I need honest opinions from a guys point of view please...

Oct 12, 2009
I got into a bit of an argument with my bf yesterday and it just made me realize that in the year that we've been together he has never bought me flowers or anything like that out of the blue or even for a special occasion, he never does anything romantic, the only times we actually go out to dinner or movies or anything is when I initiate it, he actually told me he loved before I told him but I honestly can't remember him saying it again since then unless I tell him first... I'm not even usually one to care about these things but It's really starting to bother me now... while I don't expect flowers every freakin day once in a blue moon would be really nice or something... nor do expect to be told I love you every damn minute or day and I am not one to be saying it all the time either but again once in a while would be nice to hear it first... I dunno... I've hinted on flowers before or him making dinner or something but I get nada... I do everything I can for this guy... it would just be nice to feel appreciated once in a while

I feel like these are such silly things to be upset for but yet it does bother me... Am I being over sensitive and a needy gf for feeling like this?
How old are you? or him? are you his first GF?
try talking to some of his guy friends and see whats up. If hes completely oblivious please justify  why you would want to stay with him.

is he at least morally supportive? or does he get along with your parents?
It might be that you are not very good looking.  If a girl is hot a guy will generally at least do some of the things you suggest so he can ensure she stays with him.

Just my two cents.
1. age

2. pics

3. ???

4. profit

Spoiler [+]
The force is telling me your a troll, and your using the jjb moniker to throw us off. BUT I like to give advice, so my advice to you is stop comparing what your man does for you with other girls gifts from their man...which you probably made a thread on jjb already, having a bunch of chickenheads tell you that your man doesn't treat you right. He must do something for you which is why your sticking with him so if not getting flowers is your biggest concern you need to calm the hell down. Voice that you would like flowers but don't berate him about it.
Originally Posted by ricerocket1

so is this a relationship thread? or an advice thread?

Well it's about a relationship and I am seeking male opinions, sooooo.....
Originally Posted by HOVKid

It might be that you are not very good looking.  If a girl is hot a guy will generally at least do some of the things you suggest so he can ensure she stays with him.

Just my two cents.

you are not being too sensitive, he is not putting in the same amount of effort that you are in the relationship. Don't hint about it, straight up tell him and ask him if there is any specific reason or if he's just always gonna be like that. If it's something that won't change and it's important to you, then let him know that you can think of a few guys that will do those things for you. direct him to this thread if you wanna be passive aggressive
His actions are way more important than what he says and buys. If he shows his love in other ways you are overreacting, and are another victim of the unrealistic expectations set forth by Walt Disney/Sex and the City.

But am an introvert who never buys his wife flowers, so I am a little biased.
How old are you?

What are you both doing with your lives? (school, working, etc)

what was the argument over?

do you live together?

are you attracted to anyone else?

have either of you cheated?

Why are you together? Convenience? Is this guy the one?

What have you done for him lately? (i'm serious)

Whats his personality? Does he talk to a lot of girls? Is he to himself?

What he does is more important than what he says though so keep this in mind.
Does he ever feel that you might leave him? 

Do you please him?

What are all the intangibles you're neglecting to comment on?
BTW, its sad but its true. They say the person who cares the least is usually in control of the relationship... so...

Originally Posted by HOVKid

It might be that you are not very good looking.  If a girl is hot a guy will generally at least do some of the things you suggest so he can ensure she stays with him.

Just my two cents.
This is very true.

You need to start looking as good as you were when ya'll got together so he knows what he has...

Just the way the game works sometimes. 
If he hasn't cheated on you, or physically abused you in the past then yes, you are being needy.
Originally Posted by HOVKid

It might be that you are not very good looking.  If a girl is hot a guy will generally at least do some of the things you suggest so he can ensure she stays with him.

Just my two cents.

Pretty much what I was thinking... On a serious note too..

Start going to the gym and getting in shape if you're not. Maybe get a new haircut or change something up to look, for lack of better terms, more attractive. I bet you dude will flip the script and things will change.
damn maybe i had something bigger planned for u than just some flowers that will die in a week. but now that u wanna put me on blast on the internet youre never gonna find out.
Originally Posted by abutta13

damn maybe i had something bigger planned for u than just some flowers that will die in a week. but now that u wanna put me on blast on the internet youre never gonna find out.
Originally Posted by jus4lafs

I got into a bit of an argument with my bf yesterday and it just made me realize that in the year that we've been together he has never bought me flowers or anything like that out of the blue or even for a special occasion, he never does anything romantic, the only times we actually go out to dinner or movies or anything is when I initiate it, he actually told me he loved before I told him but I honestly can't remember him saying it again since then unless I tell him first... I'm not even usually one to care about these things but It's really starting to bother me now... while I don't expect flowers every freakin day once in a blue moon would be really nice or something... nor do expect to be told I love you every damn minute or day and I am not one to be saying it all the time either but again once in a while would be nice to hear it first... I dunno... I've hinted on flowers before or him making dinner or something but I get nada... I do everything I can for this guy... it would just be nice to feel appreciated once in a while

I feel like these are such silly things to be upset for but yet it does bother me... Am I being over sensitive and a needy gf for feeling like this?
word of advice people get comfortable and its important for both parts to show one another how u feel. im not one to buy flowers and get all mushy but once in a while its good to do just to show that i am happy with her. and also because i want to,most people dont know how to communicate with one another. you should point it out in a nice way and if he just shrugs it off and still acts the same keep it moving.
Why don't you start by giving him a hummer without him asking before thinking about getting flowers without asking.....


Originally Posted by Weaponry Expert

@ HOVKid having the gall to say somebody else's woman is ugly.

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