how to pick up black girls vol. vitaly

I'm black... Light Skinned, speak well, and dress nice. Im confident I can pull most black girls. They laugh at corny stuff and you just have to be attractive. If you look broke you're probably gonna strike out, but everyone in here has a few fresh j's right?

Anyway I remember in another other vid with white girls, he didn't even have to say anything... I dunno if that would work with black girls or for black dudes.

My perspective on mexican girls from experience: they'll flirt with you all the time, you might even get the yambs, but dating them... RARE!
Asians aren't too tough to date if you have money to do nice stuff, but them racist families though..... no joke
real talks papi........Some Asian chick I use to talk to, got in big **** from her pops for talking to a me (I'm black)

They dont really like their daughters dating white men either, but they deal with it.
I'm black... Light Skinned, speak well, and dress nice. Im confident I can pull most black girls. They laugh at corny stuff and you just have to be attractive. If you look broke you're probably gonna strike out, but everyone in here has a few fresh j's right?

Anyway I remember in another other vid with white girls, he didn't even have to say anything... I dunno if that would work with black girls or for black dudes.

My perspective on mexican girls from experience: they'll flirt with you all the time, you might even get the yambs, but dating them... RARE!

Asians aren't too tough to date if you have money to do nice stuff, but them racist families though..... no joke

It's funny how wildly people's experiences can vary

3 of my boys who I mentioned before in this thread are all married to Latinas (2 Mexican, 1 PR) and 1 of them has pretty much dated Latinas exclusively

What city are you in?

Checking in from SoCal area here
The realist ish wrote in this thread is the difference in what you are wearing if you are white or black. Its just the truth...point blank period. Lets say theres an equally attractive black and white male (no karamo) and they both been painting a house all day and stop by McDs for a large ice t. They both try to holla at a black chick in clothes filthy with paint. Same confidence...same lines. The black dude is gonna have a much tougher time as he may be assumed as broke with 3 kids...while the white dude will get laughs and 'you a cocky white boy'. Its just real life.

But at the end, ninjas know we gotta work harder at everything and are already conditioned so cats aint eem trippin at the struggle. Always said it if the world blew up today and everyone started at cats who vowed to stick together would be the most successful to survive

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i go thru this nonsense w/ black women thinking white men are superior ESPECIALLY AT WORK...

EDITED... wasnt eem called for... :smh:
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Black women are far more approachable than other women based on my experience
I can agree with this.
so much so that if they like you they're da ones that try to get your number.
Do most of them think you're black? Serious question...
they can smell a "spanish boy" from a mile to my advantage when and if i wanna smash a black girl.
I'm black... Light Skinned, speak well, and dress nice. Im confident I can pull most black girls. They laugh at corny stuff and you just have to be attractive. If you look broke you're probably gonna strike out, but everyone in here has a few fresh j's right?

Anyway I remember in another other vid with white girls, he didn't even have to say anything... I dunno if that would work with black girls or for black dudes.

My perspective on mexican girls from experience: they'll flirt with you all the time, you might even get the yambs, but dating them... RARE!
Asians aren't too tough to date if you have money to do nice stuff, but them racist families though..... no joke
real talks papi........Some Asian chick I use to talk to, got in big **** from her pops for talking to a me (I'm black)

They dont really like their daughters dating white men either, but they deal with it.

Their sodium chloride levels are definitely higher with black males though
I'm black... Light Skinned, speak well, and dress nice. Im confident I can pull most black girls. They laugh at corny stuff and you just have to be attractive. If you look broke you're probably gonna strike out, but everyone in here has a few fresh j's right?

Anyway I remember in another other vid with white girls, he didn't even have to say anything... I dunno if that would work with black girls or for black dudes.

My perspective on mexican girls from experience: they'll flirt with you all the time, you might even get the yambs, but dating them... RARE!
Asians aren't too tough to date if you have money to do nice stuff, but them racist families though..... no joke
real talks papi........Some Asian chick I use to talk to, got in big **** from her pops for talking to a me (I'm black)

They dont really like their daughters dating white men either, but they deal with it.

Their sodium chloride levels are definitely higher with black males though

agreed, just had to mention it for those assuming they roll out the red carpet for white men.
This needs to be done by a black guy on white women. Guaranteed there will be a lot speed walking and purse clutching going on. :smh:
Why did 7 ppl like this comment? What kind of white women are yall approaching? 60 year ol white women from suburban areas in towns where they've never seen a black person in real life?

If you trying to bag white women from 17-27 and you black you'd know they want that dark meat. I feel sorry for wherever yall living and/or that mentality yall have. Strugglin'

:smh: @ some yall using this thread to feel sorry for yourselves. Veering way off course with this narrative. Soapbox status. What has NT become.
This needs to be done by a black guy on white women. Guaranteed there will be a lot speed walking and purse clutching going on. :smh:
Why did 7 ppl like this comment? What kind of white women are yall approaching? 60 year ol white women from suburban areas in towns where they've never seen a black person in real life?

If you trying to bag white women from 17-27 and you black you'd know they want that dark meat. I feel sorry for wherever yall living and/or that mentality yall have. Strugglin'

:smh: @ some yall using this thread to feel sorry for yourselves. Veering way off course with this narrative. Soapbox status. What has NT become.

Word any American woman from any ethnic background and not from a rural area has fantasies about their favorite R&B singer. They would give a black man cooperation thinking he's the closest thing.
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Why did 7 ppl like this comment? What kind of white women are yall approaching? 60 year ol white women from suburban areas in towns where they've never seen a black person in real life?

If you trying to bag white women from 17-27 and you black you'd know they want that dark meat. I feel sorry for wherever yall living and/or that mentality yall have. Strugglin'

:smh: @ some yall using this thread to feel sorry for yourselves. Veering way off course with this narrative. Soapbox status. What has NT become.

Lol I swear cats be lame.

I look at it like this:

I effs with black cats on here...especially while we are young...using NT as a soapbox cause in real life...we look like felines being this honest. Aint no black cat crying about it...honestly everything in here has been stated as just true life experiences. dudes dont talk like this until we looking like steve harvey already married and complaining about their wives. Stop trying to hold us back bro.
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This thread reminds of the this post on OKCupid based on how your race affects the messages you get:

The numbers on the perimeter of the table are the weighted average rates  for each column/row. Here’s what we can know:
  • Black women write back the most.  Whether it’s due to talkativeness, loneliness, or a sense of plain decency, black women are by far the most likely to respond to a first contact attempt. In many cases, their response rate is one and a half times the average, and, overall, black women reply about a quarter more often that other women.
  • White men get more responses.  Whatever it is, white males just get more replies from almost every group. We were careful to preselect our data pool so that physical attractiveness (as measured by our site picture-rating utility) was roughly even across all the race/gender slices. For guys, we did likewise with height.
  • White women prefer white men to the exclusion of everyone else—and Asian and Hispanic women prefer them even more exclusively.  These three types of women only  respond well to white men. More significantly, these groups’ reply rates tonon-whites  is terrible. Asian women write back non-white males at21.9%, Hispanic women at 22.9%, and white women at 23.0%. It’s here where things get interesting, for white women in particular. If you look at the match-by-race  table before this one, the “should-look-like” one, you see that white women have an above-average compatibility with almost every group. Yet they only reply well to guys who look like them. There’s more data on this towards the end of the post.
Let’s see what happens when it’s the women writing the messages to men.
  • Men don’t write black women back.  Or rather, they write them back far less often than they should. Black women reply the most, yet get by far the fewest replies. Essentially every race—including other blacks—singles them out for the cold shoulder.
  • White guys respond less overall.  The average reply rate of non-white  males is 48.1%, while white guys’ is only 40.5%. Basically, they write back about 20% less often. It’s ironic that white guys are worst responders, because as we saw above they in turn get the most replies. That has apparently made them very self-absorbed.
. . .
Man I need to visit these spots where all of these black girls are open to messing with other ethnicities. I rarely ever see a good looking black girl with a non black guy here (unless they're that rich suburban type, but I can't stand those type of girls regardless of race), so I don't bother putting in the effort

The only success I've had was in high school when I was dating a half black half Filipino girl, but that doesn't really count to me . The dirty @#$ looks and rude behavior I constantly got from her black female friends :smh: :smh: :smh:
My college had more open minded black girls but they didn't look good at all :lol:
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No lie. I'm happily married (almost 3 yrs) but I never seen this much attention til this point. Chicks different races, ages, and types... This is what I base my opinion on. If a chick likes YOU, she likes YOU (or what you can afford). Yea, they have there preferences but it all boils down to WHO is approaching you. Do you look appealing, what do you have going for yourself, what do you have to offer?...
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I know my brothers out here know that feel when walking at night and white girl crosses the street. that feel :smh: :x :nerd: :rolleyes:( :stoneface: |I
What is a HUBC? Lol but I'm assuming you goto Southern. I went there for a year before going to LSU. I agree certain hood type black girls that would be a problem but non hood mentality chicks nah but I do think some blacks male/female like being "accepted" by whites and its soooooo :smh: worthy.
Yea I go to southern when did u transfer to lsu and have u finish school yet
Yeah I been outta school man I was at Southern in 98 then went to LSU in 99. Just remember them days though.

edit: I hope boy that said he speaks well is joking if not :smh: Yall dudes still on that expletive in 2013? Again if serious just :smh:
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Why did 7 ppl like this comment? What kind of white women are yall approaching? 60 year ol white women from suburban areas in towns where they've never seen a black person in real life?

If you trying to bag white women from 17-27 and you black you'd know they want that dark meat. I feel sorry for wherever yall living and/or that mentality yall have. Strugglin'

:smh: @ some yall using this thread to feel sorry for yourselves. Veering way off course with this narrative. Soapbox status. What has NT become.

Lol I swear cats be lame.

I look at it like this:

I effs with black cats on here...especially while we are young...using NT as a soapbox cause in real life...we look like felines being this honest. Aint no black cat crying about it...honestly everything in here has been stated as just true life experiences. dudes dont talk like this until we looking like steve harvey already married and complaining about their wives. Stop trying to hold us back bro.
In this thread it seems really pathetic. You talking about life experiences but I doubt any of yall crying about how black women would react if a brotha did this, or that white women would clutch their purses if a brotha did that, etc. are close to 30 or like I said have unfortunately grown up and are still living in some struggle areas of America where this defeatist can't get right mentality has been conditioned in to you :smh:
One thing's for sure, you will never know if you can pick up a girl, or not, if you don't try.
In this thread it seems really pathetic. You talking about life experiences but I doubt any of yall crying about how black women would react if a brotha did this, or that white women would clutch their purses if a brotha did that, etc. are close to 30 or like I said have unfortunately grown up and are still living in some struggle areas of America where this defeatist can't get right mentality has been conditioned in to you :smh:

They could be speaking from experience ...


Wait a minute ...

Black men move out the hood!?

*double gasp*
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