I am a heroin addict. Ask me anything.

- I guess you're adopted? What does your family say whenever you guys talk?
- Have you ever had a significant other? If not, do you think that could ever change your habits?
- If you could go back in time, what would you tell yourself?
- Is having a family in your future plans?
- What are some things you enjoy doing while sober?

I genuinely hope you get better.
I'll be praying for you and I hope one day you will find God and kick these vices. If you ever need to talk, pm me

Condoning and justifying a drug, that is known to be lethal, and claim it's safe?


THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MY THREAD. You are a troll. This is the last time I will respond to you, but MDMA is NOT lethal. FAKE MDMA is lethal. Alcohol is much more lethal, and you drink. If you test your pills and rave responsibly, MDMA is very safe. Period. You are misinformed (which again, is why I make threads like this).

Even without dirty pills MDMA can still be lethal directly or indirectly. You saying otherwise is just ignorant, and I'm speaking from personal experience. You still try to justify taking drugs in your current state of addiction, pathetic.

you mean like if you're allergic to it?

pure MDMA is being tested as a psychotherapy assistant my du. it's less lethal than what the actual thread is about. it's less lethal than the stuff that got an dee addicted to what the thread is about.

why are you still mad
last i checked alcohol is potentially fatal. Hell driving a car is potentially fatal. Aint nobody at my throat for doing those
What the **** are you talking about? Doing MDMA or heroin is not comparable at all to driving a car. Maybe I misunderstood the point

OP, black tar heroin was the drug of choice in my area when I was in high school. It was cheap, and widely available. Ive seen several close buddies go in and out of rehab repeatedly. MY question to you is, do you think rehab is very effective in the treatment of the addiction? Are my friends just lost cases? Because their parents pour in thousands of dollars to the rehab centers, and most of them (maybe 6-7) relapse within the next month. From my point of view it doesnt seem to be very effective, but your first hand view would be interesting to see.

I have seen right in front of me how heroin destroys lives and I sincerely wish you the best in your recovery. Some of my friends who started heroin had higher GPAs then me, were better athletes then me, and had very promising futures. I cant even look these dudes in the eyes anymore without my heart dropping. One little night of fun in HS ruined their entire lives.
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what jails/prisons have you been to?
Luckily, I have avoided the system

may be a silly question but i was watching an episode of vice the other day and they followed heroin addicts that particpated in an ibogaine treatment to help kick the habit, you ever heard of or thought about doing that?

Not a silly question. I have thought about it, but not seriously because I have no idea where I would find ibogaine. It's a Schedule I drug here and not really available here.

MDMA, crystal or powder, can still be lethal directly or indirectly. You saying otherwise is just ignorant, and I'm speaking from personal experience. You still try to justify taking drugs in your current state of addiction, pathetic.

Quit trolling my thread. You obviously have a personal issue with me, so PM me. There are many people who are agree with me, yet you call me pathetic. Go away.

- I guess you're adopted? What does your family say whenever you guys talk?
- Have you ever had a significant other? If not, do you think that could ever change your habits?
- If you could go back in time, what would you tell yourself?
- Is having a family in your future plans?
- What are some things you enjoy doing while sober?

I genuinely hope you get better.

Yes, I'm adopted. My relationship with my family is OK, but they don't know I'm using still.

I have had SOs, and no, they wouldn't be able to change me. The only one that can make that decision is the addict.

If I could go back in time, I'd probably stick to MDMA and weed. I can handle those.

I don't plan on having kids. If I did, I would probably adopt. There are so many kids out there with no home, it would be selfish of me to bring a kid into this world with a high probability to have addiction genes.

I enjoy going to sporting events and playing sports. That's about it. One of the main reasons I think that I continue to use is because I quit all of my hobbies when I started doing drugs.

Thanks :smile: 

I'll be praying for you and I hope one day you will find God and kick these vices. If you ever need to talk, pm me


Much love. homie.

OP, black tar heroin was the drug of choice in my area when I was in high school. It was cheap, and widely available. Ive seen several close buddies go in and out of rehab repeatedly. MY question to you is, do you think rehab is very effective in the treatment of the addiction? Are my friends just lost cases? Because their parents pour in thousands of dollars to the rehab centers, and most of them (maybe 6-7) relapse within the next month. From my point of view it doesnt seem to be very effective, but your first hand view would be interesting to see.

I have seen right in front of me how heroin destroys lives and I sincerely wish you the best in your recovery. Some of my friends who started heroin had higher GPAs then me, were better athletes then me, and had very promising futures. I cant even look these dudes in the eyes anymore without my heart dropping. One little night of fun in HS ruined their entire lives.

Great questions. I myself am hooked on tar. As for your rehab question, it can be VERY effective, but only if the person REALLY wants to get clean. Rehab is like a tool belt; you can have all the tools, but it is useless unless the person wants to use them. Like your friends, I think I'm a pretty smart dude. Addiction is a beast, though. It takes 100% effort to kick this habit, and I just don't have it in me at this time to stop.

No questions from me, I just hope you get well soon, bro.

Thanks, man. Good looks
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[QUOTE url="/t/567376/i-am-a-heroin-addict-ask-me-anything/90#post_18585661"]
last i checked alcohol is potentially fatal. Hell driving a car is potentially fatal. Aint nobody at my throat for doing those
What the **** are you talking about? Doing MDMA or heroin is not comparable at all to driving a car. Maybe I misunderstood the point

OP, black tar heroin was the drug of choice in my area when I was in high school. It was cheap, and widely available. Ive seen several close buddies go in and out of rehab repeatedly. MY question to you is, do you think rehab is very effective in the treatment of the addiction? Are my friends just lost cases? Because their parents pour in thousands of dollars to the rehab centers, and most of them (maybe 6-7) relapse within the next month. From my point of view it doesnt seem to be very effective, but your first hand view would be interesting to see.

I have seen right in front of me how heroin destroys lives and I sincerely wish you the best in your recovery. Some of my friends who started heroin had higher GPAs then me, were better athletes then me, and had very promising futures. I cant even look these dudes in the eyes anymore without my heart dropping. One little night of fun in HS ruined their entire lives.

i meant to say that if you take MDMA in a safe manner you will be fine just like if you drive safe you will be fine. I know alot of people say its a stupid comparison but if you look at the big picture driving stupid and reckless is just as lethal as doing drugs recklessly. I was not adding heroin into that comparison :lol:
Condoning and justifying a drug, that is known to be lethal, and claim it's safe?

THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MY THREAD. You are a troll. This is the last time I will respond to you, but MDMA is NOT lethal. FAKE MDMA is lethal. Alcohol is much more lethal, and you drink. If you test your pills and rave responsibly, MDMA is very safe. Period. You are misinformed (which again, is why I make threads like this).
Even without dirty pills MDMA can still be lethal directly or indirectly. You saying otherwise is just ignorant, and I'm speaking from personal experience. You still try to justify taking drugs in your current state of addiction, pathetic.
you mean like if you're allergic to it?

pure MDMA is being tested as a psychotherapy assistant my du. it's less lethal than what the actual thread is about. it's less lethal than the stuff that got an dee addicted to what the thread is about.

why are you still mad
it still isnt something safe to be doing. Sure its not meth or heroin, but people do die taking the stuff. Around here pure MDMA is very expensive and rare to find. I think its irresponsible to be telling folks its safe to take, or implying that its safe. Speaks a lot to this drug culture we have built here in the US. At the end of the day though, your not hurting me by taking it. Do you
Damn, OP. You didn't like my questions?

Sorry man. I thought I got to everyone.

Why is it better than sex?

Who has played the best heroine addict in a TV/movie role from what your experience on heroine is like?

Do you "boot" or whatever they call it when you mix the blood first before injecting.

BG said he wishes he never started using dope. Have you ever listened to BG while on it and had a deeper understanding of his raps?

Well to me, it's better than sex because it feels like your whole body is continuously busting a nut for hours.

I think the most accurate addict is Ewan McGregor in Trainspotting. Or all of the actors. It really is spot on talking about heroin.

Not sure what exactly you mean by that, but you pull back the plunger to "register" so that you know you're in a vein. When you're in a vein, the blood makes a plume inside the rig.

I don't listen to BG. Sorry lol

My fellow Korean get well 

Thanks, chingu. Do I know you?
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Condoning and justifying a drug, that is known to be lethal, and claim it's safe?


THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MY THREAD. You are a troll. This is the last time I will respond to you, but MDMA is NOT lethal. FAKE MDMA is lethal. Alcohol is much more lethal, and you drink. If you test your pills and rave responsibly, MDMA is very safe. Period. You are misinformed (which again, is why I make threads like this).

Even without dirty pills MDMA can still be lethal directly or indirectly. You saying otherwise is just ignorant, and I'm speaking from personal experience. You still try to justify taking drugs in your current state of addiction, pathetic.

you mean like if you're allergic to it?

pure MDMA is being tested as a psychotherapy assistant my du. it's less lethal than what the actual thread is about. it's less lethal than the stuff that got an dee addicted to what the thread is about.

why are you still mad
it still isnt something safe to be doing. Sure its not meth or heroin, but people do die taking the stuff. Around here pure MDMA is very expensive and rare to find. I think its irresponsible to be telling folks its safe to take, or implying that its safe. Speaks a lot to this drug culture we have built here in the US. At the end of the day though, your not hurting me by taking it. Do you

I would never imply that anyone should just do something. not seriously at least. I say recognize what you are doing and be aware of the risks involved. I will say do the research on pure MDMA, just to know a little more. the deaths come from allergy (very rare) and things like drinking too much water or extreme exhaustion that wouldn't really happen under other conditions.

people definitely die buying and taking random stuff marketed as whatever the hot chem is. most of the MDMA out there is mephedrone and random cuts.

I do agree the drug culture is out of hand though. it's the extreme promotion that kills me. I'm all for psychs - but alcohol, tobacco, pharms, hard street stuff... can't rock with em.
Idk if you'll be able to answer this OP or anybody else that might know. I smoked roxi's for almost a year. Then they started getting too expensive, so we started smoking heroin. After about 6 weeks, I shot up for my first time and passed out for like 45 minutes. When I came to, I was so freaked out that I never wanted to touch it again, and I haven't.

It's been almost 4 months now, and I was wondering why I never had withdrawals or anything like that after I quit cold turkey. My friend that I was doing it with went through terrible withdrawals and would call me everyday talkin about all the pain he was in.

I've always had really strong willpower, and even when I'd go without roxi's or H for a few days I wouldn't crave or fiend for it, I'd just wait for him to pick me up again (afterwards I found out he would pick up w/o me so that's why his addiction was so bad). Am I just one of the fortunate ones who didn't fall down the rabbit hole?
Why is it better than sex?

Who has played the best heroine addict in a TV/movie role from what your experience on heroine is like?

Do you "boot" or whatever they call it when you mix the blood first before injecting.

BG said he wishes he never started using dope. Have you ever listened to BG while on it and had a deeper understanding of his raps?

was BG on heroin when he made this song. Used to bump this every morning walking to school :rofl:

yo OP, have you looked into smoking herb as a way out? i've read that it can help people quit everything from alcohol to cigarettes to heroin.
Why didn't my dad love me?
Because your butthole wasn't tight enough! 

Idk if you'll be able to answer this OP or anybody else that might know. I smoked roxi's for almost a year. Then they started getting too expensive, so we started smoking heroin. After about 6 weeks, I shot up for my first time and passed out for like 45 minutes. When I came to, I was so freaked out that I never wanted to touch it again, and I haven't.

It's been almost 4 months now, and I was wondering why I never had withdrawals or anything like that after I quit cold turkey. My friend that I was doing it with went through terrible withdrawals and would call me everyday talkin about all the pain he was in.

I've always had really strong willpower, and even when I'd go without roxi's or H for a few days I wouldn't crave or fiend for it, I'd just wait for him to pick me up again (afterwards I found out he would pick up w/o me so that's why his addiction was so bad). Am I just one of the fortunate ones who didn't fall down the rabbit hole?

It mostly depends on how often you were using. We're you getting high every day? If so, it's really odd that you didn't go through WDs. And yeah, falling out is TERRIFYING. It's really, really scary. Your friend really should've rushed your *** to the hospital. You're lucky that you're still alive.

Most likely you were able to quit because you aren't an addict. That's just my guess, though. Some people just aren't addicts and can use because they like it and it feels good. I'm really glad you could kick. Don't go back.

yo OP, have you looked into smoking herb as a way out? i've read that it can help people quit everything from alcohol to cigarettes to heroin.
I'm positive that when I'm really to quit for good, I will be smoking copious amounts of weed. It helps a lot with withdrawals, and it's a way safer way to feel high without using opiates.


Why don't you take your sanctimonious crusade elsewhere?

The purpose of this thread is to give insight into the life of an addict.

Stop trying to get a witch hunt started.

It's just the type of person he is. You've been on NT long enough to realize that, I think lol.
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MDMA, crystal or powder, can still be lethal directly or indirectly. You saying otherwise is just ignorant, and I'm speaking from personal experience. You still try to justify taking drugs in your current state of addiction, pathetic.


Why don't you take your sanctimonious crusade elsewhere?

The purpose of this thread is to give insight into the life of an addict.

Stop trying to get a witch hunt started.
I myself am very intrigued by drugs, but wouldn't touch it ever. I'll be asking more questions if that's ok.

- What's your 9-5 job?
- What has and currently makes you truly happy? What do you think CAN make you genuinely happy?
- How are your relationships with friends? Are they users too? And do you have any that aren't? (Sorry if that's stupid)
- What's your biggest fear in life?
- How much do you spend on things like food, materialistic items, and entertainment each month?
- Is getting a fix your number one priority? If not, what is?
How are you able to hold a job?
Don't you get the urge to use at work and have you?
Do your coworkers know?

I hope you get better bro.
Mad prevalent in the Detroit burbs and its been moving its way to Mpls over the past couple years. Had friends and roommates on it in college and I've seen them make it through with success. Good luck OP. keep on truckin!
I myself am very intrigued by drugs, but wouldn't touch it ever. I'll be asking more questions if that's ok.

- What's your 9-5 job?
- What has and currently makes you truly happy? What do you think CAN make you genuinely happy?
- How are your relationships with friends? Are they users too? And do you have any that aren't? (Sorry if that's stupid)
- What's your biggest fear in life?
- How much do you spend on things like food, materialistic items, and entertainment each month?
- Is getting a fix your number one priority? If not, what is?
Ask away! That's why I made this thread.

-My 9-5 is in an office setting. Pretty mindless work, tbh. Perfect for my current condition.

-Great question. I don't know what makes me happy. When I find that, I will finally be able to quit using. That, I am SURE of.

-None of my good friends use. They get frustrated, but they know there isn't anything they can do. I know they have love for me, though, and want the best for me.

-Another really good question. My biggest fear is that people will remember me as a junkie, and not the loving person that I know that I am. My friends and family know the real me, but I don't want them to remember me as a dopefiend. 

-I hardly spend any money on stuff other than movies occasionally. I bring my lunch at work and such,

-Getting my fix now is pretty much a priority, but I don't steal or do ******* stuff any more. I will go back to rehab if I ever start doing that **** again.

How are you able to hold a job?
Don't you get the urge to use at work and have you?
Do your coworkers know?

I hope you get better bro.

I'm able to hold a job because I only use enough at work to get well. I don't get "high" at work. I really doubt my coworkers know. I can pull it off because I am by myself most of the time.

Thanks, man!

Whenever I stop praying for Terio I will then pray for you

Niketalker23 is a clown...always been one


Mad prevalent in the Detroit burbs and its been moving its way to Mpls over the past couple years. Had friends and roommates on it in college and I've seen them make it through with success. Good luck OP. keep on truckin!

Yeah, dude. The D has one of the worst heroin problems in the country for sure. Thanks for the support bro.
was BG on heroin when he made this song. Used to bump this every morning walking to school.
Yes. BG has been on that boy since he was a... boy. Look it up. Dude is a true fiend. No disrespect OP. He's truly remorseful for it.

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