I'm Going to be a DAD!!!

congrats brah, i see u got that lil quitta decked out n jordan gear. your a good man

i always liked the name Jordan for a girl...or any unisex name for a girl...

i bought my best friends neice her first Jordan outfit when she was born

i always liked the name Jordan for a girl...or any unisex name for a girl...

i bought my best friends neice her first Jordan outfit when she was born
My wife is now 29 hours into labor and only 4cm's dilated.....lil man just doesn't wanna come out yet.....threw all of what she's been going threw I have a whole new respect for my wife she's a trooper
My wife is now 29 hours into labor and only 4cm's dilated.....lil man just doesn't wanna come out yet.....threw all of what she's been going threw I have a whole new respect for my wife she's a trooper
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