i swallowed a handful of tylenol.

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

im fine y'all

Feel like *@*#, but i'll be alrite. Stupid decision but it felt like the right thing to do at that point.

Ground been crumbling under me lately. Lost a good job and pretty much everything else that meant something to me in life.

Thanks Erika. If it wasn't for you, i wouldn't be here right now.

Bruh. Jobs, money, and women are all things that come and go. As long as you have a solid circle of friends around you you'll be alright. Just chill with your support group for the next week or two and get back on your feet dude.

And don't worry about a bird, man. You should know better than that, fam.
Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

im fine y'all

Feel like *@*#, but i'll be alrite. Stupid decision but it felt like the right thing to do at that point.

Ground been crumbling under me lately. Lost a good job and pretty much everything else that meant something to me in life.

Thanks Erika. If it wasn't for you, i wouldn't be here right now.

Bruh. Jobs, money, and women are all things that come and go. As long as you have a solid circle of friends around you you'll be alright. Just chill with your support group for the next week or two and get back on your feet dude.

And don't worry about a bird, man. You should know better than that, fam.

I got no friends man 

nor family. Just me. im pretty much a loner in real life. 

For those wondering, this wasn't becus of a girl...it was because of me. Erika had nothing to do with this, so don't judge nor hound her. 
That's a scary place OP. I was there last year but I refused to give up or in.

You have to see the light at the end of the tunnel because that *#$% can really pile up so high that it blocks any paths you might even think you have.

Gotta keep on keepin on and trust that it will get better after a while. It always does.

Not sure if you're religious, but God does not put more on us than we can bare.

I hope you leave that dark place and never have to experience it again. It's a @+!%% who's been scorned all her life and just wants to make yours a living hell. Acknowledge that she's there but don't dwell on her presence.
Originally Posted by MARINADELREY

come to LA and start a new life. leave those rat infested dominican projects from WWII
Yes. David and I will be your best friends.
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

im fine y'all

Feel like *@*#, but i'll be alrite. Stupid decision but it felt like the right thing to do at that point.

Ground been crumbling under me lately. Lost a good job and pretty much everything else that meant something to me in life.

Thanks Erika. If it wasn't for you, i wouldn't be here right now.

Bruh. Jobs, money, and women are all things that come and go. As long as you have a solid circle of friends around you you'll be alright. Just chill with your support group for the next week or two and get back on your feet dude.

And don't worry about a bird, man. You should know better than that, fam.

I got no friends man 

nor family. Just me. 

For those wondering, this wasn't becus of a girl...it was because of me. Erika had nothing to do with this, so don't judge nor hound her. 

jokes aside we got you bro. never feel like you don't have anyone to speak with. as long as NT exists you have an extended family 24/7. depression almost got me years ago. once you hit the handful of pills level, you either do it right the next time or pick up from the bottom and start fixing the problems. your liver is giving you a second chance, dont waste it.

we're all behind you fam
OP remember people have it worst than you!

you can do it.

last i year i was in the postion as you.

i had some crazy rare eye infection that was painful for me to handle. my eye was red, swollen any kind of light would hurt and make my eye tear. i also had to take like 20 different eye drops every hr and some pain killers to help(but never did)

doctor told me i could have lost my eye sight in that eye.

now things are getting better with my eye after a year and months. i had 3 eye surgeries since last december (going for a 4 one next year and i still see blurry with my eye) but im blessed to be getting better

its very hard to be going to the blackness,

i had some much anger at everybody and everything last year. when i was going through that pain i had i found out who are my real friends, i had none.

right now im still trying to change but sometimes i still have that anger and ask myself why??? i also wonder how would my life have been if i never got that infection??? sometimes there are questions you just cant get answers.

keep fighting OP!!!!
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by soltheman


Bruh. Jobs, money, and women are all things that come and go. As long as you have a solid circle of friends around you you'll be alright. Just chill with your support group for the next week or two and get back on your feet dude.

And don't worry about a bird, man. You should know better than that, fam.

I got no friends man 

nor family. Just me. 

For those wondering, this wasn't becus of a girl...it was because of me. Erika had nothing to do with this, so don't judge nor hound her. 

jokes aside we got you bro. never feel like you don't have anyone to speak with. as long as NT exists you have an extended family 24/7. depression almost got me years ago. once you hit the handful of pills level, you either do it right the next time or pick up from the bottom and start fixing the problems. your liver is giving you a second chance, dont waste it.

we're all behind you fam

Exactly.  And for all the bull *@+! girl problem threads that people float around here I'm pretty sure you could get some sound advice or have someone to talk to if you vented in general.  Or even on twitter bro, you got my twitter (proshares1) always willing to lend an ear.  Not to be harsh but don't take the cowards way out.  Take your time to be down, dust yourself off and get back it.  I've been down there and now I'm in the happiest place in my life now.
I know you don't want to be a charity case but, ever need any help getting back on your feet due to job loss, hit me up. I'll do my best to hook you up. As stated, we all fam here.
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

im fine y'all

Feel like *%%$, but i'll be alrite. Stupid decision but it felt like the right and only thing to do at that point.

Ground been crumbling under me lately. Lost a good job and pretty much everything else that meant something to me in life.

Thanks Erika. If it wasn't for you, i'd prolly be dead right now
Damb Monday....Apologies for being so harsh in my post.
I thought that this post was just to get your girl's attention.

It's a tough thing when you hit these types of pitfalls in life, but no pitfall is worth taking your own.  Take some time to yourself and regain your focus.  As long as you have your health and time, you have everything.  Hit reset, back up on your feet, and slowly start to get back on track.
all i gotta say is suicide is the most selfish thing you can do, those that do it lose all respect in my book, i understand we all have rough patches, but seriously, think of the billions that have it worst than you do..thats right, there are BILLIONS that have it way worse than any of us on here. by killing yourself you are not solving any of your problems you are just transferring them onto the people around you.
hope you learned from your hand full of hell brother
i've thought about takin' the same route for a while. but i know tylenol wouldn't do anything.. it's all i got though. since this isn't about me, i'll stop there.

i hope that you get out of this funk you're in. it's only temporary.
If you get a paper cut you gonna die.

Remind me of that kid on that show that tried to commit suicide by taking a whole bottle.
Originally Posted by JPTHE3

Marijuana is your best friend !

yeah listen to this guy, smoking always takes you out of a depression...
 same with alcohol....stupid stupid advice
Hold your head Monday.
Your expertise is definitely needed around here.
I know there are plenty of NY NTers that can help you get back on your feet.
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