It's relevant because you insinuated that racism is natural because people on debate.org agreed, so we could use that same rationale to conclude that penguins are ducks

But you're right that's trivial

I'm more interested in knowing what you meant when you said race realism

No...your previous post was to insinuate that debate.org was a bad site. But yet when you look at my link, there are pretty good answers on the Yes side. Your link has multiple trolls. Those two questions are different.

Example for your last line:

Racist: I don't like Middle Easterners, they shouldn't migrate to Europe.

Race Realism: I don't think anymore Middle Eastern refugees should continue to migrate to Europe due to the higher sexual assault rates.

How's Seth Rollins though? When will he come back?
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Now that da Census better reflects our diaspora, latino/Hispanic needs and or concerns will be much clearly addressed for future generations & beyond.
  Diaspora? You're part of the African Diaspora! And what "needs"? You're claiming to be "Latino/Hispanic", namely Dominican, what needs does AMERICA have to address. If you're not American, technically WE don't owe you ****.

...address your needs and concerns, like what free "Porsche Money" through government systems meant for AMERICANS?

You making sense of Trump's policies more and more in each of your replies. He's "telling you like it is", just like you've stated in this thread.

I for one, as a tax paying American, am not about to sit up here keep getting my face spat in for the sake of PC. You're basically making fun of the fact that Latinos / Hispanics or whatever you want to call yourself are exploiting America's programs loopholes.

....wait until there's a republican in office, and the super PAC that put him in office execute "Order 66".

Make sure you and your peoples are not American or Black then too. Don't look to Al Sharpton, Obama, NAACP, or NONE of them black folks for help. Because you're not a person of color, you're "Latino / Hispanic".
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Not in da American context which is used interchangeably with African American.

Im a dark skinned latino, da same why a light skinned latino won't identify as white.


if you not hispanic/latino then you just wont get it, we have our own universe outside American culture, thats intercontinental.

None of ya ever questioned why carmelo Anthony distinctively says he's ½ black & ½ puerto Rican?

Why Noreaga distinctively says he's ½ black & ½ Puerto Rican?

Because there's a distinction.

MLB thank god is one of da few avenues where Latinos of all stripes are accepted for who they are, and their ENTIRE culture and heritage is respected and honored accordingly, **** they even make SURE our names are pronounced with da Spanish accents COMPLETELY intact.
carmelo anthony is black. noreaga is black to. 

im mexican from la. go to jail. the dr dudes going to be with the blacks. ive been to jail. i have a sister in law half puerto rican and half black. shes black. we dont refer to her as a latina. you dont got to admit ish. you cant be what you want to be. you black. 
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My gf is from DR, years ago I called her black..........make a long story short she said she isn't black and she is from the "Spain side" or some **** I don't recall.

I was like G t f o h, she was serious though.
Im not racist, i hate everyone.

But on the real i wouldnt say im racist because me disliking someone or treating them poorly isnt based on their race,religion etc. Its usually because they are a holes and i was taught from a young age a holes come in all shapes,sizes and colors.

Edit: when i say a holes i dont mean literally an a hole....lol i reread what i posted and i figured some of yall gonna reply some slick **** haha
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My gf is from DR, years ago I called her black..........make a long story short she said she isn't black and she is from the "Spain side" or some **** I don't recall.

I was like G t f o h, she was serious though.
my sister in law is like that. shes dark skin has the black hair and  looks black but like to be referred to as latina. nobody does though. we all tell her shes black . my nephews and nieces look black. 

only people i have problems with are racist people. i used to hang around with the eses when i was younger and i cant lie and say i wasnt influenced by them cause they are all racist. my brother is an ese. i have other fam that are from those type gangs but i think its stupid now. i have no problems with any race. . my favorite artist , athletes etc etc. im influenced by black culture , i cant lie. i know ive even said some comments that can be seen as racist ,years ago on here but  ive changed. 
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"why can't we all just be americans" translates as to "be white" to most minorities.

you guys are literally stripping culture away from individuals when u say just be american.

be american is don't be black, don't be a minority.

I feel like i post excerpts from this doc every time this thread comes up


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If Spanish is your household tongue you are Latino, I don't care what race the color of your skin represents.

Now we going in circles.

So are people from Guinea, "Latino" as well? Spanish is the official language there.

Hell, are people from Spain Latino as well? By your definition...both of them are....and we know you wouldn't consider them that.
Not in da American context which is used interchangeably with African American.

Im a dark skinned latino, da same why a light skinned latino won't identify as white.


if you not hispanic/latino then you just wont get it, we have our own universe outside American culture, thats intercontinental.

None of ya ever questioned why carmelo Anthony distinctively says he's ½ black
carmelo anthony is black. noreaga is black to. 

im mexican from la. go to jail. the dr dudes going to be with the blacks. ive been to jail. i have a sister in law half puerto rican and half black. shes black. we dont refer to her as a latina. you dont got to admit ish. you cant be what you want to be. you black. 

:lol: [emoji]128580[/emoji]

Ya just as bad as them "why cant you just be American" videos.

And funny you bringing up Jails, in rikers island da Doninican Trinitarios gang was created specifically for protection in jail BECAUSE Dominicans didn't line up w/ da blacks and basically battled wit em every day.

You're part of the African Diaspora


*cough* after Colombian ::nerd: [emoji]128064[/emoji]
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In rikers island da Doninican Trinitarios gang was created specifically for protection in jail BECAUSE Dominicans didn't line up w/ da blacks and basically battled wit em every day.

*cough* after Colombian :
...And you're proud of that? 
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Dat shtick is gettin old btw
Right... posted more than 50 times and he's not even paying attention to instructions:

What is Person 1's RACE or ORIGIN?
Mark "x" one or more boxes AND write in the SPECIFIC race(s) or origin(s).

"85 percent of the residents ... have African ancestry, 9.4 percent Indian and less than 0.08 percent European! And on the father's side, through Y-DNA, we now know that only 1 percent of us descend from an Indian male and 36 percent from an African male. Yet the average person here describes their race as indio."

Im talkin bout you lol.

I would be banned if i posted a buncha pics of a member continuously talking about their race.
Im talkin bout you lol.

I would be banned if i posted a buncha pics of a member continuously talking about their race.
These are pics he's posted himself, HERE on NT. This is a race thread, why wouldn't I talk about race? I'm not being negative either.

 What you're asking me to do is be willfully ignorant to SCIENTIFIC facts. 

Very similar to what your ancestors did to blacks in the chattel slavery era, WORLDWIDE. You're asking me not to be educated because it's vexing TO YOUR identity.

...and indeed if you're talking about me, your outlook is part of a pattern that makes Ninjahood and other Dominicans deny their culture.

I've posted NOTHING but facts, from reputable sources; including the last one from world renowned historian and public intellectual, Henry Louis Gates.

You bothered by me posting FACTS? and not him posting skewed and gerrymandered reality, including a census he's posted dozens of times? 

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Im talkin bout you lol.

I would be banned if i posted a buncha pics of a member continuously talking about their race.

At this point he's trollin..

Meanwhile he posts a link full of comments FULL of pushback...census already adjusted it accordingly, he can say w/e da **** he wants at this point.
Yea I'm surprised dude isn't banned.

Dont people get banned for those type of antics?
Yea boy wild'n

Don't get me wrong I personally disagree with ninja but I've also met Dominicans on both sides of this fence.

At the end of the day who really gives a ****, honestly if dude doesn't wanna be black why do you wan't him to? We've seen time and again how this dude feels about black people I personally say good riddance.
At this point he's trollin..

Meanwhile he posts a link full of comments FULL of pushback...census already adjusted it accordingly, he can say w/e da **** he wants at this point.

Man look, I'm just posting online like anyone else. So now I'm supposed to be penalized for posting efficient and accurate responses?

It's like you're saying that if I was a slave that can comprehensively read and write that I should be killed. 

Although this is banter to me, and nothing more than entertainment while I get through the day, I do feel like it is my civic duty to educated people when it is pertinent.

Despite winning the fight for independence , the Dominican Republic remains institutionalized, which is why it remained underdeveloped.

It's why Dominicans come to the United States to THRIVE. Sadly, many bring their ignorance and insular worldview with them.

...a perpetual cycle of inferiority and failure.

But you know what? Since you think I'm trollin', how about I PERSONALLY pay for a DNA test? Seriously, and we post the results here.

Let's educate the world TOGETHER.

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It's not healthy to be this obsessed with someone that you don't even know. Dude talking bout he would pay for ninjahood's DNA test like it was ever that serious.

Seek help honestly.

Dude you are delusional to think you're not a troll.

In your last troll thread (which was locked), you couldn't answer the simple question of whether or not it was you in your avy. No one said they didn't believe people recognized you from NT. We were just asking HOW is it possible when no one knows what you look like, when you've never posted a pic of yourself, etc... Now if that's you in your avy then maybe some people have recognized you. However, you avoided answering a simple yes or no question not once, not twice, but FIVE times. While responding in lengthy detail to the following posts.

And now, you are posting a childhood album of another man on the internet.

How do you expect any one to take you seriously?

Please just leave NT for good and never come back. We promise that we won't miss your "civic duty to educate people". You are "da cancer of NT General" word to ninja.
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It's not healthy to be this obsessed with someone that you don't even know. Dude talking bout he would pay for ninjahood's DNA test like it was ever that serious.

Seek help honestly.
Honestly, now I'm obsessed? Okay...

FACT #1:  dude responded to me and I corrected him... and while we could've kept it moving, he kept trying to one up me with his crude and obtuse knowledge of genealogy.

Da Hispanic category prioritizes ethnicity over race, because we're all completely mixed.

Bout time da census updated....
It doesn't matter whether I know him or not, I will never be obsessed over no man. However, I WILL  respond to someone's ignorance directed at me, if I feel like it.
I didn't not insult this man, I only posted FACTS, regardless of how challenging they may be to swallow for some of you. 

FACT #2:

I said, if dude thinks that I am trolling, I will pay for a DNA to establish some credibility that may break a cycle ignorance in his so-called culture, and do some good in the world. People are dying in DR over this racist mindset. Ninjahood himself said there's a gang in the streets and in prison harming blacks just for being black. How could you expect anyone to be okay with that, especially if you're interacting online with someone who feels that way?

...but your name is "ShootsRangOut", I wouldn't expect you to understand. You, need to seek help.

I'm good breh, and any one with common sense that can read sees that ...looks at the reps, I obviously didn't say anything wrong.

I happen to be viewing the same threads as DOPENESS the last couple days, and I don't get the vibe he's trolling.

im not agreeing or disagreeing, but he seems to have his beliefs, backed up my HIS world-view, thought-out logic.

he's just really been giving his opinions on said topic, and replying to other people's responses

THAT is more than I can say about some of these responses, and it surely isn't trolling just because they differ from your views.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but I personally have a problem with the culture of calling someone or assuming someone is trolling just because their view/opinion is different from yours.

It IS plausible that some people have different experiences, backgrounds, and cultural upbringing that allows them to have a complete different view on topics...especially one as complicated as race.

doesn't mean they are trolling...:rolleyes
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