I am physically addicted to prescription medication.

Pills are nuts, man.
One of my best friends in college was CRAZY into drugs, mostly pills. He was a very gifted basketball player. Kid was 6'4" and could standing dunk two hands, take it to the rim hard, dunk, draw the foul, whatever, and bomb 3's all day. Dude also was the best rebounder I've ever seen.

He did all this while high off oxy. In high school he would snort lines, then go out and drop 35 and 15. He came to our school (a small D3) because he got his D2 scholarships pulled... they found out about his issues. Our school took a chance on him, and he was dropping something like 18 and 11 as a freshman in one of the nation's best D3 conferences.

Things got worse. The summer after his sophomore year, his GF broke up with him and demanded that he seek rehab, again. He went but snuck out a few weeks later... ended up curled up under a bridge, puking from withdrawals. His dad picked him up but kicked him out of the house... that's when he came to live with me for a few weeks.

I gave him his own room, and I used to find foilies crumpled up in there. He would eat a few McDonalds burgers a day, maybe head to the park to shoot some hoops... but inbetween, hit the oxy hard. He spent all his savings on pills. He would lie and lie to go back to his hometown and get more. A few times he passed out so hard (noddin, for those familiar) that I could barely move him.

A few years later, he seems to be clean. He transferred schools, got his GF pregnant, had a kid, and got married. We went to an NBA game together recently, and he swore to me he had been clean for months... but something was off about his behavior. My brother later told me that he was high off methadone. As far as I know, though, the family/kid thing really woke him up. I think he's good now.

Once a fiend, always a fiend, man. It's messed up. His brother is actually worse... he was a 4.0 student with a future in basketball, although he was more of a PG. I'll never forget seeing him in his grandma's basement, watching 1990's wrestling re-runs, nodding off on the couch after doing a few fat lines. Dude was in and out of rehab and 40 lbs overweight. His parents wouldn't talk to him, and his grandma couldn't say no. Saddest thing ever.

After seeing all this... I won't mess with pills. I was addicted to an anti-anxiety pill (prescribed) once a few years back... definitely not the kind that people take for fun. It was called Effexor, and for a week I was shivering, dizzy, and nauseous. Really wish my doctor would have told me about that. Anyways, I'm on a little bit of Zoloft now and it's all good. Stay clean, people.
yeah my older sister is on this stuff..shes 27 and has lost everything.her kids live with my mom and she steals anything in sight.$@%%* stole my ipod, my brothers ps3 and my grandmothers wedding ring aftet she passed away..
If you really want to do something, find a way...If you don't, you'll find an excuse.

Best of luck to you all.
Hope everyone is having a good day today! Try to make the most of it. Get out and exercise, have a good meal. Spend time with friends, and do something that you haven't been able (or wanted) to do while on these little devils. Every day is a new challenge, and a new chance to prove to yourself that YOU CAN DO IT! I'm thinking about making a post in here every day. Just about updates in my life and struggles on the road to recovery, as well as words of encouragement and a source of advice and information for those of you who have yet to start down the road to recovery or are currently on their way. Maybe some other NTers with experience can follow suit and we can make this thread a source of inspiration and hope for those people who need it. As well as an example for those who don't need it to make sure they never do....

Well today has been a good day. I have been consistent with the suboxone. I never have had any trouble staying away from oxys while on them. However I am in the process of trying to quit smoking weed/cigs. My doctor told me how stopping weed while on suboxone is a great time to do it because that will help keep the dopamine levels balanced and should make it easier. Even though I've never really been "addicted" to bud, but I am a casual smoker. Its been stressful with college courses, work, and then all of this but it has been kind of a blessing when I got this job because it keeps me busy and makes me manage my time appropriately. I need to get my bedtime in check ASAP though, my sleep schedule is way to out of whack. But hey, what college student's isn't i guess right?

Anyways, this is my post for the day, I will end with a quote for all of you out there....

"Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach. Check your road and the nature of your battle. The world you desired can be won. It exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours."
Ayn Rand Quote for Overcoming Addiction
i can't imagine still how people get hooked to ten my gf is in pharmacy school and i always ask her she never answer smh
^for me I was so young and naive i had no idea what i was getting into. You don't really realize how serious these things are until your in over your head. And no only that but opiates are a quick slide. It doesn't take more than a couple weeks of use to turn from a first time user in to a full blown addict. Amazing how strong and deadly something the size of a pea can be.....
STAY AWAY FROM OXYCODONE! If you're getting your wisdom teeth pulled, or get other small injuries, don't take that stuff.  It is seriously good +#$% and will make you want to try it again and again just to feel that good feeling.  I dislocated my shoulder real bad one time and they only gave me three pills.  The first one made me feel so damn good, that the next day I ate the other 2 at once and I wanted more BADLY that night.  Luckily I was under 18 living with my parents and they wouldnt let me get a refill or so help me god I would be addicted to them to this day.  That was a really scary feeling.


I learned later in my life that my biological mother was a heroin junkie and when I was born I had to immediately be given drugs to basically ease my withdrawal symptoms from coming down off of heroin.  So apparently opiates have a stronger effect on me, from an addiction stand point
I stick to Norcos or Lortabs, don't really care for the Vicodin even though it is Hydrocodone too. Not very addicting physically either
Originally Posted by rmK

I stick to Norcos or Lortabs, don't really care for the Vicodin even though it is Hydrocodone too. Not very addicting physically either

Dont fool yourself thinking choosing one over the other is of some benefit to you and keeping you from becoming addicted

Lortab and Vicodin are exactly the same thing. The only way that norcos and lorcet are diff than lortab or vics is that norcos have 325 mg of tylenol (acetaminophen) and lorcets have 750 mg of acetaminophen. There are diff dosages to a the quantity of hydrocodone in each tab. ie there are lortab 5/500, 7.5/500 and 10/500 whereas norcos are 5/325, 7.5/325 and 10/325, and lorcet 5/750, 7.5/750, 10/750. Vicodin also comes in ES or HP. ES is 7.5mg hydro/ 750 acetaminophen and HP is 10/660.
By the way, I hope the mods don't lock this. I know there's explicit drug information, but I feel like these posts in here are incredibly informative and telling. Nothing could scare someone from pills better than the stories in here.
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by rmK

I stick to Norcos or Lortabs, don't really care for the Vicodin even though it is Hydrocodone too. Not very addicting physically either

Dont fool yourself thinking choosing one over the other is of some benefit to you and keeping you from becoming addicted

Lortab and Vicodin are exactly the same thing. The only way that norcos and lorcet are diff than lortab or vics is that norcos have 325 mg of tylenol (acetaminophen) and lorcets have 750 mg of acetaminophen. There are diff dosages to a the quantity of hydrocodone in each tab. ie there are lortab 5/500, 7.5/500 and 10/500 whereas norcos are 5/325, 7.5/325 and 10/325, and lorcet 5/750, 7.5/750, 10/750. Vicodin also comes in ES or HP. ES is 7.5mg hydro/ 750 acetaminophen and HP is 10/660.
This man knows.

I just really want to plead with NTers to stay away from opiates, period. I know a lot of heroin addicts and I would say that 9/10 started on prescription meds. I've heard all the stories, injuries, surgery, recreational use, etc. DO YOUR RESEARCH when it comes to the things you are putting in your body. I went to a doctor and he basically just asked me what I wanted. I was getting a ton of *++$ and my insurance is good, so I was getting a few grand worth of pills for like a hundred bucks. My friend was getting OCs because he slipped a disc like five years ago. Doctors get paid to write scripts, this is how the world works these days. This may seem like a paranoid rant, but it's real life.

I wasted years of my life and a small fortune in the few years I was really addicted. I still struggle with this every day and sometimes I still do slip up. My life is straight up in order, but I know I will slip if I'm not careful. There are a lot of people who can do opiates recreationally, but why find out if you're one of them? I'm definitely not, and it *@!@*% my life up big time.
Originally Posted by cocotaso1

sorry to hear about your situation, i lost someone really close to me due to prescription drug abuse. be careful man. have you looked into a methodone or suboxone program?

stay AWAY from methadone maintenance. Its only purpose is to keep crime/prostitution down. Its has a horrible effect on bone (evidenced by lost teeth) and has THE worst withdrawal symptoms.

Suboxone is a synthetic opiate/opiate blocker that can be used to taper yoursef off the actual physical dependency.
We use it at the facility I work at.
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