I am physically addicted to prescription medication.

I mean of course I want to stop but for anyone thats ever been addicted to opiates they know how it is.

When on them everything just feels right and like I have no worry in the world. Nothing comes close to the feeling.

Yeah in rehab I tried the whole yoga thing and meditation but just couldnt really get into it.

Like I said up until I was realesed from jail I had 13 months clean so I look at that and know life is possible sober. Even if I was in a controlled environment where I had no choice but to get clean lol.
Oh I was addicted to opiates for 3 years like I was saying! I know how hard it is to stop. I know how you don't have a worry in the world. It's insane how it changes your mindset. You just have to really work at it. It's tough. I stopped using suboxones and the Thomas recipe (google it). It is a combo that helps eliminate all the withdrawal symptoms.
OP, have you considered Methadone and/or Buprenorphine? Both help with withdrawal symptoms. Good luck getting your life back together. 
Just looked up Thomas recipe. Appreciate it.

But i've tried getting clean useing those things before just staying clean is the problem. You just gotta want it and right now I guess I don't want it enough :/
Yo you have to look at it like this, you did THIRTEEN months clean. I dont know how long you've been out but its still hasnt gone to waste! Build on it bro. I mean if you dont have $%$+ going on in your life, its gonna be hard not to look to get @#!$@! up every day. Thirteen months clean is a huge accomplishment I'm surprised you went right back to the pills but also not surprised having experience with these drugs.

I took a roxy for the first time in a year and a half on Friday and spent half of Saturday trying to get another one. Kind of thankful I couldnt find one, this $%$+ causes you to spiral down QUICK! A lot of people in my area are affected by this problem, especially kids.
My advice is to get on suboxone and stay on suboxone. I was on oxy30mg & 15mg. I was 20 when I started off taking the meds as prescribed for a ruptured disc + degenerative disc disease in my lower back and after a year or so my tolerance was through the roof. Went from 90mg/day to 400mg/day in 2-3 years. My whole life revolved around these pills basically. Always worried how many I had to last me until my refill, coming up short a week before my refill and spending madd bread on pills. Someone stealing my meds when I was on vacation and going through withdrawals when I'm supposed to be relaxing. I got so sick of being dependent on it. That's not how to live life. I'm 26now and have been taking suboxone 4-8mg/day for the last year. I know some will say you're just replacing one drug for another but I don't agree. You can't abuse suboxone and you can't get high off of it. You take it once a day, or sometimes every other day because of the 36-hour half-life and you feel completely normal. You'll be a lot more stable and wont be acting like a fiend/criminal
. You will have to deal with the mental aspect of not being high and nodding off all day but you have to want to stop being an addict and get control over your life.
i just dont understand where a child growing up thinks "hey why not try this pill?"

it literally boggles my mind that people use pills to get high.
Originally Posted by ICY DEAD BENZ

I mean of course I want to stop but for anyone thats ever been addicted to opiates they know how it is.

When on them everything just feels right and like I have no worry in the world. Nothing comes close to the feeling.

Yeah in rehab I tried the whole yoga thing and meditation but just couldnt really get into it.

Like I said up until I was realesed from jail I had 13 months clean so I look at that and know life is possible sober. Even if I was in a controlled environment where I had no choice but to get clean lol.
They make every worry go away. They numb you to the world. I was sick of being that way. When I stopped oxy I was able to feel real emotions again and it was incredible. I felt like I was me again. I started going out and being social like I used to do. I was also real close to losing my girlfriend of 4 years, she says its like night and day how I act now. Good luck bro. Hit me on the pm if you need any advice.
Originally Posted by jhova718

i just dont understand where a child growing up thinks "hey why not try this pill?"

it literally boggles my mind that people use pills to get high.
I think part of it is the governments fault. They make marijuana look like something so wrong to do then these kids smoke it and realize its not as bad as they've been told. So then they go on to question other substances to explore there capabilities. 
Originally Posted by ICY DEAD BENZ

Have tried subs multipule times. I actually take subs whenever I don't have perks. Sometimes I take subs for a few days in attempt to quit but like I said the pills always find theyre way back in my life.

To the dude that asked, before I got locked up I was up to 12-15 30's a day. So about 400MG daily.

. Never been in this situation but i wish you the best in getting over this.
All throughout my childhood, I've watched my mother take large amounts of pain medication for chronic pain. We always joke that she takes enough pain medication to easily kill a horse. I've seen what a lot of these medications do to her and I've seen her suffer through trying to take herself off of certain prescriptions. I think because of this, I've never had any desire to try to get high off of pain medication.
pharmaceutical companies make millions selling drugs to an addicted population. its government hypocrisy at its finest, politicians lambaste marijuana for being evil and murderous while they're getting their palms oiled with dough from said companies.

good luck OP. i've lost some friends to pill addictions. #$*# is NO joke.
This pain medication stuff is no joke. My friend at school is doing a year for buying and selling percocets from an undercover FBI agent. FBI raided his apartment at school. Another boy has been in rehab for 8 months. Another boy held up 4 pharmacies with a gun and got caught. His parents won't bail him out and he's still waiting his sentence after 6 months in jail.

This may be a stupid question, but is snorting them a more powerful high or does it just make you high quicker? I ask because I had ACL reconstruction back in November and I was on Percocet and Vicodin for a month and a half, but I never got addicted.
Good luck with your problem OP hopefully you continue to get help and turn it around some day. Never understood why people mess around with MEDS those are NO joke.
Pain pills are a bigger epidemic than crack or any other narcotic ever was. They're just so accessible. Not to mention they're legal w/ a prescription, so the "hey, these are dangerously addictive" factor pretty much goes out the window for a lot of people.

After 3+ years working in a prison, I can say that about 75% of the inmates I've dealt with used pills in some form or fashion (along w/ other drugs). And as time goes on, you see more and more dudes locked up for robberies, thefts, forgery and fraud related to prescription drugs. Dudes sticking up pharmacies, writing fake prescriptions like OP and on and on and on.

Personally, I take issue w/ how much prescription drugs are pushed by the government and doctors, but that's for another thread. OP, I wish I had an answer for you, but I think you somewhat put your situation in perspective when you said that you're just not ready yet. If you're not truly ready to not be addicted, I don't believe that any amount of rehab, interventions, suboxone or methadone will truly help. It may put a band aid on the wound of addiction, but it won't begin to heal it. Good luck though brah....sorry to hear about your plight. When you're ready, you CAN beat this thing.
OP take it one minute at a time. then one hour. then 2 hours etc.

Think of the small immediate picture rather than the whole one.

Start small and work your way up. You will build tremendous discipline and you can use this method to accomplish anything, literally.

Good luck!
wow what a waste of time and life. you can write about it but cant do it? @@+* all that noise about you dont know until your in it, or you dont understand its the best feeling in the world. youre the tonton who WANTS that best feeling in the world. you dont NEED that feeling, you just want. you know its bad, but who cares...lemme get high...its not that much, i'll make up for it by trying to quit tomorrow twice as hard. no control.
go lift or something.
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

wow what a waste of time and life. you can write about it but cant do it? @@+* all that noise about you dont know until your in it, or you dont understand its the best feeling in the world. youre the tonton who WANTS that best feeling in the world. you dont NEED that feeling, you just want. you know its bad, but who cares...lemme get high...its not that much, i'll make up for it by trying to quit tomorrow twice as hard. no control.
go lift or something.

Have you ever been addicted to anything?
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