I think Jack-In-The-Box just came up with the Best Meal ever

Man Florida is really slipping. No jack in the box or in & out
2 Tacos + Chicken Sandwich + Soda = $2.59
Damn man. We got it bad out here in the northeast. That is the best meal ever, all we got is the Dollar Menu. I will trade you guys all of yourgood-cheap food joints, for our Dutch Masters.
when I hear two tacos, chicken sandwich, and a soda for that price it REALLY makes me think what the hell is in those tacos and chicken sandwich. I would becautious of eating it for that price it must have some kind of nasty stuff. Oh well
ONE sourdough jack is more expensive that this whole meal.

but it's definitely the best burger they have.
sean p: yeah we could use more JITB here in the MW i guess, but seriously their tacos prob taste like crap compared to some of the taco joints here inchitown...god i love the influx of mexican immigrants here in the chi, they brought mad flavor with em

peep the sig...
we pretty much have one in every block down here in san antonio. I got tired of it from eating it too much.
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