I am a heroin addict. Ask me anything.

BTW man, some friends I know that dealt with heroin addiction turned to moking/mole bowls if you've heard of them. Basically american spirit tobacco+weed in a one-snapper through a bong. They say it's the closest feeling they can get to a heroin high. A mokey when you're drunk= crazy head rush.
BTW man, some friends I know that dealt with heroin addiction turned to moking/mole bowls if you've heard of them. Basically american spirit tobacco+weed in a one-snapper through a bong. They say it's the closest feeling they can get to a heroin high. A mokey when you're drunk= crazy head rush.
OH man. That sounds crazy 
 I'll have to try that out

Do you smoke c****rettes or drink liqour?

Yeah, I smoke like a chimney. Recently I've been vaping though, and that's cut my smoking down a lot.
Damn, OP. You didn't like my questions?
My b! Lol you got caught in the mix

I've fallen out a few times, so yeah. Pretty close to ODing. Sucks.

If I haven't used in a while I start getting anxious, then the withdrawal starts about 24 hours after my last shot.

My first time slamming dope was because my "friend" kept saying I was wasting it by smoking it instead of shooting it. So yeah, peer pressure. I accept full responsibility for my actions though.

Do you consider yourself a "functioning" addict?

Is the heroin high as great as I've heard?

How accurate is the movie Requiem For A Dream? How did the movie make you feel?

Is there any drug that you look down on? Crack? Meth?

Yeah, I consider myself functioning because I am able to hold down a job and it doesn't ENTIRELY consume my life. Just mostly :\

Yeah it's that great. But not worth it.

Requiem is VERY accurate. Movie gave me hella feels. It can really be that bad.

I don't look down on anything because a) I've tried almost everything and b) who am I to judge?

Do you get that, Is this the dose that kills me?, feel when you load up?

No. I pretty much know my limit now and only cop off one guy that has consistent stuff.

Your mentally weak man, your first day out of rehab you was right back at it smh

No, I'm mentally strong, but emotionally weak. One might say that you'RE mentally weak though, because you don't know the difference between "your" and "you're." Plus I never said that I was back at it the first day out of rehab.
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Man, I truly appreciate you taking the time to answer these questions. Maybe if you keep answering these questions, you'll forget about getting a fix!

- What's your sleeping schedule like? What time do you normally sleep/wake up?
- How's your temper?
- What do you hope to accomplish in life?
- You said you'd stop when you find what makes you happy...Have you started looking for it? Or just hoping it comes to you?
- Has anything ever inspired you? If so, what?
- Ever considered going traveling to "paradise"? The money you spend can definitely accommodate to a nice vacation :lol:.
- Any chance answering these questions "help"? Whether it's realization, venting, or etc?
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- the friend that introduced you to this drug still around? still addicted?
- what kind of impact did this addiction have on your parents?
- are you a fan of artie lange?
- how easy is it to get h in your city?
- where do you see yourself in 7 years?
- are you scared of death?
- do you belive in god?
Man, I truly appreciate you taking the time to answer these questions. Maybe if you keep answering these questions, you'll forget about getting a fix!

- What's your sleeping schedule like? What time do you normally sleep/wake up?
- How's your temper?
- What do you hope to accomplish in life?
- You said you'd stop when you find what makes you happy...Have you started looking for it? Or just hoping it comes to you?
- Has anything ever inspired you? If so, what?
- Ever considered going traveling to "paradise"? The money you spend can definitely accommodate to a nice vacation
- Any chance answering these questions "help"? Whether it's realization, venting, or etc?
I appreciate you asking! Too many people just judge without real knowledge about who they are judging. I am a person, not some scumbag.

-My sleep is MESSED UP. Some nights I don't sleep. Sometimes I sleep all day. C'est la vie

-I have a really bad temper. Half because of the drugs and half because I'm a Korean. ha.

-I want to help others. I really do. Hopefully one day someone will be able to look up to me.

-I really need to start actively trying to find something that makes me happy. You're right, man. I've just been waiting for it to come to me. Thanks for that!

-I get inspiration from a lot of places. Especially from people who are making real positive changes in the world like Elon Musk

-I'm going to Thailand with my friends next year. They're there right now and loving it. Hopefully that changes my outlook on life!

-Part of the reason that I did this is because I thought it might help me reflect on my life, and it has. Answering these questions has made me really take a look at who I am.

Thanks, man. You have some really good questions.

- the friend that introduced you to this drug still around? still addicted?
- what kind of impact did this addiction have on your parents?
- are you a fan of artie lange?
- how easy is it to get h in your city?
- where do you see yourself in 7 years?
- are you scared of death?
- do you belive in god?

-The person who introduced me to opiates died in April of this year. Yeah, man. She ODed.

-Learning about my addiction crushed my parents. For that, I am so ashamed 

-Don't know too much about Artie Lange, but I'll look him up for sure!

-I can't get dope in my city, but I live very close to Oakland, so yeah.

-I see myself clean and enjoying life in 7 years. But to do that , I need to actively pursue getting clean.

-I am not scared of death, but I'm scared of hurting the people that love me when I die.

-I don't believe in "god," but I do believe there may be something other than the physical world out there.

Thanks for the questions
I didn't know heroin addicts could function normally. I thought they were like crack addicts.

Having said that, OP have you ever s'd a d for some h?
really informative thread. really gives insight into something i (and others) don't understand.

thanks for taking the time and doing it. hope you get well.
I didn't know heroin addicts could function normally. I thought they were like crack addicts.

Having said that, OP have you ever s'd a d for some h?

Everytime you post i laugh man you always have some funny ish to say

OP stated he used to give his female dealer the D for it once
As a fellow NTer and somebody from the East Bay I genuinely hope you pull through man. You seem like a kind soul and I think you are offering some valuable honest insight and awareness to the NT community about the world of addiction. 

-How do you manage your finances with the drug addiction? I'm assuming that like the rest of NT, you have a shoe fetish that is an expensive hobby as well.

-Do you have sober friends that you can maintain healthy friendships with?

-What college did you go to?

-What's your opinion on Aderrall and people using it frequently? Is it a drug you believe people can live a normal life with?

-How would you go about traveling to international places (i.e Thailand) without access to dope?

-Would you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert?
really informative thread. really gives insight into something i (and others) don't understand.

thanks for taking the time and doing it. hope you get well.
No problem, man. I did it for me as well

I didn't know heroin addicts could function normally. I thought they were like crack addicts.

Having said that, OP have you ever s'd a d for some h?

It's tough and there was a time when I couldn't function like a normal person. I'm still teetering.

Never s'ed a d though lol

have you ever been hated, or discriminated against?

I've gotten called a junkie a bunch of times. Used to sting but I'm over it. I know who I am

Are you an artistically creative person?

I'd like to think so. The dope has really hurt my creativity though. One of the reasons why I'll stop

As a fellow NTer and somebody from the East Bay I genuinely hope you pull through man. You seem like a kind soul and I think you are offering some valuable honest insight and awareness to the NT community about the world of addiction. 

-How do you manage your finances with the drug addiction? I'm assuming that like the rest of NT, you have a shoe fetish that is an expensive hobby as well.

-Do you have sober friends that you can maintain healthy friendships with?

-What college did you go to?

-What's your opinion on Aderrall and people using it frequently? Is it a drug you believe people can live a normal life with?

-How would you go about traveling to international places (i.e Thailand) without access to dope?

-Would you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert?


-My finances are... out of order. I've started paying back my debts, but I frequently am tapped out by the time payday comes around. I sold most of my shoe collection. I probably have about 10 pairs 

-I have a few really good friends who don't use.

-I went to a CSU school in SoCal, where I picked the habit up

-On the fence about Addy. I have a RX currently, and usually use it so I don't nod off at work. I think it's very over-prescribed, but some people need it. SOME people. It's definitely abused, though.

-Travelling is really tough. I've snuck dope on a plane before (SO SCARY. DO NOT RECOMMEND). I usually try to get some Suboxone strips for travel so I don't get sick. Travelling really is one of the worst complications with this though.

-I would definitely say that I'm an introvert. Drugs help me socialize, FWIW. I need to learn how to do that.
have you ever seen requiem for a dream? if so, what are your thoughts?
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If you want to overcome any addiction you will have to start living life on a spiritual basis.

I've been in and out of recovery for the better part of the past 5 years. I'm alcoholic myself. And I follow the spiritual principles of Alcoholics Anonymous.

I have 2 years, and 5 months of sobriety. I actively work a 12 step program where-in by helping others with the same problem that I have, I stay sober myself.
I'd like to think so. The dope has really hurt my creativity though. One of the reasons why I'll stop

What do you do? Visual arts?

Was there a point where you felt that the drugs helped or increased your creativity?

I've seen a lot of people say that being in an altered state helps them be more artistic and that always seemed silly to me.
From the East Bay as well.. just tryna show some support to a fellow Asian brother and thanks for sharing with us this reality.

What caused you to all the sudden be so open about your addiction, on NT? Do you feel like because you're on (or at least the side effects) it you don't really mind answering all these questions?

When you use it, do you get active and want to do things? Explore, bike around, watch a movie? Or is it like in the TV shows where they seem to be laying down for hours? Is music enjoyable?

How often are you sober on a day? Week?

It's pretty mind boggling that on our side of the computer screen, our minds are (supposedly) free from heroin. But on the other side, we got someone with their mind going through some stuff we've never felt before, nor can really comprehend.
Great post! I'm passing out but ill def respond tomorrow.

Thanks for keeping this thread civil for the most part,guys!

Night, all
I love it when people share their true selves on NT, rather than their fake internet personas. I hope you get to where you want to go and do it on your own terms OP. I've come to the conclusion that life is just about that, doing things on your own terms as long as you don't physically harm and disrupt the next person's life. We all have our demons, vices, secrets, problems, whatever. I appreciate people who aren't robots and have some real life to share. It's a shame that your personal experiences and past have led you to where you are now, but it's the life you chose and when it's all said and done you have/had control over it. What the **** else can we ask for really? I wish you the best homie.
Alright I got sucked back in by some  awesome posts.

I'd like to think so. The dope has really hurt my creativity though. One of the reasons why I'll stop
What do you do? Visual arts?

Was there a point where you felt that the drugs helped or increased your creativity?

I've seen a lot of people say that being in an altered state helps them be more artistic and that always seemed silly to me.


I really think that when I'm ready to stop, the 12 steps will be invaluable. It's the only thing that I've seen that can help people with our struggle. Your post really gives me hope. Thanks. 

From the East Bay as well.. just tryna show some support to a fellow Asian brother and thanks for sharing with us this reality.

What caused you to all the sudden be so open about your addiction, on NT? Do you feel like because you're on (or at least the side effects) it you don't really mind answering all these questions?

When you use it, do you get active and want to do things? Explore, bike around, watch a movie? Or is it like in the TV shows where they seem to be laying down for hours? Is music enjoyable?

How often are you sober on a day? Week?

It's pretty mind boggling that on our side of the computer screen, our minds are (supposedly) free from heroin. But on the other side, we got someone with their mind going through some stuff we've never felt before, nor can really comprehend.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks for the well wishes. This thread has really given me hope. You guys are the freaking best.

Much love to all, and I'll be back tomorrow if there are any more questions you guy have for me!

I just saw this post, sorry! I am truly heartbroken for you. I know how it feels to lose someone close to you from drugs, and that's the reason I know I need to stop soon. I don't want to do that to anyone that loves me.

Are you in Florida? I know FL has been hit the hardest by pills mainly. Doctor shopping there is outrageous and infuriating.
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Do you hate your dealer? Even though your in need of the drug, by him supplying it, he's messing up your life. Obviously, if he's not selling it someone else will, but focusing on him, how do you feel about him?

At what age did your parents adopt you? And when did you find out your were adopted? If you were to young to know, that is...

How much time does it take to liquefy the drug? And how many times a day would you say you shoot up?

It seems like something traumatic has to happen in your life to cause a change in your habits, is that what you're waiting for? Also, why hasn't the death of your friend four months ago inspired you to seriously take the steps to quit?

Have you ever had a stroke or a heart attack?

Have any of your sober friends ever chilled with you while you were shooting up?

How does this quote make you feel?

"Once you’re addicted to heroin, there are only three possible ways your life can go:



Thanks for taking time to do this for NT as a self help/information tool. Sending positive energy your way, hope one day it just clicks in your mind that this is not how you want to live anymore and you just evolve into who you want and or are suppose to be...
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