I am physically addicted to prescription medication.

pull down your skirt fams,
if your going to do it, then do it big, dont half step.

if you pop pills then pop pills, u smoke weed then smoke, snort coke then snort coke.

i likes money so i gets money and do all dat +** yo 
(no humble)
spent 3 years hooked on vics, percs and valiums for a back injury. Sucked on em like candy and smoked em a lil. #*$ almost cost me everything good in my life and one day I woke up and quit cold turkey, clean since 09.

where op lives that's all there is to do unfortunately. Bro gl with ur situation.
I feel you. I was addicted to PKs and oxys from the end of high school on for about 3-4 years. I've been on suboxone for the past couple of months, like 5 or so, and i was on them for about a year 2 years ago until i had a short relapse, then got back on the program. This time through I am much more dedicated and going to therapy and about to start group meetings too. I think I was naive the first time through thinking that I didn't need the meetings or therapy and just needed the subs. It is a long road, and something anyone who ever played with this fire will have to deal with the rest of their lives. All you can do is WANT to get better, and do whatever it takes. There will be ups and downs, good days and bad, but THE MOST IMPORTANT THING, is to keep trying. Don't ever let it get the best of you. I have seen to many people that were on the road to recovery until they had a relapse, and lost all motivation to get better until they were gone. Good luck to anyone struggling with this terrible terrible addiction. I have a lot of knowledge and experience on this subject, so OP and any one else, and i mean ANYONE, feel free to PM me if you want to talk, advice, or information. I'm there for ya fellas. Keep your head up, and your feet moving........ forward, always forward.
edit: I wanted to add that i was completely sober for a bout a year after my first time on suboxone until I had a relapse that lasted for month until i got back on. 
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

wow what a waste of time and life. you can write about it but cant do it? @@+* all that noise about you dont know until your in it, or you dont understand its the best feeling in the world. youre the tonton who WANTS that best feeling in the world. you dont NEED that feeling, you just want. you know its bad, but who cares...lemme get high...its not that much, i'll make up for it by trying to quit tomorrow twice as hard. no control.
go lift or something.

Shut the #%@% up, and that's coming from someone who has been sober every day of their life. 
So many people, myself included, get hooked on prescription pain killers because they seem so safe and sanitary. The problem is that whether it is vicodin pills, snorted oxycodone or injected heroins, an opiate is still an opiate and opiates are the most addictive type of drug imaginable.

Here is my three point plan for escaping its grasp:

Phase One (lasts about five to twenty day):

- Try to separate yourself from opiates or access to them, get ride of your stash at home and erase your dealers' number and turn off your phone and get mentally ready for the hell to come.

- Stock up on blankets so your can deal with the goosebumps. Get a lot of clean and loose clothing to deal with the sweating. Get very easy to digest food and vitamin supplements because your stomach will be churning. Get some ginger root and some Imodium to deal with the nausea and diarrhea. Tylenol will help with any aches. Marijuana and xanax can help to mask many of the worse symptoms. Tke blood pressure medicines because withdrawal induced high blood pressure causes much of the misery.

- Try to sleep and rest as much as possible. Take hot bathes and/or showers and listen to sooting music and/or watch very light haerted TV shows and movies.

Phase Two (after the worse physical symptoms have passed):

- Try to stop with the medications, do not get hooked on xanax or marijuana and everything but the tylenol and stomach remedies should be redundant at this point.

- Start to Exercise. Exercise as hard as your withdrawl and your conditioning will permit. Running is the most helpful but if you can only walk, do that.

- Go easy on yourself, stress, hunger (if your appetite surges back, as is often times the case at this stage, eat until your are satisfied), anxiety and fatigue causes people to relapse.

Phase Three ( After all physical symptoms are gone):

- Keep on exercising, the more vigorous the better.

- Enjoy music and other activities that you enjoyed before you picked up your addiction.

- Enjoy the subtle pleasures that have now returned.

- Consolidate your gains by replacing your old life with one that can be opiate free. Quiting for good means more than just not taking the drugs, you need to replace it will a lifestyle that makes relapse as unlikely as possible.

Some parts are easier said than done but it is a viable plan and it will save your life and your quality of life. Good luck.
I wish you all who are addicted and suffering the best.

having knee issues gives me access to this stuff but i try not to take it. but here and there, i find myself taking them on a consistent basis. ill catch myself doin it so i stop...LIke Now.
Originally Posted by ICY DEAD BENZ

I mean of course I want to stop but for anyone thats ever been addicted to opiates they know how it is.
I am one of the few NTers that can say that I truly know how you feel. I was hooked on OCs and Xanax for a couple years, and I still struggle with addiction every day. You need to stop doing this, dude. It's gonna kill you. I KNOW there isn't anything I or anyone else can do you need to really want it yourself.

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Pain pills are a bigger epidemic than crack or any other narcotic ever was. They're just so accessible. Not to mention they're legal w/ a prescription, so the "hey, these are dangerously addictive" factor pretty much goes out the window for a lot of people.

THIS. The reason I was able to get so many pills is cuz I had a script for them. I was getting 90 80mg OC's and 60 Xanax bars a month. That completely fed the habit and it was so damn easy. There are a lot of crooked doctors out there. Look man, pretty soon the money is gonna run out, and you're gonna end up hooked on heroin. That's the natural progression. I thought the RX thing would last forever, but it got shut down and I ran out of money quick. Then you start doing dope, and it's all bad from there. Don't be ashamed to know you're an addict, just admit that you are and get help.

Hit me up if you have any questions of whatever
This stuff is scary man.  I fear my best friends brother is addicted to opiates.  He is really paranoid all the time i guess when he is coming down.  He went from a normal dude 5 foot 11 about 200 lbs to a walking skeleton now.  He is always disappearing when we are hanging out making random excuses up to leave.  He doesn't care at all about his physical appearance.  Hasn't bathed in over a week.  His dad knows he is on something and doesn't know what to do, just kicked him out of the house 2 weeks ago.  He moved in with my best friend kid is only 21 about to be 22.  I am 24 so is his brother.  This thread is really helpful guys. 
Scary topic. I lost two of my good friends from pills/heroin and its always a terrible situation.
They went from 
 ---> Coke ---> Oxys ---> Heroin in a matter of a few months. Once

your on oxys its pretty much over in my opinion. And once people cant afford them they 

usually (In Pittsburgh at least) move onto heroin because its cheaper & easier to get. Good

luck to everyone trying to get over this addiction because I know its no joke. 
My best friend got addicted to pills,i cant look athim in his eyes...

You dont know how that $#*% feel
this fool said snorting 16 percs is nothin serious

op get better or its rip

i had a good friend just like you.  hes been in and out of rehab like its a joke nd steady tries to hide whenever hes messed up.  its gotten to the point that all he does now is go to work nd chill by himself.   just found out hes back on the pills too.  smh. 
I used to be addicted to Xanax. Age 16-21 I took them daily. It got to a point in time where I was taking 12-15 pills a day. I ended up getting hospitalized, and REALLY sick. I went through the craziest withdrawal in the hospital. Thought people were trying to kill me, and I would hear and see things that were never there. I had my mom SHOOK. She thought I wasn't ever gonna snap out of it. Bout a week later I'm released to a crazy-house, where I check out of INSTANTLY. My mom was so hot that I left because she thought I wasn't ready... Well.... since that time I am happy to say I never took another pill. (27 now) Now I medicate, and sip a little oil. No cigs, No alcohol. NOthing. << go to a clinic / doctor and see what kind of meds they have to try and get u off Rocs. My boy was taking a lot of Vics, and now he is on Methadone to get off em. Good luck bro
Thanks everyone for the support. And to the few who were acting as if quitting is some simple thing to do. You must not know a damn thing about opiates.

After awhile you don't get high to get high anymore. You get high so your not feeling 10x worse then any flu sickness will give you. You get high just to function and think normal. Hell you pretty much would rather be dead then go through withdrawl. And that's just the physical aspect of being addicted to opiates. So think before you post on something on which you obviously have no knowledge of.

It's an everyday struggle man. Hope to cure this disease soon.
Originally Posted by ICY DEAD BENZ

Just looked up Thomas recipe. Appreciate it.

But i've tried getting clean useing those things before just staying clean is the problem. You just gotta want it and right now I guess I don't want it enough :/

The Thomas Recipe was very very helpful. Im not trying to call you out or anything, but if you want it bad enough than you will be done with it no problem. It is very tough, but it's all in your head. If you really want to do it then you can do it no problem. Just think about how much you enjoyed life before and not having to wake up and searching for pills. When I was on them I never went out shopping, I stopped buying sneakers. I stopped getting tats, it is sooo nice being drug free and going out to get clothes,sneakers or tats. Do you have any type of support group?
Dentist gave me a hydrocodone prescription after a surgery, popped all 15 in 4 days. Glad it ran out, I was loving them joints.
Originally Posted by AceBoogie

Dentist gave me a hydrocodone prescription after a surgery, popped all 15 in 4 days. Glad it ran out, I was loving them joints.
hydros, og kush, and patron 
This is the REALEST thread I have ever read on Niketalk and I've been on here for 7 years. I haven't nor do I have the intention to ever try these drugs but I don't judge any of ya'll and wish you guys the best of luck. OP, I really don't know how it feels so I would just say find some hobbies just do whatever you can to get your mind off of it. But then again, I have no idea how you feel so I'm not sure if that's even possible.

Good luck, I really do wish you the best of luck. Get help man, ain't no shame in asking for some help. I do some writing where I try to motivate and put life into perspective, maybe this can help a little? I dunno, hope it can just a little or just get your mind off it for a bit.

Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

wow what a waste of time and life. you can write about it but cant do it? @@+* all that noise about you dont know until your in it, or you dont understand its the best feeling in the world. youre the tonton who WANTS that best feeling in the world. you dont NEED that feeling, you just want. you know its bad, but who cares...lemme get high...its not that much, i'll make up for it by trying to quit tomorrow twice as hard. no control.
go lift or something.

pretty much
Again thanks to everyone showing support.

And no right now I have no support group. MY problem right now is I try and justify my useage by telling myself i'm not nearly as bad as I was before I got locked up (been out almost four months.)

Before I got locked up it was all day every day pills pills pills. now it's maybe 3 to 4 times a week and not as many. BUT I still go through the withdrawls (if I don't have a suboxen) and my prioritys aren't where they should be due to pills.

I think i'm starting to see it though and really don't want to end up how I was in 2010. When you do this *!#* for so long it really starts to take a toll on you mentally and physically as well as emotionally. I'm starting to see the light and useing less and less with less desire to use.

And to everyone in here that says that they are currently prescribed some type of pain medication I cannot stress enough how important it is to take them as prescribed and ONLY if you absouletly need. THEY WILL DESTROY YOUR LIFE. I am living proof.
Originally Posted by DwyaneWadeOG

Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

Have you ever been addicted to anything?
fapping and being lazy.  srs.

Originally Posted by Futuristic

Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

Shut the #%@% up, and that's coming from someone who has been sober every day of their life. 
i dont see anything wrong with tough love lol.  i know drugs are different because it alters your state of mind but at the end of the day its all on you.  are you telling me you are not the same person once 1 pill goes into your body?  or even after 3 years of constant use?  so youre a completely different person with completely different morals/rules/ethics on making life decisions?  its cool and all to sound sympathetic and make hear what he wants to hear but lets be real.       
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

Originally Posted by DwyaneWadeOG

Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

i dont see anything wrong with tough love lol.  i know drugs are different because it alters your state of mind but at the end of the day its all on you.  are you telling me you are not the same person once 1 pill goes into your body?  or even after 3 years of constant use?  so youre a completely different person with completely different morals/rules/ethics on making life decisions?  its cool and all to sound sympathetic and make hear what he wants to hear but lets be real.       

Short answer is yes.
Does he get a free pass because he physically addicted? No.
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