lost and didn't know what he was gonna do with all this free time) but want to see where it leads. What is the atmosphere at you guys workplace?
Pfizer clinical development

Really chill
Wear what we want, last Friday I wore a Nike sweatsuit. I’m one of the youngest so that means pretty much no eye candy.

8:20 zoom like meeting…to discuss today schedule. Get your job done. I’m usually done by 1:30 and go home. Mad chill.
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Construction. If you can’t talk trash and are sensitive you won’t last.

we get birthday presents and Christmas and all that. Usually it’s money and scratch offs.

owner is chill.

I can wear whatever I want as long as it’s boots and pants. I don’t need to wear a shirt as long as I got a vest on. :lol:. Osha things.

politics aren’t really a thing at my job. We got hipsters wrenching in trucks and running equipment and straight up trailer trash and everything in between. A lot of diversity too. It’s all love for the most part. We just talk ****.
i wear shorts, t-shirt, and slippers to work everyday. i have two racks with shoes and one rack with terrariums on them in my office. not formal at all but that hugging sounds horrendous.
I mean we hug at my job but it’s all jokes and usually involves somebody getting throwing into a pile of sand or something after.

if my boss made me hug him I’d be confused af.
So would you say your industry is immune to the current climate change of America?

not immune but will be the last to change.

certain things won’t fly like you’re not gonna call somebody a racial slur but other than that I can’t really think of anything that will get anyone mad.
I'm isolated at work for the most part and it's glorious. I also get to work from home at times. Cause I work evenings and nights I get to avoid work politics and shenanigans.

I can dress almost however the hell I want but I mostly wear scrubs.

I tend to dress more formal when I work the day shift. Standard sweater or dress shirt and nice pants.
Business casual. Since the lockdown, I've just been wearing chinos, black jeans and oxford button ups.
At my latest job we come in at 8AM, do 45 mins of work then convene in the break room for a meeting. We go around in a circle and everyone explains what tasks they are handling and we also have an "icebreaker" question of the day. Some of them are pretty goofy like, would you rather be a firefly or a butterfly, but some elicit interesting responses like What's legal that should be illegal which is also good cause it might lengthen the meeting another 10-15 minutes.

Whenever people have a birthday, they put balloons to the ceiling, decorate the person's locker and cater in their Favorite food (when we get hired they have us fill out a questionnaire of our fav stuff) . Usually the food coincides with our lunch break (which gets extended another half hour) but one morning for this old dude we had Biscuits and Gravy brought I'm from Waffle House. Also once or twice a month they'll order a Pizza for the hell of it.

The annoying thing is it's kind of a kum-bye-yah environment for hipster type people. Our boss had a life changing epiphany when he read this book called "Love Languages" that explains you can't just express gratitude verbally you have to express it physically and other forms. So when we clock out on Friday we go around in a circle hugging each co-worker and give them a compliment on a good deed they did that particular week. Most the dudes just do a light chest bump and pat each other on the back, but with the office ladies we do traditional hugs for like five seconds. Our staff is only 15 people total...and on any given day we average 12 cause of them using vacation, PTO etc. The people with the most seniority get like 3-4 weeKs vacation and accrue like .05 PTO per hour worked.

We recently had a dude retire after 35 years...I dont see myself following his footsteps (he seemed kind of lost and didn't know what he was gonna do with all this free time) but want to see where it leads. What is the atmosphere at you guys workplace?
crazy how times have changed. used to be strong aggressive handshakes and now we giving love language hugs lol
crazy how times have changed. used to be strong aggressive handshakes and now we giving love language hugs lol

Ain't no hugging in a pandemic, especially at the hospital. The most I've done is fist pumps then straight to the alcohol dispenser.
Business casual. Bunch of Karen’s at my job though, in miserable marriages and ready to throw some top in the parking lot if you even blink at them the wrong way. Corporate trainings are held at a training facility, everybody flies there and it’s literally a **** fest. Bunch of folks caught cheating etc. Still can’t figure out why anyone thought throwing a bunch of 20-30 somethings in a hotel for 2 weeks is a good idea.
Work for a medium size company (office staff 25 ppl, field staff about 120 ppl). I work in the office. Office culture promotes entrepreneurship. I generally manage my own schedule and expectations. With that, we’ve recently had a good amount of turn over in the past year so I’ve been working on average 10/12 hour days to pick up some of the slack to meet deadlines. I love my job so it’s not to much of a burden, and the hard work is generally rewarded come bonus time (equivalent of about 6-8 weeks of ones salary) at the end of the year.
I work at a office that’s made to look more like a warehouse
Really chill spot, they let you wear whatever you want as long as it isn’t anything too revealing if your a chick or obscene
Just grateful to have a job. A lot of Americans aren’t that lucky in this day and age
Business casual. Bunch of Karen’s at my job though, in miserable marriages and ready to throw some top in the parking lot if you even blink at them the wrong way. Corporate trainings are held at a training facility, everybody flies there and it’s literally a **** fest. Bunch of folks caught cheating etc. Still can’t figure out why anyone thought throwing a bunch of 20-30 somethings in a hotel for 2 weeks is a good idea.
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-business analyst/tech writer for large contractor supporting system engineering/software development for a fed agency
-everyone works remotely so no idea what folks wear but the office has lots of hoodies
-decent pay with low expectations aka dead-end but ample time for upskilling; however, any internal moves are laterals, and raises are mostly cost of living adjustments so you learn and move on
-since my work often involves longer-form deliverables from the "freezer" (aka out-of-scope), getting a review is like pulling teeth so my work never gets "done" :lol:
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Firm didn't like when I grew dreads, use to say subtle **** like "I like the way you used to line up your sides" or dumb stuff like that. Scared to say how they felt. When I chopped it off last year I got a promotion 2 months later at our Atlanta office. Needless to say my brother and I are working on a family business to give the middle finger to all these corporate bastards.
most jobs i had in the past has been very casual or no dress code at all. use to rock some sweatpants and sneakers at my last job
still getting use to new job. had to buy a new wardrobe. slacks, dress shirts, shoes.
if it was up to my supervisor, he'd probably want us in a suit and tie
i think they would prefer if i kept my hair cut short
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