Injustice by the NYPD in ChinaTown,

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

 trash pigs like the ones shown in the video could catch bullets to their spinal cord and end up being vegetables for the rest of their lifes and i would care less.
That's a very, very cold thing to say. Hope you don't have regrets when you read that tomorrow or the next time. That's harsh, dude. Really... that's harsh. 
honestly i have a very negative sentiment towards cowards who abuse their authority and bully rather then protect. the rampart scandal around my way was a joke,  oscar grant, sean bell etc.  i have no respect for bad cops whatsoever.  it's harsh but some cops are just scum pigs. i don't mean that towards all police but the bad ones are dangerous to their communities and the places their supposed to "serve"

Ok, people who abuse their authority are deplorable. But can we please not lump every cop that way?    
I really don't feel like I'm asking for too much, just a bit of decency... especially not saying that "I wouldn't blink an eye if his spine was severed" I mean seriously... why act like a barbarian? We're not simply cavemen... we live by a code of conduct... human decency.

When your house is burglarized or you're sitting at a stoplight and a punk comes into your car with a gat in his hand pointing it at you... call those pigs for help. 

But remember what you said here. 

It's absolutely reprehensible and you ought to be ashamed of yourself.  
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

 trash pigs like the ones shown in the video could catch bullets to their spinal cord and end up being vegetables for the rest of their lifes and i would care less.
That's a very, very cold thing to say. Hope you don't have regrets when you read that tomorrow or the next time. That's harsh, dude. Really... that's harsh. 
honestly i have a very negative sentiment towards cowards who abuse their authority and bully rather then protect. the rampart scandal around my way was a joke,  oscar grant, sean bell etc.  i have no respect for bad cops whatsoever.  it's harsh but some cops are just scum pigs. i don't mean that towards all police but the bad ones are dangerous to their communities and the places their supposed to "serve"

Ok, people who abuse their authority are deplorable. But can we please not lump every cop that way?    
I really don't feel like I'm asking for too much, just a bit of decency... especially not saying that "I wouldn't blink an eye if his spine was severed" I mean seriously... why act like a barbarian? We're not simply cavemen... we live by a code of conduct... human decency.

When your house is burglarized or you're sitting at a stoplight and a punk comes into your car with a gat in his hand pointing it at you... call those pigs for help. 

But remember what you said here. 

It's absolutely reprehensible and you ought to be ashamed of yourself.  
Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Then I guess it's cool to drop N bombs and Shilock slurs.
They are officers of the law. They may have acted inappropriately (a la Rodney King... well that's even debateable as we was hopped up on PCP) but they're still human beings and are carrying out a job. 
Of course I agree that they overreacted and they shouldn't have been acting that way towards an elderly man... but it's like saying "Oh that pack of N****** raped that girl and they oughta pay (I'm alluding to the incident in Texas). Let's call them what they are... officers. Dirty officers? Ok. But they're still officers. 

No more slurs. 
Is there something wrong with that?  I'm pretty sure people that campaign against racial slurs aren't doing it to defend the dignity of rapists.

I'll call a criminal whatever I want.  If 6 dudes bloody up an old man in a park, I really don't care too much about their feelings.

They're pigs bro.  Pigs.
Is there something wrong with calling a group of black people N******? Yes, last time I checked it is wrong and I certainly wouldn't do it. I feel you really missed my point... like completely. 
Nah.  I got your point.  It's wrong to generalize and say disrespectful things about a group of people because of the actions of a few.  (Well I got that much at least.  The "no more slurs" thing makes it sound like you just have a problem with harsh language in general.)

In the same point of view, I think it's wrong to treat a group of criminals as if they're the good kind of people just because there is a lot of good people that could be associated with them.

I would actually be offended if other cops called these people "officers".

And I don't know what rape case you're talking about in Texas, but if it's as simple as it sounds, then I would also expect my black people to be able to point a finger and enthusiastically say "SHOOT THOSE N_______."

Why are you trying to defend them anyways ?  What kinda hold hands and save the world
you preachin'?
Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Then I guess it's cool to drop N bombs and Shilock slurs.
They are officers of the law. They may have acted inappropriately (a la Rodney King... well that's even debateable as we was hopped up on PCP) but they're still human beings and are carrying out a job. 
Of course I agree that they overreacted and they shouldn't have been acting that way towards an elderly man... but it's like saying "Oh that pack of N****** raped that girl and they oughta pay (I'm alluding to the incident in Texas). Let's call them what they are... officers. Dirty officers? Ok. But they're still officers. 

No more slurs. 
Is there something wrong with that?  I'm pretty sure people that campaign against racial slurs aren't doing it to defend the dignity of rapists.

I'll call a criminal whatever I want.  If 6 dudes bloody up an old man in a park, I really don't care too much about their feelings.

They're pigs bro.  Pigs.
Is there something wrong with calling a group of black people N******? Yes, last time I checked it is wrong and I certainly wouldn't do it. I feel you really missed my point... like completely. 
Nah.  I got your point.  It's wrong to generalize and say disrespectful things about a group of people because of the actions of a few.  (Well I got that much at least.  The "no more slurs" thing makes it sound like you just have a problem with harsh language in general.)

In the same point of view, I think it's wrong to treat a group of criminals as if they're the good kind of people just because there is a lot of good people that could be associated with them.

I would actually be offended if other cops called these people "officers".

And I don't know what rape case you're talking about in Texas, but if it's as simple as it sounds, then I would also expect my black people to be able to point a finger and enthusiastically say "SHOOT THOSE N_______."

Why are you trying to defend them anyways ?  What kinda hold hands and save the world
you preachin'?
Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

I see 6 cops beating up an elderly man.

Nah man.  You gotta call them pigs.  Anything else would be disrespectful to the victim.
Then I guess it's cool to drop N bombs and Shilock slurs.
They are officers of the law. They may have acted inappropriately (a la Rodney King... well that's even debateable as we was hopped up on PCP) but they're still human beings and are carrying out a job. 
Of course I agree that they overreacted and they shouldn't have been acting that way towards an elderly man... but it's like saying "Oh that pack of N****** raped that girl and they oughta pay (I'm alluding to the incident in Texas). Let's call them what they are... officers. Dirty officers? Ok. But they're still officers. 

No more slurs. 
Is there something wrong with that?  I'm pretty sure people that campaign against racial slurs aren't doing it to defend the dignity of rapists.

I'll call a criminal whatever I want.  If 6 dudes bloody up an old man in a park, I really don't care too much about their feelings.

They're pigs bro.  Pigs.
Is there something wrong with calling a group of black people N******? Yes, last time I checked it is wrong and I certainly wouldn't do it. I feel you really missed my point... like completely. 

Did you just put calling black people the n-word and calling the police pigs on the same level, though?

Are their different classifications of NYPD cops? I was in NYC on a school trip and we were staying in a hostel in Harlem. One morning I was outside of the hostel on the sidewalk just eating my breakfast and minding my own business... All of a sudden I'm approached by two dudes that weren't even dressed like regular cops (plainclothes, no gun etc, they just pulled a badge) and they started questioning me and asking for id. I was confused as hell but went inside to get my id even though i was pretty sure it wasn't within their rights to question me like that. My teacher ended up sorting it out, but i was kinda pissed because the dudes were power-tripping like no other.
Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

I see 6 cops beating up an elderly man.

Nah man.  You gotta call them pigs.  Anything else would be disrespectful to the victim.
Then I guess it's cool to drop N bombs and Shilock slurs.
They are officers of the law. They may have acted inappropriately (a la Rodney King... well that's even debateable as we was hopped up on PCP) but they're still human beings and are carrying out a job. 
Of course I agree that they overreacted and they shouldn't have been acting that way towards an elderly man... but it's like saying "Oh that pack of N****** raped that girl and they oughta pay (I'm alluding to the incident in Texas). Let's call them what they are... officers. Dirty officers? Ok. But they're still officers. 

No more slurs. 
Is there something wrong with that?  I'm pretty sure people that campaign against racial slurs aren't doing it to defend the dignity of rapists.

I'll call a criminal whatever I want.  If 6 dudes bloody up an old man in a park, I really don't care too much about their feelings.

They're pigs bro.  Pigs.
Is there something wrong with calling a group of black people N******? Yes, last time I checked it is wrong and I certainly wouldn't do it. I feel you really missed my point... like completely. 

Did you just put calling black people the n-word and calling the police pigs on the same level, though?

Are their different classifications of NYPD cops? I was in NYC on a school trip and we were staying in a hostel in Harlem. One morning I was outside of the hostel on the sidewalk just eating my breakfast and minding my own business... All of a sudden I'm approached by two dudes that weren't even dressed like regular cops (plainclothes, no gun etc, they just pulled a badge) and they started questioning me and asking for id. I was confused as hell but went inside to get my id even though i was pretty sure it wasn't within their rights to question me like that. My teacher ended up sorting it out, but i was kinda pissed because the dudes were power-tripping like no other.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Is there something wrong with that?  I'm pretty sure people that campaign against racial slurs aren't doing it to defend the dignity of rapists.

I'll call a criminal whatever I want.  If 6 dudes bloody up an old man in a park, I really don't care too much about their feelings.

They're pigs bro.  Pigs.
Is there something wrong with calling a group of black people N******? Yes, last time I checked it is wrong and I certainly wouldn't do it. I feel you really missed my point... like completely. 
Nah.  I got your point.  It's wrong to generalize and say disrespectful things about a group of people because of the actions of a few.  (Well I got that much at least.  The "no more slurs" thing makes it sound like you just have a problem with harsh language in general.)

In the same point of view, I think it's wrong to treat a group of criminals as if they're the good kind of people just because there is a lot of good people that could be associated with them.

I would actually be offended if other cops called these people "officers".

And I don't know what rape case you're talking about in Texas, but if it's as simple as it sounds, then I would also expect my black people to be able to point a finger and enthusiastically say "SHOOT THOSE N_______."

Why are you trying to defend them anyways ?  What kinda hold hands and save the world
you preachin'?
I'm a Devil Dog and I have experience being persecuted for doing the right thing and dealing with people who are upset at the big picture but take it out on you. Geez, just look at my posts tonight. Do I agree with the actions that those officers took on that day? No. Do I want to use slurs to describe them and lump them into a category? Absolutely not. 
Call them what you want but when you're staring down the barrel of a gun when someone's grabbing your car/house keys... we'll see who you call. 

Bacon... pigs. Keep on keeping on, but think about what I'm saying the next time you're in trouble. 

Moderate Gatsby wrote:
Billy BloodBath wrote:
ItsGettinHot wrote:
Is there something wrong with that?  I'm pretty sure people that campaign against racial slurs aren't doing it to defend the dignity of rapists.

I'll call a criminal whatever I want.  If 6 dudes bloody up an old man in a park, I really don't care too much about their feelings.

They're pigs bro.  Pigs.

Is there something wrong with calling a group of black people N******? Yes, last time I checked it is wrong and I certainly wouldn't do it. I feel you really missed my point... like completely. 

Did you just put calling black people the n-word and calling the police pigs on the same level, though?


Yup! A slur is a slur. When my father was called a baby-killer after doing a tour in Vietnam... I took that as offensive. 

A slur is a slur... period. 
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Is there something wrong with that?  I'm pretty sure people that campaign against racial slurs aren't doing it to defend the dignity of rapists.

I'll call a criminal whatever I want.  If 6 dudes bloody up an old man in a park, I really don't care too much about their feelings.

They're pigs bro.  Pigs.
Is there something wrong with calling a group of black people N******? Yes, last time I checked it is wrong and I certainly wouldn't do it. I feel you really missed my point... like completely. 
Nah.  I got your point.  It's wrong to generalize and say disrespectful things about a group of people because of the actions of a few.  (Well I got that much at least.  The "no more slurs" thing makes it sound like you just have a problem with harsh language in general.)

In the same point of view, I think it's wrong to treat a group of criminals as if they're the good kind of people just because there is a lot of good people that could be associated with them.

I would actually be offended if other cops called these people "officers".

And I don't know what rape case you're talking about in Texas, but if it's as simple as it sounds, then I would also expect my black people to be able to point a finger and enthusiastically say "SHOOT THOSE N_______."

Why are you trying to defend them anyways ?  What kinda hold hands and save the world
you preachin'?
I'm a Devil Dog and I have experience being persecuted for doing the right thing and dealing with people who are upset at the big picture but take it out on you. Geez, just look at my posts tonight. Do I agree with the actions that those officers took on that day? No. Do I want to use slurs to describe them and lump them into a category? Absolutely not. 
Call them what you want but when you're staring down the barrel of a gun when someone's grabbing your car/house keys... we'll see who you call. 

Bacon... pigs. Keep on keeping on, but think about what I'm saying the next time you're in trouble. 

Moderate Gatsby wrote:
Billy BloodBath wrote:
ItsGettinHot wrote:
Is there something wrong with that?  I'm pretty sure people that campaign against racial slurs aren't doing it to defend the dignity of rapists.

I'll call a criminal whatever I want.  If 6 dudes bloody up an old man in a park, I really don't care too much about their feelings.

They're pigs bro.  Pigs.

Is there something wrong with calling a group of black people N******? Yes, last time I checked it is wrong and I certainly wouldn't do it. I feel you really missed my point... like completely. 

Did you just put calling black people the n-word and calling the police pigs on the same level, though?


Yup! A slur is a slur. When my father was called a baby-killer after doing a tour in Vietnam... I took that as offensive. 

A slur is a slur... period. 
Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

That's a very, very cold thing to say. Hope you don't have regrets when you read that tomorrow or the next time. That's harsh, dude. Really... that's harsh. 
honestly i have a very negative sentiment towards cowards who abuse their authority and bully rather then protect. the rampart scandal around my way was a joke,  oscar grant, sean bell etc.  i have no respect for bad cops whatsoever.  it's harsh but some cops are just scum pigs. i don't mean that towards all police but the bad ones are dangerous to their communities and the places their supposed to "serve"

Ok, people who abuse their authority are deplorable. But can we please not lump every cop that way?    
I really don't feel like I'm asking for too much, just a bit of decency... especially not saying that "I wouldn't blink an eye if his spine was severed" I mean seriously... why act like a barbarian? We're not simply cavemen... we live by a code of conduct... human decency.

When your house is burglarized or you're sitting at a stoplight and a punk comes into your car with a gat in his hand pointing it at you... call those pigs for help. 

But remember what you said here. 

It's absolutely reprehensible and you ought to be ashamed of yourself.  
By the way, I got a homie that was murdered in front of almost 90 witnesses and the detective that was working his case never bothered to meet with the victim's family and doesn't answer/return phone calls.

They're definitely not the ones I call when stuff happens.

If I see an officer doing his duty then i'll give him the respect he deserves.  But let's be real, when does a cop NOT abuse their power?  Cops I see don't even follow traffic laws.  They just hit their sirens, do what they want, and turn em off when they get down the block.
Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

That's a very, very cold thing to say. Hope you don't have regrets when you read that tomorrow or the next time. That's harsh, dude. Really... that's harsh. 
honestly i have a very negative sentiment towards cowards who abuse their authority and bully rather then protect. the rampart scandal around my way was a joke,  oscar grant, sean bell etc.  i have no respect for bad cops whatsoever.  it's harsh but some cops are just scum pigs. i don't mean that towards all police but the bad ones are dangerous to their communities and the places their supposed to "serve"

Ok, people who abuse their authority are deplorable. But can we please not lump every cop that way?    
I really don't feel like I'm asking for too much, just a bit of decency... especially not saying that "I wouldn't blink an eye if his spine was severed" I mean seriously... why act like a barbarian? We're not simply cavemen... we live by a code of conduct... human decency.

When your house is burglarized or you're sitting at a stoplight and a punk comes into your car with a gat in his hand pointing it at you... call those pigs for help. 

But remember what you said here. 

It's absolutely reprehensible and you ought to be ashamed of yourself.  
By the way, I got a homie that was murdered in front of almost 90 witnesses and the detective that was working his case never bothered to meet with the victim's family and doesn't answer/return phone calls.

They're definitely not the ones I call when stuff happens.

If I see an officer doing his duty then i'll give him the respect he deserves.  But let's be real, when does a cop NOT abuse their power?  Cops I see don't even follow traffic laws.  They just hit their sirens, do what they want, and turn em off when they get down the block.
it's like, some cops want us to hate them. do they forget there are more of us than they are of them?

really ruins the image of the cops that are actually there to serve and protect.
it's like, some cops want us to hate them. do they forget there are more of us than they are of them?

really ruins the image of the cops that are actually there to serve and protect.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

 trash pigs like the ones shown in the video could catch bullets to their spinal cord and end up being vegetables for the rest of their lifes and i would care less.
That's a very, very cold thing to say. Hope you don't have regrets when you read that tomorrow or the next time. That's harsh, dude. Really... that's harsh. 
honestly i have a very negative sentiment towards cowards who abuse their authority and bully rather then protect. the rampart scandal around my way was a joke,  oscar grant, sean bell etc.  i have no respect for bad cops whatsoever.  it's harsh but some cops are just scum pigs. i don't mean that towards all police but the bad ones are dangerous to their communities and the places their supposed to "serve"
I have to agree with my man here, I think these types of individuals are scum. And, I too could care less about them. Although I wouldn't wish pain on them, I wouldn't have one emotion if told something did happen to one of them.
Like you know how killing a cop is insta deathrow, well I think because of the position these guys have as protectors if they commit a crime its 100x worse and their punishment should be 100x worse.
I have no sympathy BECAUSE there are good policemen. So, no excuse. A persons title career wise means nothing too me unless they are good human beings.
So I don't praise or respect anyone until they prove they deserve it, doesn't matter if your a cop, firefighter, military, doctor, whatever... if you act like a bad person then you are scum and even more so if you hold a "respectable" title.

Also, if you act like that then yes you are a pig.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

honestly i have a very negative sentiment towards cowards who abuse their authority and bully rather then protect. the rampart scandal around my way was a joke,  oscar grant, sean bell etc.  i have no respect for bad cops whatsoever.  it's harsh but some cops are just scum pigs. i don't mean that towards all police but the bad ones are dangerous to their communities and the places their supposed to "serve"

Ok, people who abuse their authority are deplorable. But can we please not lump every cop that way?    
I really don't feel like I'm asking for too much, just a bit of decency... especially not saying that "I wouldn't blink an eye if his spine was severed" I mean seriously... why act like a barbarian? We're not simply cavemen... we live by a code of conduct... human decency.

When your house is burglarized or you're sitting at a stoplight and a punk comes into your car with a gat in his hand pointing it at you... call those pigs for help. 

But remember what you said here. 

It's absolutely reprehensible and you ought to be ashamed of yourself.  
By the way, I got a homie that was murdered in front of almost 90 witnesses and the detective that was working his case never bothered to meet with the victim's family and doesn't answer/return phone calls.

They're definitely not the ones I call when stuff happens.

If I see an officer doing his duty then i'll give him the respect he deserves.  But let's be real, when does a cop NOT abuse their power?  Cops I see don't even follow traffic laws.  They just hit their sirens, do what they want, and turn em off when they get down the block.
The cops that you see are not representative of all officers in the nation/world. 
You take the law into your own hands? Never call the cops? Good luck with that. See you in the obits, dude. 
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

 trash pigs like the ones shown in the video could catch bullets to their spinal cord and end up being vegetables for the rest of their lifes and i would care less.
That's a very, very cold thing to say. Hope you don't have regrets when you read that tomorrow or the next time. That's harsh, dude. Really... that's harsh. 
honestly i have a very negative sentiment towards cowards who abuse their authority and bully rather then protect. the rampart scandal around my way was a joke,  oscar grant, sean bell etc.  i have no respect for bad cops whatsoever.  it's harsh but some cops are just scum pigs. i don't mean that towards all police but the bad ones are dangerous to their communities and the places their supposed to "serve"
I have to agree with my man here, I think these types of individuals are scum. And, I too could care less about them. Although I wouldn't wish pain on them, I wouldn't have one emotion if told something did happen to one of them.
Like you know how killing a cop is insta deathrow, well I think because of the position these guys have as protectors if they commit a crime its 100x worse and their punishment should be 100x worse.
I have no sympathy BECAUSE there are good policemen. So, no excuse. A persons title career wise means nothing too me unless they are good human beings.
So I don't praise or respect anyone until they prove they deserve it, doesn't matter if your a cop, firefighter, military, doctor, whatever... if you act like a bad person then you are scum and even more so if you hold a "respectable" title.

Also, if you act like that then yes you are a pig.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

honestly i have a very negative sentiment towards cowards who abuse their authority and bully rather then protect. the rampart scandal around my way was a joke,  oscar grant, sean bell etc.  i have no respect for bad cops whatsoever.  it's harsh but some cops are just scum pigs. i don't mean that towards all police but the bad ones are dangerous to their communities and the places their supposed to "serve"

Ok, people who abuse their authority are deplorable. But can we please not lump every cop that way?    
I really don't feel like I'm asking for too much, just a bit of decency... especially not saying that "I wouldn't blink an eye if his spine was severed" I mean seriously... why act like a barbarian? We're not simply cavemen... we live by a code of conduct... human decency.

When your house is burglarized or you're sitting at a stoplight and a punk comes into your car with a gat in his hand pointing it at you... call those pigs for help. 

But remember what you said here. 

It's absolutely reprehensible and you ought to be ashamed of yourself.  
By the way, I got a homie that was murdered in front of almost 90 witnesses and the detective that was working his case never bothered to meet with the victim's family and doesn't answer/return phone calls.

They're definitely not the ones I call when stuff happens.

If I see an officer doing his duty then i'll give him the respect he deserves.  But let's be real, when does a cop NOT abuse their power?  Cops I see don't even follow traffic laws.  They just hit their sirens, do what they want, and turn em off when they get down the block.
The cops that you see are not representative of all officers in the nation/world. 
You take the law into your own hands? Never call the cops? Good luck with that. See you in the obits, dude. 
Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Is there something wrong with calling a group of black people N******? Yes, last time I checked it is wrong and I certainly wouldn't do it. I feel you really missed my point... like completely. 
Nah.  I got your point.  It's wrong to generalize and say disrespectful things about a group of people because of the actions of a few.  (Well I got that much at least.  The "no more slurs" thing makes it sound like you just have a problem with harsh language in general.)

In the same point of view, I think it's wrong to treat a group of criminals as if they're the good kind of people just because there is a lot of good people that could be associated with them.

I would actually be offended if other cops called these people "officers".

And I don't know what rape case you're talking about in Texas, but if it's as simple as it sounds, then I would also expect my black people to be able to point a finger and enthusiastically say "SHOOT THOSE N_______."

Why are you trying to defend them anyways ?  What kinda hold hands and save the world
you preachin'?
I'm a Devil Dog and I have experience being persecuted for doing the right thing and dealing with people who are upset at the big picture but take it out on you. Geez, just look at my posts tonight. Do I agree with the actions that those officers took on that day? No. Do I want to use slurs to describe them and lump them into a category? Absolutely not. 
Call them what you want but when you're staring down the barrel of a gun when someone's grabbing your car/house keys... we'll see who you call. 

Bacon... pigs. Keep on keeping on, but think about what I'm saying the next time you're in trouble. 


LOL Funny story, one time i was at the precinct picking up my car when they towed it. I was walking behind this tall white balding officer, my homie was like, yo son smell like bacon. I took a deep breath and dude really did smelled like bacon trailing from his face.
Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Is there something wrong with calling a group of black people N******? Yes, last time I checked it is wrong and I certainly wouldn't do it. I feel you really missed my point... like completely. 
Nah.  I got your point.  It's wrong to generalize and say disrespectful things about a group of people because of the actions of a few.  (Well I got that much at least.  The "no more slurs" thing makes it sound like you just have a problem with harsh language in general.)

In the same point of view, I think it's wrong to treat a group of criminals as if they're the good kind of people just because there is a lot of good people that could be associated with them.

I would actually be offended if other cops called these people "officers".

And I don't know what rape case you're talking about in Texas, but if it's as simple as it sounds, then I would also expect my black people to be able to point a finger and enthusiastically say "SHOOT THOSE N_______."

Why are you trying to defend them anyways ?  What kinda hold hands and save the world
you preachin'?
I'm a Devil Dog and I have experience being persecuted for doing the right thing and dealing with people who are upset at the big picture but take it out on you. Geez, just look at my posts tonight. Do I agree with the actions that those officers took on that day? No. Do I want to use slurs to describe them and lump them into a category? Absolutely not. 
Call them what you want but when you're staring down the barrel of a gun when someone's grabbing your car/house keys... we'll see who you call. 

Bacon... pigs. Keep on keeping on, but think about what I'm saying the next time you're in trouble. 


LOL Funny story, one time i was at the precinct picking up my car when they towed it. I was walking behind this tall white balding officer, my homie was like, yo son smell like bacon. I took a deep breath and dude really did smelled like bacon trailing from his face.
Originally Posted by BlazeDHoisanDoi

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Nah.  I got your point.  It's wrong to generalize and say disrespectful things about a group of people because of the actions of a few.  (Well I got that much at least.  The "no more slurs" thing makes it sound like you just have a problem with harsh language in general.)

In the same point of view, I think it's wrong to treat a group of criminals as if they're the good kind of people just because there is a lot of good people that could be associated with them.

I would actually be offended if other cops called these people "officers".

And I don't know what rape case you're talking about in Texas, but if it's as simple as it sounds, then I would also expect my black people to be able to point a finger and enthusiastically say "SHOOT THOSE N_______."

Why are you trying to defend them anyways ?  What kinda hold hands and save the world
you preachin'?
I'm a Devil Dog and I have experience being persecuted for doing the right thing and dealing with people who are upset at the big picture but take it out on you. Geez, just look at my posts tonight. Do I agree with the actions that those officers took on that day? No. Do I want to use slurs to describe them and lump them into a category? Absolutely not. 
Call them what you want but when you're staring down the barrel of a gun when someone's grabbing your car/house keys... we'll see who you call. 

Bacon... pigs. Keep on keeping on, but think about what I'm saying the next time you're in trouble. 


LOL Funny story, one time i was at the precinct picking up my car when they towed it. I was walking behind this tall white balding officer, my homie was like, yo son smell like bacon. I took a deep breath and dude really did smelled like bacon trailing from his face.
Completely off topic but I can't believe the Frankenstein like transformation that he made. I was talking about this for like an hour today... it simply amazing/disgusting/sad.

Joe Jackson really did a number on him. 
Originally Posted by BlazeDHoisanDoi

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Nah.  I got your point.  It's wrong to generalize and say disrespectful things about a group of people because of the actions of a few.  (Well I got that much at least.  The "no more slurs" thing makes it sound like you just have a problem with harsh language in general.)

In the same point of view, I think it's wrong to treat a group of criminals as if they're the good kind of people just because there is a lot of good people that could be associated with them.

I would actually be offended if other cops called these people "officers".

And I don't know what rape case you're talking about in Texas, but if it's as simple as it sounds, then I would also expect my black people to be able to point a finger and enthusiastically say "SHOOT THOSE N_______."

Why are you trying to defend them anyways ?  What kinda hold hands and save the world
you preachin'?
I'm a Devil Dog and I have experience being persecuted for doing the right thing and dealing with people who are upset at the big picture but take it out on you. Geez, just look at my posts tonight. Do I agree with the actions that those officers took on that day? No. Do I want to use slurs to describe them and lump them into a category? Absolutely not. 
Call them what you want but when you're staring down the barrel of a gun when someone's grabbing your car/house keys... we'll see who you call. 

Bacon... pigs. Keep on keeping on, but think about what I'm saying the next time you're in trouble. 


LOL Funny story, one time i was at the precinct picking up my car when they towed it. I was walking behind this tall white balding officer, my homie was like, yo son smell like bacon. I took a deep breath and dude really did smelled like bacon trailing from his face.
Completely off topic but I can't believe the Frankenstein like transformation that he made. I was talking about this for like an hour today... it simply amazing/disgusting/sad.

Joe Jackson really did a number on him. 
Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

 trash pigs like the ones shown in the video could catch bullets to their spinal cord and end up being vegetables for the rest of their lifes and i would care less.
That's a very, very cold thing to say. Hope you don't have regrets when you read that tomorrow or the next time. That's harsh, dude. Really... that's harsh. 

No, that's not harsh enough. I could honestly care less what happens to a cop.
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